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Breaking Barriers: Female Sign On in the Singapore Army - A Step Towards Gender Equality

Female Sign On Army Singapore

The Female Sign On Army Singapore is a platform dedicated to empowering women in the military and promoting gender equality in the armed forces.

Did you know that women have been serving in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) since 1983? It may come as a surprise to some, but the SAF has gradually opened up roles and positions for women over the years. One of the most significant developments in recent times is the inclusion of female soldiers in combat roles. In this article, we will take a closer look at female sign on army Singapore and what it means for gender equality in the country.

For decades, men were the only ones eligible for combat roles in the SAF. Women, on the other hand, were limited to non-combat roles such as logistics, administrative work, and healthcare. However, in 2018, the SAF implemented a new policy that allowed women to be recruited for combat roles in the army, navy, and air force. This was a significant step forward for gender equality in Singapore and a recognition of women's capabilities and contributions to national defense.

Since the policy was implemented, there has been a steady increase in the number of women signing up for combat roles in the army. According to statistics from the Ministry of Defence, the number of female sign-ons increased by 35% from 2018 to 2020. This shows that more and more women are interested in serving in combat roles and contributing to national defense.

So, what does it take for a woman to join the army in a combat role? The requirements are the same as for men - applicants must meet physical fitness standards and pass various tests and assessments. However, the SAF has also made adjustments to its training programs to accommodate women's physical differences. For example, female soldiers undergo modified versions of the Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT) and field training exercises.

One common misconception about women serving in combat roles is that they are not as capable or effective as male soldiers. However, this is simply not true. Female soldiers undergo the same rigorous training as male soldiers and are held to the same standards of performance. In fact, the SAF has stated that women in combat roles have performed well and demonstrated their abilities and potential.

Another benefit of allowing women to serve in combat roles is that it can help to break down gender stereotypes and promote gender equality. By showing that women are capable and valuable members of the armed forces, the SAF is sending a message that gender should not be a barrier to opportunities and achievements. This can have a positive impact on society as a whole and contribute to the advancement of women's rights and empowerment.

Of course, there are still challenges and obstacles that need to be addressed when it comes to gender equality in the armed forces. For example, there may be cultural or social barriers that discourage women from joining the military or pursuing combat roles. Additionally, there may be biases or stereotypes that affect how female soldiers are perceived and treated by their male counterparts.

However, the fact that female sign on army Singapore is now a reality is a significant step forward for gender equality in the country. It shows that Singapore is committed to promoting diversity and inclusivity in its armed forces and recognizing the value of women's contributions to national defense. If you are a woman who is interested in serving your country and challenging yourself in a combat role, consider joining the SAF. Who knows? You could be the next trailblazer for women in the military.

In conclusion, the inclusion of female soldiers in combat roles in the SAF is a positive development for gender equality in Singapore. It demonstrates that women are capable and valuable members of the armed forces and contributes to breaking down gender stereotypes and barriers. By encouraging more women to sign on, the SAF can continue to promote diversity and inclusivity in its ranks and ensure that Singapore remains strong and secure.

The Female Sign On Army Singapore

The idea of women engaging in combat roles may seem new to many countries, but the Singaporean army has allowed women to serve in the military since 1989. However, they only served in non-combat roles such as combat support and logistics until 2018 when Singapore lifted the ban on women serving in combat roles.

The Ban on Women Serving in Combat Roles

Before 2018, women in Singapore were restricted from military vocations that required frontline combat. The rationale behind this decision was to safeguard their well-being in battlefields, given that potential injuries that could contradict Singapore's mission ready principles.

This restriction was controversial as it was based on outdated beliefs about women's capability to participate in combat roles. Many argued that capabilities are strong for allowing Singaporean women to participate in combat operations.

Change of Mindset

In January 2018, the Singaporean government announced the lifting of restrictions for female soldiers in combat roles. This policy change was significant as it signaled a significant shift in the country's outlook on gender discrimination.

As a result, more women have joined up as combat soldiers in Singapore, demonstrating that women can perform at the same high standards as men in the military. This decision supports the notion that the Singaporean army recruits based on core values and not preconceived notions of gender roles.

The Benefits of Female Participation in Combat Roles

Many studies suggest that gender diversity in combat units improves overall efficiency as females bring diverse perspectives into decision-making processes. Additionally, women in front-line combat roles could enhance troops' physical, tactical and operational preparedness through increased participatory experiences.

Moreover, the inclusion of female combatants challenges long-standing norms and perceptions about gender roles and demonstrates that individuals' ability is more important than their gender.

Challenges Facing Female Soldiers in Singaporean military

The limitations of women in the army are common globally, and the Singaporean army is not immune to these challenges. Despite the repeal of the ban on female combats, many have expressed concerns surrounding gender roles lines disposition within the military.

Sexual harassment, domestic violence, and pregnancy policy also remain issues for female soldiers that require attention. The Singaporean military is actively working towards creating policies and programs that respond to some of these concerns, particularly unwanted conduct and safe reporting channels.


