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Resign During Probation Period Singapore: Know Your Rights and Legal Obligations

Resign During Probation Period Singapore

Resigning during probation? Find out your rights and obligations in Singapore. Understand the process, notice period, and potential consequences.

Resigning During Probation Period in Singapore: What You Need to Know

Getting a new job is always exciting, but what if you find yourself realizing that it might not be the right fit for you? If you're on probation, you might think quitting is the best choice – but is it always the right move?

Before making any decisions, it's important to understand what exactly probation periods are and what they entail. In Singapore, probation periods usually last for 3 to 6 months, during which your employer will assess your performance and suitability for the job.

But what happens if you decide to resign during probation? First, you should review your contract and check if there are any specific terms regarding resignation during this period.

One thing to keep in mind is that resigning during probation might negatively impact your future job prospects, as potential employers might question your commitment and reliability.

Still unsure about what to do? Here are some things to consider:

Is the job not living up to your expectations?

If you find yourself frustrated with the job or feel it is not what you expected, talk to your supervisor first. It's possible that your dissatisfaction can be addressed without having to resort to quitting.

Are you struggling with the workload?

Starting a new job can be overwhelming, especially if the workload is heavy. If you feel like you are struggling with it, talk to your supervisor or HR department to see if there are any solutions or accommodations that can be made.

Have you tried to adjust to the company culture?

Every workplace has its own culture, and it can take time to adapt. If you feel like you don't fit in or are having trouble adjusting, try to find ways to connect with your colleagues or participate in company events.

Ultimately, the decision to resign during probation is yours – but make sure you consider all aspects before taking action. Before quitting, think about why you wanted this job in the first place, and if there is still potential for growth and learning.

If you do decide to resign, make sure to follow proper protocol and give notice as required by your contract. A graceful exit can help preserve your professional reputation and ensure that future potential employers view you in a positive light.

In conclusion

Resigning during a probation period can be a tough decision, but it's important to weigh the pros and cons before taking any action. By considering your options and talking to your employer or HR department, you may be able to address your concerns without having to resort to quitting. And if you do ultimately decide to resign, make sure to do so gracefully.


When it comes to employment, there are times when things don't work out as expected. You may have been excited about the new job opportunity you landed, but after starting the job, you notice that it's not what you expected or maybe circumstances have changed, and you need to leave. Whatever the reason may be, resigning during the probation period is an issue that many employees face, and in this article, we will be discussing what you should know about resigning during your probation period in Singapore.

Understanding Your Probation Period

Probation periods are standard in most companies, and it's a chance for employers to evaluate their new employees and assess whether they fit in with the company culture and if they have the skills needed to perform their jobs appropriately. In Singapore, the typical probation period is three to six months, but this varies depending on the employer.

During this time, both the employee and employer can decide to terminate the employment contract without any repercussions. This is because the terms of the employment contract explicitly outline the probationary period, which provides a “safety net” of sorts for both parties involved.

The Legal Implications of Resigning During Your Probation Period

If you decide to leave during your probation period, you're required to give notice depending on what's stated in your employment contract. In Singapore, the minimum notice period required is one day, but some contracts may state otherwise. It's important to adhere to the notice period to avoid any legal issues.

Once you've served your notice, your employer may still ask you to return company property such as laptops, keys, or access cards before you leave. They may also require that you hand over any work that wasn't completed, so it's vital to tie up any loose ends before leaving to avoid any complications.

Consequences of Breaching Your Contract

When you signed your employment contract, you agreed to complete the probationary period under certain terms and conditions. If you choose to resign during this period without giving notice or failing to comply with the conditions stated in your contract, you may be held liable for breach of contract.

This could potentially affect your job prospects in Singapore, as prospective employers may hesitate to hire someone who has a history of breaching their contracts, impacting your professional reputation and career prospects. It is therefore imperative to ensure that you only agree to terms that you are comfortable with and can fulfill.

