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Discover Lucrative Career Opportunities as a Land Surveyor in Singapore - Apply Today!

Land Surveyor Job In Singapore

Looking for a challenging career as a land surveyor in Singapore? Explore the exciting opportunities and responsibilities of this role. Apply now!

Are you interested in pursuing a career that combines your passion for the outdoors, mathematics, and technology? Look no further than becoming a land surveyor in Singapore! Not only is this job in high demand, but it also offers a lucrative salary and opportunities for growth in the industry.

As a land surveyor, you will use specialized equipment to measure and map out land boundaries, locations, and other geographic features. This data is essential for various projects, such as construction sites, urban planning, and resource management. It's safe to say that land surveyors play an integral role in shaping Singapore's landscape!

According to the Ministry of National Development, the demand for land surveyors in Singapore is expected to grow in the coming years. As the country continues to develop and expand, there will be a need for professionals who can accurately assess and document the land's condition.

Additionally, land surveyors in Singapore earn a competitive salary, with entry-level positions starting at around SGD $2,500 per month. With experience and expertise, you could potentially earn up to SGD $10,000 per month or more!

One of the best aspects of being a land surveyor in Singapore is the opportunity for career advancement. You could become a team leader, project manager, or even start your own surveying firm. The possibilities are endless!

If you're interested in becoming a land surveyor, you will need to have a keen eye for detail, excellent problem-solving skills, and strong analytical abilities. You should also have a degree in surveying or a related field, such as civil engineering, geomatics, or geography. Additionally, you will need to be certified by the Singapore Land Authority to work as a licensed land surveyor.

Working as a land surveyor in Singapore also means you get to enjoy the country's beautiful landscapes and outdoor activities. From exploring nature parks to cycling along the coast, there's never a dull moment in this city-state.

In conclusion, if you're someone who loves technology, math, and the great outdoors, then a career as a land surveyor in Singapore may be the perfect fit for you. With high demand, competitive salaries, and opportunities for growth, it's an ideal profession for anyone looking for a fulfilling and challenging career. Are you ready to start your journey towards becoming a licensed land surveyor in Singapore? The adventure awaits!


Land surveying is a crucial job in Singapore that involves measuring and mapping land accurately. It helps property owners, developers, builders, and government agencies to understand the actual size, boundary, and topography of the land. This job requires specialized skills, knowledge, and equipment to complete different types of surveying projects successfully.

Education and Skills Requirement

To become a land surveyor in Singapore, you need to have at least a diploma or degree in land surveying, geomatics or related disciplines. You must also obtain a license from the Professional Engineers Board (PEB) and register with the Singapore Land Surveyors Board (LSB). In addition, you need to have excellent math skills, attention to detail, problem-solving abilities, communication skills, and knowledge of surveying software and tools.

Job Duties

Land surveyor's duties include conducting field surveys, preparing survey reports, interpreting maps and plans, calculating land measurements, using GPS and other tools to determine precise locations, and creating 3D models of land, among others. Surveyors may work on a variety of projects, such as analyzing soil stability, determining construction site suitability, preparing maps for flood risk assessment, and establishing legal boundaries.

Work Environment

Land surveyors typically work outdoors, sometimes in remote locations, and sometimes under inclement weather. They may use heavy equipment and tools, such as tripods, levels, laser scanners, drones, and total stations. Surveyors have to follow safety procedures to avoid accidents and injuries while working. They may also have to work in collaboration with architects, engineers, and construction professionals to ensure alignment with project goals and standards.

Career Prospects

The career prospects for land surveyors in Singapore are positive. The country's growing economy and infrastructure development are creating opportunities for land surveyors to participate in various projects. Additionally, there is a need for higher accuracy and innovative surveying technologies. The demand for experienced and licensed surveyors is expected to remain stable in the coming years.

Salary Expectation

The salary for a land surveyor in Singapore depends on the level of experience, job responsibilities, and industry. According to Glassdoor, the average base salary for a land surveyor in Singapore is SGD 46,000 per year, ranging from SGD 27,000 to SGD 72,000 per year. However, this figure may vary depending on the employer, project type, and location.


Land surveying is a challenging job that requires attention to detail and precision. Surveyors have to work in diverse weather conditions, challenging terrains, legal complexities, and project deadlines. In addition, they have to invest time and money staying current on the most updated technology and practices in this ever-evolving field.


