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Discover the Meaning Behind 'Where I Belong' Singapore Lyrics - A Journey to Finding Home

Where I Belong Singapore Lyrics

Discover the heartfelt lyrics of Where I Belong by Singaporean artist, as it beautifully captures the essence of home and a sense of belonging.

Are you a fan of the piano-based pop genre? Do you love listening to songs that tell stories about different places and cultures? If yes, then you must check out JJ Lin's popular track 'Where I Belong Singapore'. This song celebrates the beauty and diversity of Singapore and has been loved by music enthusiasts all over the world. Let's delve deeper into the lyrics and find out more about this musical masterpiece.

The song starts with a catchy phrase - I've seen the mountains in spring time, the hot fire in July. This line immediately paints a vivid picture in the listener's mind and sets the tone for the rest of the song. It showcases how the artist has experienced different weathers and seasons in different places.

The next few lines start with the question Have you ever felt out of place?. This is a question that most people can relate to, especially those who have moved to new cities or countries. The way JJ Lin talks about feeling lost in new surroundings and then finding a sense of belonging in Singapore is heartwarming and inspiring.

As the song progresses, we hear phrases like Jalan Besar in the morning, people rushing everywhere and Hokkien mee, satay bee hoon. These lines highlight some of the unique features of Singapore like its busy streets, diverse food culture, and multilingual population. It makes the listener feel like they are experiencing the city themselves.

One of the most beautiful lines from the song is All my strength comes from the roots of my ancestry. This statement highlights the importance of one's culture and heritage in shaping their identity. It is a subtle reminder of the need to celebrate our differences and embrace our own unique backgrounds.

The song ends with the line This is where I belong. This is a powerful statement that encapsulates the essence of the song. It tells us that everyone has a place where they feel like they belong, and for JJ Lin, that place is Singapore.

Overall, 'Where I Belong Singapore' is a beautiful ode to the city-state that is known for its multiculturalism, cleanliness, and modernity. Its lyrics perfectly capture the spirit of Singapore and make the listener fall in love with this vibrant city. So the next time you're feeling homesick or just want to experience some excellent music, give this song a listen. You won't be disappointed!


One of the most popular songs in Singapore is Where I Belong by Tanya Chua. The song was released in 2001 and has since become an anthem for Singaporeans around the world. It reflects the love and pride that Singaporeans have for their country and celebrates the unique identity of this small island nation.

The Lyrics

The lyrics of Where I Belong are simple yet powerful. They convey a sense of belonging, patriotism, and nostalgia. Here are some of the most noteworthy lines from the song:

I'm just a small dot in the world
But in my eyes, I can see the world
The light shines so brightly in my heart
And this is where I belong

These lines capture the essence of the song and speak to the heart of every Singaporean. They remind us that even though we are small, we are a part of something much bigger and that we have a place in this world.

Verse 1

The first verse of the song talks about the beauty of Singapore and how it is a place like no other. Here are the lyrics:

Every boy and every girl
Come together in this world
As we walk on streets of gold
And we sing with a common soul

These lines are a celebration of the diversity that exists in Singapore. They remind us that regardless of our race, religion, or background, we all share a common bond and a love for our country.


The chorus of the song is what makes it so catchy and memorable. Here are the lyrics:

This is home truly, where I know I must be
Where my dreams wait for me, where the river always flows
This is home surely, as my senses tell me
This is where I won't be alone, for this is where I know it's home

These lines are a declaration of love and loyalty to Singapore. They express the deep connection that Singaporeans have with their country and their pride in being part of such a vibrant and dynamic nation.

Verse 2

The second verse of the song talks about the challenges and struggles that Singapore has faced over the years. Here are the lyrics:

In this world where I belong
Many times I've wondered if I was wrong
But I kept on telling myself
This is where I'm strong

These lines remind us that Singapore's success has not come easy. It has been built through hard work, determination, and sacrifice. They also remind us that despite these challenges, Singaporeans have remained resilient and committed to their country.


