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First Time Speeding Offence in Singapore: Understanding Penalties and Legal Consequences

First Time Speeding Offence Singapore

First Time Speeding Offence Singapore: Understand the consequences and legalities of your first speeding offense in Singapore. Learn about fines, demerit points, and potential license suspension.

Have you recently found yourself in a situation where you received a speeding ticket in Singapore for the first time? You're not alone. Every year, thousands of drivers are caught violating the speed limit on Singapore roads, and they are penalized for it.

In Singapore, speeding is a serious offence that can lead to hefty fines, demerit points, and even imprisonment if it causes an accident. The penalties for speeding offences are meant to deter drivers from engaging in reckless driving habits and promote road safety.

If you have committed a first-time speeding offence in Singapore, the following information will provide you with vital insight and guidance on how to handle the situation.

First, let's look at the consequences of a speeding offence in Singapore. Speeding tickets carry demerit points that get added to your driving license. If you accumulate 24 or more points within 24 consecutive months, you will face suspension or disqualification of your driving license.

The amount of fine you need to pay depends on how fast you drove above the speed limit. Speeding within the prescribed limit of the road would not result in a penalty. However, exceeding the speed limit by more than 40km/h could lead to a $1,000 to $2,000 fine and a six-month suspension of the driving license.

If you have received a speeding ticket for the first time, you can either plead guilty and pay the fine or appeal against the traffic police's decision. The latter option allows you to defend your case and mitigate any detrimental implications the offence could have on your driving record and insurance premium.

Appealing to a first-time speeding offence in Singapore requires attention to detail and a thorough understanding of the rules and regulations governing the traffic system. Seeking legal advice may help you navigate through the rules and build a compelling defence strategy.

Moreover, attending a safe driving course can help reduce demerit points and fines, assist in enhancing practical driving skills and increase awareness of traffic rules.

Before you contest any traffic violation charge, ensure that you comply with the traffic rules and regulations to avoid further convictions. Keep track of your demerit points and pay heed to traffic signals, speed limit signs, and road markings.

Remember, driving is not just about getting from point A to point B efficiently. It's also about being responsible, aware and courteous to other road users.


In conclusion, receiving a first-time speeding offence in Singapore can be an unnerving experience. However, the comprehensive information above should alleviate some of your concerns. Ensuring you adhere to traffic rules, attending safe driving courses, and seeking legal advice may be in your best interest. By making the necessary arrangements, you can deal with a speeding offence professionally, effectively, and safely.


Speeding is a commonly committed traffic offence in Singapore where the majority of the population relies heavily on personal vehicles to get around. Whether it is due to time constraints or a need for convenience, drivers often find themselves violating speed limits on the road. For many, being caught for the first time can be a daunting experience, especially with the knowledge of the potential consequences that come with it. In this article, we will explore what first-time speeding offences are and what you can do if you find yourself in this situation.

What Constitutes As A First-Time Speeding Offence?

In Singapore, speeding is defined as exceeding the posted speed limit by a certain amount. Different types of roads have varying speed limits and there are also areas with additional restrictions such as school zones and construction sites. At present, the default speed limit in Singapore is 50 km/h and speeding fines will be issued when drivers exceed this limit by more than 1 km/h.

When a driver is caught speeding for the first time, they will receive a notice of offence from the Traffic Police. This notice will inform them of the offence committed, the fine amount and how to make payment within the stipulated deadline. In addition to the fine, a demerit point will also be given as a form of penalty. First-time speeders will receive three demerit points for their offence.

What Are The Consequences Of A First-Time Speeding Offence?

The fines for a first-time speeding offence range from $130 to $150 depending on the extent the speed limit has been exceeded. Drivers caught within a school zone or construction site may be slapped with a $300 fine instead. For further clarification, the fine amounts are as follow:

  • Exceeding the speed limit by 1 to 20 km/h - $130 fine
  • Exceeding the speed limit by 21 to 30 km/h - $150 fine
  • Exceeding the speed limit by more than 30 km/h or caught driving recklessly - Court charge with a maximum fine of $1,000 and six-month imprisonment.

The demerit point system in Singapore aims to encourage drivers to practise safe driving habits on the road. Accumulating too many points over a period of 24 months will result in the suspension of one's driving licence. For first-time speeders who have been given three demerit points, it is essential to be mindful of accumulating further points as it may lead to harsher penalties.