In Conclusion, Land surveying is an essential job that plays a critical role in many construction and infrastructure projects in Singapore. With the country's growing economy and development, there are plenty of career opportunities for experienced and licensed land surveyors. It's a demanding but fulfilling profession that rewards hard work and dedication with salaries and benefitting packages.

Comparison of Land Surveyor Jobs in Singapore


Land Surveyors play a crucial role in the construction and development industry as they ensure that land is accurately measured and demarcated. Singapore, being a land-scarce country, has many opportunities for land surveyors. However, like any other profession, there are pros and cons to working as a land surveyor in Singapore.

Educational requirements

To become a land surveyor in Singapore, one must have a degree in surveying or geospatial information. The educational requirements are stringent, which ensure that only well-qualified individuals practice as licensed land surveyors. Singapore has some of the top universities that offer surveying courses such as National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU).

Salary and Benefits

Land surveyors in Singapore earn a decent salary that is comparable to other professions. The starting salary of a junior land surveyor is around SGD 3,000, while senior surveyors can earn up to SGD 10,000. Some firms offer insurance, health benefits, and bonuses to their employees. However, the work can be demanding, and there are times when overtime may be required, but it comes with extra pay.

Work Environment

Land surveyors work both indoors and outdoors, depending on the project. They may work in high-rise buildings, remote areas, or construction sites. The work environment can be challenging and demanding because they must interpret technical drawings, adjust complex instruments, and record accurate data. Creating maps, undertaking measurements, and drawing plans are also common tasks.

Job Security

The demand for land surveyors in Singapore is expected to grow in the next few years. With the government's push to build more infrastructure and houses, there will always be opportunities available for land surveyors. Additionally, the industry is highly regulated, which ensures job security.

Work-life balance

Land surveyors usually have a 5-day workweek, with working hours ranging from 8 am to 5 pm. However, on-site work can be demanding and may require long hours of standing, walking or carrying heavy equipment. Working during weekends or public holidays may also be required depending on the project. Therefore, it can be challenging to maintain work-life balance.

Professional development

Attending training workshops, acquiring new certifications, and keeping updated with the latest technology are vital for a land surveyor's professional development. Singapore has various professional associations that offer regular training, networking sessions and other opportunities for professional enhancement.

Skills required

Land surveyors must have excellent mathematical, problem-solving, and analytical skills. They must have the ability to use various surveying equipment such as Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Total Stations and surveying software. Communication, teamwork, and time management skills are also essential.

Opportunities for advancement

Land surveyors can advance their careers by taking up management roles or specializing in a specific area of surveying. For instance, one can become a licensed land surveyor or a registered surveyor with the Land Surveyors Board. The experience gained over the years and advanced knowledge can lead to higher salaries and better job prospects.

Comparison Table

| Attributes | Land Surveyor Jobs in Singapore | |---------------------|--------------------------------||Educational Requirements|Degree in surveying or geospatial information || Salary | SGD 3,000-10,000 | | Work Environment | Indoors and outdoors || Job Security | High demand || Work-Life Balance | Challenging || Professional Development | Professional associations providing training and certifications || Skills Required | Mathematical, analytical, problem-solving || Opportunities for Advancement | Management roles or specialization |


Being a land surveyor in Singapore can be rewarding if one has a passion for accuracy and precision. The industry is highly regulated, which ensures job security. However, it can be challenging to maintain work-life balance due to the demanding nature of the work. Nonetheless, with excellent educational qualifications, professional development, and opportunities for advancement, a career as a land surveyor can be fulfilling.


Land surveying is an exciting and challenging profession that offers a unique blend of outdoor work, technical expertise, and project management skills. In Singapore, the demand for land surveyors is high due to the country's rapid urbanization and construction boom. If you're passionate about the built environment and enjoy working outdoors, a career in land surveying may be right for you.

What Does a Land Surveyor Do?

Land surveyors are responsible for measuring and mapping the earth's surface to determine property boundaries, topography, and other physical features. They use a range of tools and techniques, including GPS, total stations, and computer-aided design software, to gather and analyze data. The information they collect is used to create maps, plans, and legal documents that guide construction projects, property transactions, and civic planning initiatives.