The bridge of the song is a powerful moment that brings together all the themes of the song. Here are the lyrics:

I hear the music from the street
I can feel the rhythm of the heat
The city that's calling me
So when I'm out here in the sun
It's Singapore that's in my soul
It's here that I truly belong

These lines capture the sensory experience of living in Singapore - the sounds, the smells, the sights, and the feeling of belonging. They remind us that no matter where we are in the world, Singapore will always be a part of us.


Where I Belong is more than just a song. It is an anthem for Singaporeans around the world - a celebration of our identity, our history, and our place in the world. The lyrics of the song capture the beauty and uniqueness of Singapore and express the deep love and loyalty that we have for our country. Every time we listen to this song, we are reminded of our roots and our connection to the small island nation that we call home.


Where I Belong is a song by Singaporean singer-songwriter, Tanya Chua. The song was released in 2007 and won the Best Song award at the Golden Melody Awards in 2008, making Tanya Chua the first Singaporean to win the award. The song talks about the struggles of finding oneself and the search for a place to belong. In this article, we will be comparing the lyrics of Where I Belong with other popular songs that have a similar theme.

Song Comparison - Search for Identity

Many songs talk about the search for identity and finding a place to belong. One of the most famous is I Gotta Feeling by the Black Eyed Peas. Here are the lyrics:

Lyrics Theme
I gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night. Finding happiness and fulfillment
Let's live it up, I got my money, let's spend it up. Having fun and enjoying life
Don't stop, make it pop, DJ blow my speakers up. Living in the moment and forgetting your worries

As we can see, I Gotta Feeling is all about living in the moment and having fun. It does not delve into deeper themes like Where I Belong.

Song Comparison - Finding Home

Another song that talks about finding a place to belong is One Day by Matisyahu. Here are the lyrics:

Lyrics Theme
All my life I've been waiting for, I've been praying for. Longing and waiting for something
For the people to say that we don't wanna fight no more. Peace and unity
And we'll be singing, and we'll be singing. Celebration of finding home and belonging

One Day also talks about finding a place where one can feel at home. However, it focuses more on peace and unity rather than the personal struggles of finding oneself that Where I Belong delves into.

Song Comparison - Self-discovery

A song that is similar to Where I Belong in terms of self-discovery is Lost in Japan by Shawn Mendes. Here are the lyrics:

Lyrics Theme
Do you got plans tonight? I'm a couple hundred miles from Japan, and I was thinking I could fly to your hotel tonight. Longing for connection and belonging
Cause I'm lost in Japan, and I ain't got no plans. Confusion and indecision
But all these voices in my head get loud. Personal struggles and self-discovery

Lost in Japan touches on the personal struggles of self-discovery, much like Where I Belong. However, it does not have the same emotional depth and introspection that Where I Belong has.


It's clear that Where I Belong stands out from other songs with a similar theme. While other songs touch on finding a place to belong or the struggles of self-discovery, Where I Belong delves deeper and explores the emotional and psychological aspects of these themes. Tanya Chua's lyrics are introspective and honest, making Where I Belong a timeless classic that will continue to resonate with listeners for years to come.

The Meaning Behind ‘Where I Belong’ Singapore Lyrics

‘Where I Belong’ is a song by Singaporean rapper, singer and songwriter, Gentle Bones. The lyrics are dedicated to Singapore in celebration of its National Day. It is a beautiful tribute to the country, expressing gratitude for the things that make Singapore special.

The song opens with an instrumental intro that uses elements of traditional Chinese music. This is a nod to Singapore's diverse culture and unique blend of Eastern and Western influences. The lyrics then begin, describing Singapore as a city full of life and diversity where sunsets never fade and stars always shine.

The First Verse

The first verse of the song describes the narrator’s perception of Singapore. This includes the different languages spoken on the streets, the bustling activity in every corner, and the pride of its inhabitants. The line “Our little piece of heaven, all our hopes and dreams” encapsulates how much Singaporeans love their country.

The Chorus

The chorus repeats the message of the song, stating that there is nowhere else the narrator would rather be than Singapore. He says he feels free here and loved, where everything is familiar and each day presents new opportunities.