What To Do Next

If you have decided to resign during your probation period, it's essential to maintain professionalism and handle the situation in a civil way. This includes providing your employer with ample notice according to the terms of your contract as well as ensuring that all outstanding work is completed, ensuring a smooth transition for you and your colleagues.

You should also maintain open communication lines with your employer through the entire process. This not only shows that you respect their time and effort in hiring and training you but also ensures that any potential issues or misunderstandings can be addressed promptly and respectfully.

To conclude

In conclusion, resigning during your probation period might not be what you initially planned, but it happens more often than most people know. The most important thing to keep in mind is to remain professional throughout the entire process and adhere to the terms of your contract. By doing so, you stand to maintain your professional reputation while making the transition to your next job smoothly.


In Singapore, probation periods are a common practice for new employees. Typically, this period lasts for three to six months, during which employers evaluate an employee's performance and suitability for the position. Employees may also use this period to assess if the job meets their expectations. However, sometimes things don't work out, and an employee needs to resign during probation period Singapore. In this article, we will compare the different aspects of resigning during a probation period and provide our opinion on what an employee should consider before making this decision.

Employment Contract Terms

One of the first considerations an employee should make before resigning during their probation period is the terms of their employment contract. Some contracts may have a clause that requires the employee to serve a notice period or pay a penalty fee if they terminate the employment agreement prematurely. Therefore, it is essential to check the contract terms and understand the potential consequences of breaking them.

Salary and Benefits

Another consideration when resigning during the probation period is the salary and benefits offered by the employer. During the first few months, an employee may not receive the full range of benefits or bonuses available to regular employees. Therefore, it's essential to evaluate whether the benefits received so far are worth staying for the full probationary period or potentially breach the contract terms to leave early.

Feedback and Performance Evaluation

Probation periods provide an opportunity for employers to evaluate an employee's work performance. During this time, employers may provide feedback on an employee's strengths and areas for improvement. If an employee decides to resign, they should seek feedback on their performance while they were in the company.

Job Market and Future Employment

One of the main reasons why employees resign during probation periods is because they have found a better job offer. It's essential to evaluate the current job market before deciding to leave, especially during challenging economic times. If an employee resigns without having another employment offer in place, it may take some time to secure a new job.

Company Culture and Work Environment

The company culture and work environment are crucial aspects that could influence an employee's decision to continue working with a company. If an employee experiences stress, harassment or discrimination, this could significantly affect their well-being and productivity. It is vital to evaluate if these negative aspects outweigh the potential benefits of staying with the company.

Career Goals and Aspirations

Lastly, an employee should consider whether the current job aligns with their career aspirations and goals. If the position does not challenge or provide opportunities for career growth, it may be better to look for other opportunities early on. Resigning during probation period Singapore could potentially allow an employee more time to look for a job that better aligns with their long-term career goals.

Comparison Table

Factor to consider Resigning during probation period Singapore Completing probationary period
Contract Terms Potential breach of terms, notice period or penalties No breach of contract terms
Salary and Benefits No full range of benefits received, potential loss of earned wage Full range of benefits received, earned wages not lost
Feedback and Performance Evaluation Potential to miss out feedback and evaluation if leave prematurely Opportunity to receive feedback and performance evaluation from employer
Job Market and Future Employment Risk of resigning without secured new job, potential for longer unemployment Less risk of prolonged unemployment, may assess other job offers
Company Culture and Work Environment Potential for toxicity or negative impact on mental and physical well-being No immediate change in work environment or culture
Career Goals and Aspirations Opportunity to look for a job that better aligns with career goals earlier No immediate opportunity to find another job that may align career goals better


The decision to resign during probation period Singapore is a major choice that employees should consider carefully. Before making any decisions, employees must evaluate different factors, such as their employment contract terms, salary and benefits, feedback and performance evaluation, job market and future employment, company culture and work environment, and career goals and aspirations. By weighing the advantages and disadvantages of the decision to resign or complete the probation period, employees can make a more informed decision that aligns with their long-term career goals.