Key Skills and Qualifications

To become a land surveyor in Singapore, you will need to have a degree in surveying or a related field, as well as be registered with the Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers (SISV). In addition to these formal qualifications, there are a few key skills and attributes that are essential for success in this career:

  • Attention to detail: As a land surveyor, you will need to be meticulous in your work to ensure that your measurements and calculations are accurate.
  • Problem-solving skills: You will likely encounter unexpected challenges on the job, and you'll need to be able to think creatively to find solutions.
  • Communication skills: Land surveyors work as part of a team, and you will need to be able to communicate effectively with clients, colleagues, and stakeholders.
  • Physical fitness: The job of a land surveyor can be physically demanding, requiring you to spend long hours on your feet and potentially working in difficult terrain.

Land Surveying Job Market in Singapore

The land surveying job market in Singapore is currently very strong, with many opportunities available for qualified professionals. This is due in part to the country's continued investment in infrastructure and construction projects. Some of the types of organizations that hire land surveyors in Singapore include:

  • Architecture firms
  • Civil engineering companies
  • Construction companies
  • Government agencies
  • Land surveying firms

Job Duties and Responsibilities

Some of the key duties and responsibilities of a land surveyor in Singapore may include:

  • Gathering data on land features, including boundaries, contours, and elevations
  • Analyzing data and preparing maps, plans, and reports
  • Conducting site inspections and measurements
  • Interpreting legal documents related to land ownership and property rights
  • Advising clients and stakeholders on land use issues
  • Supervising junior surveying staff

Career Progression and Salary Expectations

As a land surveyor in Singapore, there are many opportunities for professional development and career progression. With experience and additional qualifications, you may be able to advance to more senior roles, such as project manager or department head. You could also choose to specialize in a particular area of land surveying, such as hydrographic or aerial surveying.

In terms of salary, land surveyors in Singapore can expect to earn an average annual salary of between $50,000 and $100,000, depending on their experience and qualifications.

The Future of Land Surveying in Singapore

The future of land surveying in Singapore looks bright, with continued demand for professionals in this field as the country continues to grow and develop. In addition, new technologies such as drones and 3D laser scanning are transforming the way that land surveying is done, creating even more opportunities for innovation and growth in this exciting field.


Land surveying is a rewarding and fulfilling career that offers opportunities for professional development and growth. In Singapore, the demand for qualified land surveyors is high, making this a great time to consider a career in this dynamic and exciting field.

Hello, welcome to our blog post about the job of a Land Surveyor in Singapore. In Singapore, there is always an increasing demand for professional land surveyors. The construction industry constantly requires the expertise of a land surveyor to ensure that the construction process runs smoothly according to the planned design.

A land surveyor is responsible for measuring and mapping out the three-dimensional coordinates of natural and man-made features on the land, as well as any boundaries and elevations that may be relevant. They are also responsible for ensuring that a project adheres to local and national laws relating to the building process in Singapore.

To become a land surveyor in Singapore, one must possess a degree from an accredited university or diploma in geomatics, surveying, engineering or related fields, and have a minimum of two years of working experience under the supervision of a registered land surveyor. Candidates who meet these requirements will be eligible to apply, sit for, and pass the LSQE (Land Surveyor Qualifying Examination) set by the Licensing Board in Singapore.

In Singapore, there are various types of projects that require the expertise of a land surveyor, and these typically include civil and commercial construction, mining, railway construction, and tunneling. A land surveyor carries out a series of measurements right from the planning stage to completion, ensuring that the design is executed according to the plans provided by the architect or engineer.

A land surveyor should be proficient in the use of specialized equipment such as GPS (Global Positioning System), robotic total stations, digital levels, and mapping software. They should also have strong analytical and observational skills, as well as knowledge of local construction regulations, codes, procedures, and techniques to ensure quality control standards and safety expectations are being met.

The role of a land surveyor in Singapore is a critical one as it helps to ensure that the integrity and safety of the construction project are maintained. In addition, land surveyors play a significant role in resolving any boundary disputes between developers or neighboring property owners, which prevents costly legal problems from arising. They also monitor environmental conditions during the construction process to ensure that there is minimal disturbance to the surroundings.

Besides the above, a land surveyor will be involved in producing surveys like topographic surveys, elevation certificates, boundary surveys, ALTA surveys, hydrographic surveys, and as-built surveys. Land surveying is a highly technical job that requires precision, skill, and patience. A passionate individual who aspires to develop their career in the field of land surveying should possess these essential qualities in abundance.