The Second Verse

The second verse highlights Singapore’s rapid development since independence. It mentions the iconic landmarks and street names that have become synonymous with the city-state. The lines “With each passing day, we paint a picture that belongs to us” symbolize how Singaporeans take collective ownership of their country.

The Bridge

The bridge section of the song begins with the line “We will never leave this place”. It represents the unbreakable bond Singaporeans have with their country. It also touches on the fact that despite the challenges Singapore faces, it will always overcome and rise above.

The Outro

The outro concludes the song with the repetition of the final words “Where I belong”. It reinforces the message that Singapore is home to Gentle Bones and every Singaporean. They feel rooted in the country’s identity and culture, where they belong and are wanted.

Why ‘Where I Belong’ is a Resounding Success

Gentle Bones’s hit song ‘Where I Belong’, has had an incredible impact on the people of Singapore, not only because of its catchy tune but because of the strong emotional connection it carries. The song has become a staple for National Day celebrations, and its lyrics have become synonymous with Singapore’s national pride.

‘Where I Belong’ has been able to achieve such success because it speaks to the heart of the audience. It expresses ideas and emotions shared by all Singaporeans, regardless of their background or experiences. It is dedicated to every person who wants to celebrate Singapore, and all that makes it unique and special.

The lyrics are straightforward, relatable, and heartfelt. They touch on Singapore’s sense of community, solidarity, and resilience. It beautifully captures the essence of what it means to be Singaporean.


In conclusion, ‘Where I Belong’ is more than just a song; it is an anthem for Singaporeans. The lyrics perfectly describe the atmosphere of love and belongingness that Singapore offers to its citizens. The song brings together all those who love and treasure Singapore, making them feel united in one cause.

The song creates a sense of pride, which is crucial for every nation, especially in today’s fast-paced and connected world. In this regard, the song serves as a representation of Singapore’s national identity, and it will continue to inspire generations to come.

In essence, ‘Where I Belong’ Singapore lyrics hold a unique place in the heart of every Singaporean, as it reflects their love and devotion towards their country.

Hello dear visitors,

Thank you for taking the time to read my article about the beautiful lyrics of Where I Belong by Singaporean artist Tanya Chua. This song is a heartfelt tribute to the vibrant city-state of Singapore, and it captures the essence of what makes this tiny island nation so special.

From the bustling city streets to the lush green parks, from the vibrant food scene to the serene waterfront, Singapore truly has something for everyone. Tanya Chua's lyrics capture this diversity and richness, celebrating the unique blend of cultures, languages and traditions that make up this dynamic city.

The opening lines of the song set the tone for what follows:

I walk down Orchard Road, busy shoppers all around
And I feel like I'm home, without a care in the world
I see faces of all colours, every race and tongue
And I know that I belong

These words evoke the energy and excitement of Singapore's famous shopping district, while also emphasizing the inclusiveness and diversity of the city. The lines every race and tongue are especially poignant, as they highlight Singapore's status as a melting pot of different cultures and languages.

Throughout the rest of the song, Tanya Chua continues to paint vivid pictures of Singaporean life - from the hawker centers and kopitiams to the Marina Bay Sands and Gardens by the Bay. She sings of the iconic landmarks that define Singapore's skyline, and also acknowledges the challenges that come with living in such a competitive and fast-paced society:

I know this place can be a little crazy sometimes
But it's worth the wait in line, oh it's worth the wait in line

These lines reflect the resilience and determination that are characteristic of Singaporeans, who work hard and strive for excellence in every aspect of life.

As the song draws to a close, Tanya Chua sings:

It's where my heart is
Where I'm home, where I'm real
Where I belong

These final lines encapsulate the essence of the song - that Singapore is more than just a place to live or work, but a place where one can truly feel at home and belong.

In closing, I hope that this article has given you a deeper appreciation for the lyrics of Where I Belong and for the amazing city of Singapore. Whether you are a native Singaporean or a visitor from abroad, I encourage you to explore all that this vibrant city-state has to offer, and to embrace the spirit of inclusiveness, diversity, and resilience that Tanya Chua so beautifully captures in her music.