What Can You Do If You Are Caught Speeding?

If you find yourself caught for the first time speeding offence, there are several things you can do to handle the situation:

  1. Accept The Offence: Denying the offence will only complicate the matter further. Accept the notice and pay the fine before the deadline to avoid further complications.
  2. Seek Legal Advice: If you feel that you may have gotten issued an incorrect ticket or have, in fact, remained within the speed limit, seek legal advice for possibly appealing against the notice of offence.
  3. Learn From Your Mistake: Use this experience as a learning opportunity to improve your driving habits. Be more aware of the speed limits and practice mindful driving.


Speeding is a serious offence that should never be taken lightly. Drivers who find themselves caught for the first time must accept their mistake, pay the necessary fines and take steps to ensure that they do not accumulate further demerit points. Practising safe driving habits and being aware of speed limits will go a long way in keeping our roads safe for everyone. Remember, prevention is always better than the cure!


Speeding is a serious offence that can cause injuries or fatalities on the road. In Singapore, the government takes speeding very seriously and has put in place strict laws and penalties to curb this behaviour. For first-time offenders, the consequences of speeding can be quite severe, but it's important to know what to expect so that you can make the right decisions.


The penalties for a first-time speeding offence in Singapore include a fine of up to $1,000 and three to six demerit points. The severity of the fine and the number of demerit points depend on how much over the speed limit you were driving. The more you exceeded the limit, the higher the fine and the more demerit points you'll receive. For example, if you were driving 10km/h over the limit, you'll receive a fine of $150 and three demerit points. If you were driving 40km/h over the limit, the fine will be $1,000 and you'll receive six demerit points.

Licence Suspension

If you accumulate 12 or more demerit points within a 12-month period, your licence will be suspended for three months. This means that you won't be able to drive during that period, which can be inconvenient and may cause difficulties for you.

Impact on Insurance

A first-time speeding offence can also have an impact on your car insurance premiums. If you get demerit points for speeding, your insurance company may classify you as a higher-risk driver, which can lead to increased premiums. It's important to check with your insurance provider to understand how they'll handle the situation.

Repeat Offences

If you're caught speeding again within three years of your first offence, the penalties become much more severe. You'll receive a larger fine and may be disqualified from driving for a period of time. This can be really disruptive to your life, so it's important to avoid getting caught speeding again.

Table Comparison

Type of Offence Fine Range Demerit Points
Exceeding speed limit by up to 19 km/h $150 - $200 3
Exceeding speed limit by 20 - 29 km/h $200 - $300 4
Exceeding speed limit by 30 - 39 km/h $300 - $400 6
Exceeding speed limit by 40 km/h or more $1,000 6

Ways to Avoid Speeding Offences

The best way to avoid getting caught for speeding is to always abide by the speed limit. Additionally, it's a good idea to keep an eye on your speedometer, especially if you're driving on an unfamiliar road. If you're not sure what the speed limit is, look for signs along the road which indicate the limit. Avoiding driving when you're tired or under the influence of drugs or alcohol can also help you stay alert and aware, reducing the likelihood of you speeding unintentionally.


In conclusion, the penalties for a first-time speeding offence in Singapore are quite severe, including fines and demerit points. However, it's important to remember that these laws are in place to protect everyone on the road. By following the speed limit and staying alert and aware, you can avoid getting caught for speeding and keep yourself and others safe while driving.


Getting your first speeding offence in Singapore can be a very stressful experience. There are fines to pay, points to be deducted from your license, and potential impacts on your car insurance premiums. However, it is important to remember that mistakes happen, and this is an opportunity to learn and improve. In this article, we will provide you with some tips on what to do if you receive your first speeding offence in Singapore.

1. Accept responsibility

When you receive a speeding offence in Singapore, the first thing you should do is accept responsibility. This means paying the fine and not contesting the charges. Trying to fight the charges will only prolong the process, cost you more money, and potentially result in a harsher penalty.

2. Understand the penalties

It is important to understand the penalties associated with a speeding offence in Singapore. The penalties include demerit points, fines, and potential suspension of your driving license. The number of demerit points and amount of the fine will depend on how fast you were driving above the limit.