In conclusion, a career as a land surveyor in Singapore is promising since the demand for skilled land surveyors is continuously growing with the increasing developments in the construction industry. It is a highly rewarding career choice that presents diversity in the projects undertaken, technical challenges, and opportunities for career advancement. If you have an interest in land surveying and possess the qualities mentioned above, then this could be the career for you.

Thank you for reading our blog post, we hope that we have provided you with comprehensive insights into the land surveying profession in Singapore. Be sure to leave your comments, and if you have any queries regarding this topic, please do not hesitate to contact us.

As an AI language model, here are some commonly asked questions about the Land Surveyor Job in Singapore:

  1. What is the job description of a Land Surveyor in Singapore?

    A Land Surveyor's job is to measure and map out land areas for different purposes, including construction projects, boundary lines, and other land developments. They use specialized tools and equipment to collect precise measurements and data to inform and guide property development.

  2. What qualifications do I need to become a Land Surveyor in Singapore?

    In Singapore, to be a Licensed Land Surveyor, you will need to have completed a degree in Surveying, Geomatics or Civil Engineering or possess a diploma in surveying, geomatics or its equivalent. You also need to pass the Surveying Professional Examination conducted by the Singapore Land Authority and have at least two years of relevant work experience before you can apply for a license.

  3. What skills are essential for becoming a Land Surveyor in Singapore?

    Land Surveyors must possess strong analytical and mathematical skills, computer literacy, and be able to use different surveying equipments proficiently. They should have excellent communication skills as they frequently communicate with clients or engineers to understand project needs and provide updates.

  4. What kind of employers hire Land Surveyors in Singapore?

    Land Surveyors can find employment with private sector companies, architecture or engineering consultancies, or government agencies such as the Singapore Land Authority or HDB. They may also work on a freelance basis for private clients and developers.

  5. What is the salary range for a Land Surveyor in Singapore?

    The average salary range for a licensed Land Surveyor in Singapore is between SGD 35,000 to SGD 80,000 per year, depending on qualifications, years of experience, and type of employer. Freelance surveyors can earn higher as their rates vary according to project complexity and duration.

  6. What are the current job prospects for Land Surveyors in Singapore?

    The demand for Land Surveyors in Singapore remains high as the nation continues to invest heavily in infrastructure developments such as MRT lines, highways, and land reclamation projects. There is also a growing trend in using technology-driven surveying tools such as drones and Lidar, which further enhances the job prospects for surveyors who are knowledgeable on these technologies.

People Also Ask about Land Surveyor Job in Singapore

1. What does a land surveyor do?

A land surveyor is responsible for measuring and determining the boundaries, contours, and other physical characteristics of a piece of land. They use specialized equipment and techniques to accurately measure distances, angles, and elevations on the land.

2. What qualifications do I need to become a land surveyor in Singapore?

In Singapore, to become a licensed land surveyor, you typically need to have a relevant degree in surveying or geomatics engineering. Additionally, you must complete a professional training program and pass the Land Surveyors Board examination to obtain a license.

3. What skills are important for a land surveyor?

Some essential skills for a land surveyor include proficiency in using surveying instruments and software, strong mathematical and analytical skills, attention to detail, problem-solving abilities, and good communication skills. They should also have a solid understanding of land laws and regulations.

4. What are the job prospects for land surveyors in Singapore?

The job prospects for land surveyors in Singapore are generally favorable. With ongoing urban development and infrastructure projects, there is a continuous demand for land surveying services. Additionally, land surveyors can also work in various sectors such as construction, real estate, and government agencies.

5. What is the average salary of a land surveyor in Singapore?

The average salary of a land surveyor in Singapore varies depending on experience, qualifications, and the employer. On average, a land surveyor can expect to earn between SGD 40,000 to SGD 80,000 per year. Salary levels can increase with additional experience and expertise.

6. Are there any professional organizations for land surveyors in Singapore?

Yes, there are professional organizations for land surveyors in Singapore. The Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers (SISV) is one such organization that promotes the professional development and networking opportunities for land surveyors and other related professionals.

7. Are there any challenges in the land surveyor profession in Singapore?

Like any profession, land surveying in Singapore comes with its own set of challenges. Some common challenges include dealing with complex land boundaries, working in diverse terrains and weather conditions, and staying updated with the latest technological advancements in surveying equipment and software.

Overall, a career as a land surveyor in Singapore offers exciting opportunities for those interested in working with land measurement and spatial data. It requires a combination of technical skills, knowledge of land laws, and a passion for precision.