Resigning from a job can be a difficult decision, especially during the probation period. It is not uncommon for employees to feel overwhelmed and underqualified during this phase, and if you find yourself in such a situation, it may be time to consider resigning. However, it is important to approach the resignation process correctly to avoid burning bridges and maintaining professional relationships. This article provides some tips on how to resign during probation period Singapore.

1. Evaluate Your Decision

The first step should always be to evaluate your decision to resign. It is essential to examine the reasons for quitting the job and ensure that it is a rational choice. Speak to trusted confidants, assess your development plan with your supervisor and reflect deeply on your experiences so far.

2. Understand Your Employment Contract

Before resigning, make sure to read and understand your employment contract. Ensure that there is no notice period breach or any other legal implications when leaving the company. Seek legal help if you are unsure about anything in your contract.

3. Provide Sufficient Notice

It is professional to provide sufficient notice - typically, two weeks - before leaving the company. However, given that probation periods in Singapore may last up to six months, it's ideal to confirm your notice period with your human resources representative. Refrain from abruptly stopping work without giving any notice. Doing so may potentially harm your reputation in the industry.

4. Be Professional

Be professional in your resignation letter, thanking your supervisor and the company for the opportunities offered. Maintaining good relationships with superiors is important, as they serve as future references.

5. Prepare For Exit Interview

Most companies in Singapore will hold an exit interview before the employee leaves. Use this opportunity to be honest about why you are resigning, and give constructive feedback on how the organization can improve. Be mindful of phrasing your arguments as suggestions rather than grievances.

6. Fulfill Work Obligations

Ensure that all work obligations have been fulfilled, such as completing projects and handing over documents to the right people. It is not recommended to abandon ongoing work unless otherwise stated and agreed with management.

7. Be Respectful

Be respectful to your employer and colleagues during the resignation period. Do not comment negatively about the company or any staff members, and avoid discussing your new employment prospects.

8. Return All Company Property

Return any company property, such as nametags, laptops, and uniforms, that are in your possession before leaving. Make sure to clear out your workspace and leave it clean and organized for the next person who will occupy it.

9. Stay Professional Until the End

Stay professional until your last day in the company, including attending scheduled meetings and finishing ongoing work. Your current employer's perception of you may influence future job offers and recommendations in your industry.

10. Move On Positively

After resigning from the company, move away positively, understand the lessons learned while working there, discarding the unpleasant memories, and using the positive experiences to drive growth.


Resigning during probation is never ideal, but it is sometimes necessary. Remember that resigning professionally is good for your reputation and future career prospects in Singapore. Understand your contractual obligations, provide sufficient notice, and fulfill your work obligations. Be respectful and professional, and exit the job with your head held high.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article on resigning during probation period in Singapore. It's important to understand that resignation during the probationary period can have legal and financial consequences that need to be carefully considered before making any decisions.

If you're currently going through a difficult time at work, it's crucial to seek advice from a trusted mentor or human resources professional who can guide you through the process. Remember, resigning during your probationary period should be a last resort after you've exhausted all other options.

Before making a decision to resign, it's essential to understand the terms of your probationary period. Most companies have a fixed probationary period, which is usually between 3-6 months. During this time, the employer has the right to terminate the employment contract without notice if the employee does not meet performance standards.

If you're unhappy with your job, it's important to communicate your concerns with your manager or HR department. They may be able to offer solutions or make adjustments to your workload or work environment to help you succeed in your role. Remember, employers invest a lot of time and resources into training new hires and want them to succeed.

If you do decide to resign, it's important to give proper notice according to your employment contract. This is usually one month but may vary depending on the terms of your probationary period. Failing to provide proper notice can result in legal consequences, including penalties or being barred from future employment with the company.