3. Learn from your mistake

The best way to avoid future speeding offences is to learn from your mistake. Think about what led you to speed and consider making changes to your driving habits. This may include allowing more time for your journey, avoiding distractions while driving, or taking a defensive driving course.

4. Keep track of your demerit points

Make sure you keep track of your demerit points after receiving a speeding offence. If you accumulate too many demerit points, your driving licence may be suspended. It is important to understand the demerit point system in Singapore and how many points are assigned to each type of offence.

5. Be prepared to pay higher car insurance premiums

A speeding offence can have an impact on your car insurance premiums. Your insurer may consider you a high-risk driver and charge you a higher premium for coverage. Make sure you inform your insurer about the offence and be prepared to pay higher premiums.

6. Drive safely

The best way to avoid future speeding offences is to drive safely. Observe all traffic laws, including speed limits, and always stay focused while driving. By driving safely, you not only avoid getting a speeding offence but also help make Singapore's roads safer for everyone.

7. Consider taking a defensive driving course

If you want to improve your driving skills and avoid future speeding offences, consider taking a defensive driving course. These courses teach drivers advanced driving techniques that can help them avoid accidents and drive more safely.

8. Use technology to remind you of speed limits

Many modern cars come equipped with technology that reminds drivers of speed limits. If your car does not have this feature, consider using a GPS or mobile app that alerts you when you are exceeding the speed limit. This can help you avoid future speeding offences.

9. Be patient when dealing with authorities

When dealing with the authorities after receiving a speeding offence, it is important to be patient and polite. The authorities are doing their job, and being rude or aggressive will only make the situation worse. Remember, mistakes happen, and this is an opportunity to learn and improve.

10. Seek professional advice if needed

If you have any questions or concerns about your first speeding offence, consider seeking professional advice. A lawyer or traffic specialist may be able to provide you with guidance on the best course of action and help you understand the penalties associated with the offence.


Receiving your first speeding offence in Singapore can be a difficult experience, but it is important to stay calm and learn from your mistake. By accepting responsibility, understanding the penalties, and taking steps to avoid future offences, you can turn this into a positive experience and become a safer, more responsible driver.

Hello visitors,

Today we will be discussing the consequences of your first time speeding offence in Singapore. As a foreigner or a local, it can be confusing to navigate the legal system here. However, we hope this article will shed some light on what to expect and how you can minimize the impact on your life.

If you are caught speeding for the first time in Singapore, the typical fine is between $130 to $1,000, depending on how much you exceeded the speed limit. You may also face demerit points on your driving license, which can affect your ability to drive in Singapore. This penalty is determined by the extent to which you exceeded the limit. For example, if you were driving at 30km/h above the limit, you will receive six demerit points, while if you were over by less than 20km/h, you will be given three demerit points. If you accumulate 24 points within two years, your license will be suspended for three months.

What’s more concerning is that a first-time offender will also have a one-year probationary period from the date of offense, where they will have to observe all traffic rules strictly. Any violation during this time will result in revoked driving privileges.

Fines, demerit points and possible suspension are just the tip of the iceberg. Many people get feared that their car insurance premiums will rise, even after one speeding offence. Any demerit points accrued will likely translate into higher insurance premiums, making it more difficult to keep your car on the road. Unfortunately, you cannot simply pay off your fine, serve your suspension or receive your driving licence with demerit points without explaining the circumstances of your case in court.

This becomes cumbersome, as it involves valuable time spent preparing legal documents and arranging meetings with the attorney general’s chambers. It is crucial to hire an experienced traffic lawyer if you want a fighting chance of getting off with a fine or fewer demerit points. Keep in mind that hiring a traffic lawyer requires additional costs, but it can save you money and resources in the long run.

Additionally, as a foreigner, your vulnerability to immigration consequences increases with any traffic offence. If you are on a Work Permit or a Social Visit Pass, for example, a speeding offence might lead to revocation, ruins job prospects, and academic progress. In essence, a neglected traffic offence can affect multiple areas of your life in Singapore.

So what can you do to prevent getting into this situation altogether? The best way to avoid a speeding ticket in Singapore is to simply follow the instructions and be alert to local speed limits. If you are unfamiliar with the roads, utilize the navigation system available, and watch for traffic signs that indicate changes in speed limit.

Once again, if you do end up with a speeding fine or notice of intended prosecution in Singapore, it's essential that you consult a traffic lawyer before you end up making any serious mistakes. Our experienced traffic lawyers can provide expert legal advice, and can handle all aspects of your case.