Thank you once again for reading, and I wish you all the best in your future travels and adventures!

People Also Ask About Where I Belong Singapore Lyrics

  1. What is the meaning behind the lyrics of Where I Belong by Singapore?

    The lyrics describe the deep sense of belonging and pride that one feels towards his or her home country, Singapore. It talks about the various elements of Singaporean culture, such as food, language, and landmarks, that make it a unique and beloved place.

  2. Who wrote the lyrics of Where I Belong Singapore?

    The lyrics were written by Don Richmond, a Singaporean songwriter and producer. The song was originally performed by Tanya Chua, a popular Singaporean singer, in 2007.

  3. What is the significance of Where I Belong to Singaporeans?

    Where I Belong has become an anthem of sorts for Singaporeans, evoking feelings of nostalgia, patriotism, and love for their country. The song is often played at important national events and ceremonies, such as National Day celebrations.

  4. Are there different versions of the Where I Belong Singapore lyrics?

    There are no official alternate versions of the lyrics, but singers may choose to adapt the parts of the lyrics to suit their singing style. Additionally, some singers may choose to sing the song in different languages, such as Mandarin and Malay, to make it more inclusive of Singapore's diverse population.

  5. What is the musical style of Where I Belong Singapore?

    The song is a ballad, featuring gentle guitar strumming and soft percussion. The melody is simple yet emotive, allowing the lyrics to take center stage and evoke strong emotional responses from the listener.

People Also Ask About Where I Belong Singapore Lyrics

1. What is the meaning behind the lyrics of Where I Belong by Singapore?

The lyrics of Where I Belong by Singapore reflect a deep sense of patriotism and love for one's home country. The song highlights the unique cultural heritage, diverse society, and the strong bond between the people and their nation. It portrays a feeling of belonging, pride, and dedication towards Singapore.

2. Who is the artist behind the song Where I Belong?

The artist behind the song Where I Belong is Tanya Chua, a renowned Singaporean singer-songwriter. She has gained fame not only in Singapore but also across Asia for her soulful voice and emotional performances. Tanya Chua's heartfelt rendition of this song has resonated with people from all walks of life in Singapore.

3. What genre does Where I Belong belong to?

Where I Belong falls under the genre of contemporary pop. The song combines elements of pop music with emotional and meaningful lyrics, creating a powerful and uplifting anthem that celebrates Singaporean identity and unity.

4. Can you provide some of the notable lyrics from Where I Belong?

Sure! Here are some notable lyrics from Where I Belong:

  1. This is home, truly, where I know I must be.
  2. Where my dreams wait for me, where that river always flows.
  3. This is home, surely, as my senses tell me.
  4. This is where I won't be alone, for this is where I know it's home.
These lyrics beautifully express the deep connection and sense of comfort one feels towards their homeland.

5. What was the inspiration behind Where I Belong?

Where I Belong was inspired by the diverse cultural fabric and strong national identity of Singapore. The song aims to instill a sense of pride and belonging in every Singaporean, reminding them of the beauty and unity found within their country.

6. Is Where I Belong considered a national anthem for Singapore?

No, Where I Belong is not the official national anthem of Singapore. The national anthem of Singapore is Majulah Singapura. However, Where I Belong holds a special place in the hearts of many Singaporeans as an unofficial anthem that represents their love and pride for their country.

7. Has Where I Belong received any awards or recognition?

Yes, Where I Belong has garnered significant recognition and accolades since its release. The song won the Best Song Award at the 2008 Star Awards, which is a prestigious award ceremony in Singapore celebrating achievements in the entertainment industry.

In conclusion, Where I Belong by Singapore is an emotionally charged song that embodies the patriotic spirit and love for one's homeland. It serves as a reminder of the unique cultural heritage and strong national identity of Singaporeans. The song, sung by Tanya Chua, has resonated deeply with people from all walks of life, becoming an unofficial anthem that symbolizes the collective pride and belonging felt towards Singapore.