In conclusion, Singapore has challenged traditional barriers surrounding women's participation in the military by embracing gender diversity and allowing female combatants to participate in defence operations for the country.

While there are still challenges that need to be addressed, such as ensuring gender equality within the military structures, the decision to allow females to serve in combat roles shows Singapore's commitment to creating a military force that values capabilities over gender stereotypes.

It is crucial to strive towards creating gender-inclusive systems, as it positively impacts countries' policy outcomes and overall progress.

The History of Women in the Singapore Armed Forces

Women in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) first entered in 1983 through the introduction of the Women's Volunteer Corps (WVC). This was followed by the establishment of the Women's Integration Team (WIT) in 1994, which allowed women to serve in combat support roles. Finally, in 2018, the SAF officially opened its doors to women in all aspects of military service, including combat troops.

Training and Recruitment Standards

Although women are now allowed to serve in all areas of the SAF, some differences in training and recruitment standards still exist between male and female recruits. For example, males must complete a mandatory two-year service while females are only required to serve for 22 months. Male recruits also have a higher minimum physical fitness standard to meet compared to female recruits.

Table Comparison:

Category Male Recruits Female Recruits
Service Length 2 years 22 months
Physical Fitness Standards Higher minimum requirement Lower minimum requirement

Roles and Positions Available

With the lifting of gender restrictions, women are now able to take on any role or position within the SAF. This includes previously male-only positions such as infantry soldiers, combat engineers, and fighting vehicle crew members. However, these positions still require women to meet the same high standards as their male counterparts.

Combat Readiness of Women in the SAF

Skeptics have raised concerns about the combat readiness of women in the SAF, citing physical differences between men and women as well as societal gender norms. However, studies have shown that women who meet the same physical fitness standards as men are just as capable of succeeding in combat roles. Additionally, many countries such as the United States, Israel, and Australia have successfully integrated women into their military services with positive results.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Allowing Women in Combat Roles


  • Increase diversity and inclusivity in the military
  • Tap into a wider pool of talent and skills
  • Improve morale and retention among female soldiers
  • Allow for more flexible deployment options


  • Potential for sexual harassment and assault
  • Different physical capabilities between men and women
  • Social bias and gender stereotypes
  • Higher costs for equipment and facilities to accommodate both genders

The Role of Women in the SAF

Despite initial skepticism and challenges, women have proven themselves to be an important part of the SAF. They bring unique perspectives and skills to the table, making the military stronger and more capable. As the military continues to evolve and adapt to changing times, women will undoubtedly play an increasingly important role in shaping its future.

Personal Opinion

As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions. However, it is important to recognize and support the inclusion of women in all aspects of society, including the military. By promoting diversity and equality, we can create stronger, more resilient communities that benefit everyone.


Female sign on in the Singapore Army is an opportunity for women to serve their country and achieve their personal goals. A lot of women in Singapore have shown interest in serving in the army, so the government has opened up opportunities for them to do so.If you’re a female who is interested in joining the Singapore Army, there are some important things you need to know. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips and advice on how to sign up and what to expect during your tenure.


The first step to becoming a female soldier in the Singapore Army is to meet the eligibility criteria. The minimum age to apply is 18 years old, and you must be a Singaporean citizen or permanent resident. Additionally, you must have completed your primary education and pass a series of physical fitness tests.

Physical Fitness Test

The physical fitness test consists of six categories and requires a passing score in each. These categories include:• Standing Broad Jump: 1.8m• Sit-ups: 20 in 1 minute• Pull-ups: 3• Shuttle Run: 10.5 seconds• 4 x 1km run: 25 min 30 secYou can practice these exercises beforehand to increase your chances of passing the physical fitness test.


Once you have passed the eligibility criteria, you will undergo Basic Military Training (BMT), which lasts for nine weeks. During this period, you will learn basic soldiering skills such as weapon handling, navigation, and first aid. You will also undergo physical training and conditioning to prepare for the rigors of your job.


After BMT, you will undergo specialized training based on your chosen vocation. Some of the popular options for women are intelligence, logistics, medical, and supply. You will learn skills specific to your profession, such as complex problem-solving or equipment handling.


Joining the Singapore Army as a female soldier comes with numerous benefits. These include:1. Contributing to national defense2. Learning important life skills such as teamwork, leadership, and discipline3. Developing a sense of camaraderie with others in the armed forces4. Opportunities for overseas training and deployment5. Access to healthcare and other government services


While there are many benefits to working in the Singapore Army, there are also some challenges that you must be prepared to face. These include:1. Physical and mental stress2. Long hours and demanding work schedule3. Frequent relocation around the country4. Being stationed away from family and friends.


Becoming a female soldier in the Singapore Army is a challenging yet rewarding experience. You will have the opportunity to serve your country and develop important life skills. If you meet the eligibility criteria and are willing to undergo rigorous training, a career in the Singapore Army may be right for you. So, what are you waiting for? Sign up today and take the first step towards a meaningful career in the armed forces!