To conclude, a first time speeding offence in Singapore is no light matter. You are not only subjected to fines and demerit points, but may also experience insurance hikes, legal fees and suspension if not handled correctly. By seeking the assistance of an experienced traffic lawyer, you may avoid or minimize these consequences, helping you to get back to normalcy.

Thank you for taking the time to read and learn about what to expect from your first-time speeding ticket in Singapore. We hope this article was informative, and we wish you safe driving on Singapore roads!

People Also Ask About First Time Speeding Offence Singapore:

  1. What is the first time speeding offence in Singapore?
  2. The first-time speeding offence in Singapore is when a driver exceeds the speed limit by less than 20 km/h. The fine for this offence is typically around $130-$150.

  3. Will a first-time speeding offence affect my driving record in Singapore?
  4. Yes, a first-time speeding offence will be recorded on your driving record in Singapore. This may affect your driving demerit points and can result in a suspension of your driving license if you accumulate too many demerit points within a certain period of time.

  5. Can I appeal against a first-time speeding offence in Singapore?
  6. Yes, you can appeal against a first-time speeding offence in Singapore. However, it is important to note that appeals are only granted under exceptional circumstances. These circumstances include errors in the ticket, misidentification of the offender and emergency situations.

  7. Do I need to attend court for a first-time speeding offence in Singapore?
  8. Typically, no. First-time speeding offences in Singapore are generally settled through electronic payment or by mailing a cheque to the Traffic Police. However, if you wish to contest the offence, you may need to attend court.

  9. How can I avoid getting a first-time speeding offence in Singapore?
  10. The easiest way to avoid getting a first-time speeding offence in Singapore is to follow the speed limit. If you are unsure about the speed limit, look for road signs or refer to the Expressway Monitoring Advisory System (EMAS). Additionally, make sure that you are not distracted while driving and always maintain a safe following distance from the vehicle in front of you.

People Also Ask About First Time Speeding Offence Singapore

1. What are the penalties for a first-time speeding offence in Singapore?

In Singapore, the penalties for a first-time speeding offence depend on the severity of the speeding violation. The typical penalties include:

  • A fine of up to S$1,000
  • Demerit points added to your driving record
  • Possible suspension of your driving license
  • Mandatory attendance at a Driver Improvement Points System (DIPS) course

The specific penalty will be determined based on the degree of speed limit violation and the type of road you were caught speeding on.

2. How many demerit points will I receive for a first-time speeding offence?

For a first-time speeding offence, you can expect to receive demerit points based on the extent of your speed limit violation. The demerit points are as follow:

  • 1 to 20 km/h above the speed limit: 4 demerit points
  • 21 to 30 km/h above the speed limit: 6 demerit points
  • 31 to 40 km/h above the speed limit: 8 demerit points
  • Above 40 km/h above the speed limit: 12 demerit points

Accumulating demerit points can lead to further penalties, such as longer suspension periods or mandatory retraining courses.

3. Will I lose my driving license for a first-time speeding offence?

While losing your driving license for a first-time speeding offence is not automatic, it is possible depending on the severity of the offence. If you accumulate 24 or more demerit points within 24 months, your driving license may be suspended for a specified period of time.

For a first-time offender, the suspension period typically ranges from 4 to 12 weeks. However, if your speeding offence involves excessive speeding or endangers the safety of others, the suspension period may be longer.

4. Can I attend a Driver Improvement Points System (DIPS) course to avoid penalties?

Yes, attending a Driver Improvement Points System (DIPS) course can help you reduce the demerit points imposed on your driving record for a first-time speeding offence. The course is designed to educate drivers about safe driving practices and promote responsible behavior on the road.

Upon successful completion of the DIPS course, you can have up to 3 demerit points deducted from your overall demerit point count. However, it is important to note that attending the course does not exempt you from paying fines or other penalties associated with the speeding offence.

5. How long will a first-time speeding offence stay on my driving record?

A first-time speeding offence will typically stay on your driving record for a period of 24 months. During this time, the demerit points accumulated from the offence will be considered in determining any subsequent penalties for additional traffic violations.

It is essential to drive responsibly and abide by traffic rules to maintain a clean driving record and avoid further consequences.