When submitting your resignation, it's vital to remain professional and respectful in all communication with your employer. This includes your resignation letter and any conversations you have with your manager or HR department. Keep in mind that how you handle your resignation can impact your reputation and future job prospects.

After submitting your resignation, your employer may ask you to serve out your notice period or leave immediately. If you're asked to leave immediately, you may be entitled to compensation in lieu of notice, depending on the terms of your employment contract.

Once you've resigned, it's important to tie up any loose ends, such as handing over responsibilities to a colleague and returning any company property, such as a laptop or keys. Your employer may also conduct an exit interview to gather feedback on your experience with the company. Use this opportunity to provide constructive feedback in a respectful and professional manner.

Finally, it's essential to be proactive in your job search after resigning. Update your resume and LinkedIn profile, network with colleagues and industry professionals, and apply for jobs that match your skills and experience. Remember, resigning during your probationary period does not need to define your career path.

In conclusion, resigning during your probationary period can be a difficult decision that requires careful consideration and planning. Seek advice from trusted professionals before making any decisions, communicate effectively with your employer throughout the process, and take steps to ensure a smooth transition after resigning. Always remain positive and focused on your career goals, and remember that there will be other opportunities in the future.

People also ask about Resign During Probation Period Singapore:

1. What is the probation period in Singapore?

Probationary periods in Singapore typically last for three to six months, but it may vary depending on the employer's discretion or terms of the work contract.

2. Can I resign during my probation period?

Yes, you can resign during your probation period, but you will need to give notice as stated in your employment contract. Standard notice periods are usually one week to one month, but it may differ from company to company.

3. How will resigning during probation affect my future job searches?

Resigning during your probation period may affect your future job searches as employers may perceive this negatively. However, it would not be a permanent hindrance if you have valid reasons for leaving and show a willingness to learn from the experience.

4. Will I still receive payment for the remaining days of my probation period after resigning?

Employers are generally not obliged to pay employees for the remaining days of their probation period if they resign. However, it may vary depending on the terms of the employment contract or agreement.

5. Can an employer terminate an employee during the probation period?

Yes, an employer can terminate an employee during the probation period if there are valid reasons, such as poor performance or misconduct. However, fair employment practices must still be followed, and the employer must provide a clear explanation of the grounds for termination.

People Also Ask About Resign During Probation Period Singapore

1. Can I resign during my probation period in Singapore?

Yes, it is possible to resign during your probation period in Singapore. However, it is important to review your employment contract and understand the terms and conditions pertaining to resignation during probation. Some contracts may have specific clauses regarding notice period or financial penalties for early termination.

2. Will resigning during probation affect my future job prospects?

Resigning during probation may impact your future job prospects to some extent. While it is not uncommon for individuals to leave a job during probation, it is essential to handle the situation professionally. Be prepared to explain your reasons for resignation during interviews, emphasizing any valuable skills or experiences gained during the probationary period.

3. Do I need to give notice if I want to resign during probation?

Typically, you will still need to provide notice when resigning during probation. The notice period may vary depending on your employment contract and can range from one week to one month. It is advisable to check your contract or consult with your HR department to determine the exact notice period required.

4. Can my employer terminate my employment during probation without notice?

Yes, employers have the right to terminate an employee's probationary employment without notice or with minimal notice. This is usually stated in the employment contract. However, it is important to note that both parties should act in good faith and adhere to any contractual obligations.

5. Will I be entitled to any benefits or compensation if I resign during probation?

The entitlement to benefits or compensation upon resignation during probation depends on the terms outlined in your employment contract. Some contracts may specify that no benefits or compensation are payable during the probationary period, while others may provide certain entitlements. Review your contract or seek advice from your HR department to understand your specific situation.

6. Can I negotiate an early release from my probationary period?

It is possible to negotiate an early release from your probationary period, but it ultimately depends on your employer's policies and willingness to accommodate your request. It is recommended to have a conversation with your supervisor or HR representative to discuss your reasons for wanting an early release and explore any potential options or alternatives.