Welcome to our blog where we discuss the recent announcement made by the Singaporean government about allowing female citizens to apply for the army. This news has caused quite a stir in the country with people having mixed opinions about it. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this decision and its impact on society. So, let's delve into the topic.

Firstly, it is essential to understand why this change is taking place. The primary reason behind this decision is to create a more inclusive society. The Singaporean government has been taking steps in this direction over the past few years, and this decision is yet another step in that direction.

This announcement was made after a review of the national service program. The purpose of this review was to ensure that the program was still relevant to the current needs of society and to identify areas where improvements could be made. One of the recommendations made was to allow women to serve in the army alongside men.

The move has been welcomed by many as a step towards gender equality. However, there are still concerns about its implementation. One of the major challenges will be to establish physical fitness and combat standards, which have been tailored to male candidates for decades. It is essential to ensure that female applicants are not given any leeway in terms of physical standards.

Moreover, changes will also need to be made in terms of accommodation arrangements. The army barracks have typically been designed keeping male soldiers in mind. Therefore, modifications will have to be made to make them more accommodating for women. These changes could take time to implement and may require significant investments.

Another challenge is that this may lead to a decrease in the number of male applicants. Male citizens of Singapore have always seen national service as a rite of passage. It is an opportunity for them to prove their loyalty to their country and to show their physical prowess. However, with the inclusion of females, it is possible that this perception may change.

Despite these challenges, there are many benefits to allowing women to serve in the army. One such benefit is that it will lead to increased diversity and a broader range of skills among personnel. Women bring a different perspective to problem-solving and management, which can be beneficial in combat situations as well.

Additionally, this move can also help to reduce the gender pay gap within the army. Currently, female officers earn less than their male counterparts. However, with more female officers in the army, it is likely that this pay gap will decrease over time.

In conclusion, the decision by the Singaporean government to allow women to apply for the army is a positive step towards creating a more inclusive society. However, there are still challenges to overcome, and it is essential that these challenges are addressed promptly. This decision will bring many benefits, both for women and the country as a whole. We hope that this article has helped you understand the implications of this announcement. Thank you for reading.

People also ask about Female Sign On Army Singapore:

  1. What is the eligibility criteria for females to sign on in the Singapore Army?

    Female citizens and permanent residents of Singapore who are between 18 to 26 years old, have attained a minimum education qualification of 3 GCE 'O' Level passes (or equivalent), and pass the medical and physical fitness test are eligible to sign on.

  2. What kind of roles can females fulfill in the Singapore Army?

    Females can serve in various roles such as HR specialists, logistics coordinators, combat medics, and military police officers. They can also train to be officers and take on leadership positions.

  3. What is the training like for female soldiers in the Singapore Army?

    The training for female soldiers in the Singapore Army is rigorous and demanding, similar to that of male soldiers. It includes physical training, weapon handling, navigation, and teamwork exercises.

  4. How does the Singapore Army ensure gender equality among its soldiers?

    The Singapore Army is committed to providing equal opportunities for both male and female soldiers. It has policies and programmes in place to prevent gender discrimination and ensure that both genders are treated fairly and respectfully.

  5. What are the benefits of signing on as a female soldier in the Singapore Army?

    Female soldiers in the Singapore Army enjoy a wide range of benefits such as competitive salaries, healthcare benefits, career development opportunities, and subsidized tertiary education.

People Also Ask about Female Sign On Army Singapore

1. Can women join the army in Singapore?

Yes, women can join the army in Singapore. The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) allows both men and women to serve in various roles within the organization.

2. What are the requirements for females to join the army in Singapore?

The requirements for females to join the army in Singapore are generally the same as those for males. Applicants must be Singaporean citizens or Permanent Residents, physically fit, and meet the educational qualifications specified for the desired role. They must also pass the required medical and fitness tests.

3. What roles can women undertake in the Singapore Army?

Women in the Singapore Army can undertake a wide range of roles, including combat, combat support, and combat service support roles. Some of the positions available to female soldiers include infantry, artillery, engineering, logistics, and intelligence.

4. Do female soldiers receive the same training as male soldiers?

Yes, female soldiers in the Singapore Army undergo the same basic military training as their male counterparts. This training focuses on physical conditioning, weapon handling, basic combat skills, and teamwork. However, certain physical standards may differ based on gender to account for physiological differences.

5. Are there any limitations for female soldiers in terms of career progression?

No, there are no limitations for female soldiers in terms of career progression in the Singapore Army. Women have the same opportunities for career advancement as their male counterparts. Promotions and advancements are based on performance, competence, and potential rather than gender.

6. How is the treatment of female soldiers in the Singapore Army?

The Singapore Army is committed to providing equal opportunities and a fair and inclusive environment for all soldiers, regardless of gender. Female soldiers are treated with respect and professionalism, and any form of discrimination or harassment is strictly prohibited and dealt with seriously.

7. Are there any support systems in place for female soldiers?

Yes, there are support systems in place for female soldiers in the Singapore Army. These include mentorship programs, counseling services, and gender-specific training to address the unique challenges and needs that female soldiers may face during their military careers.

8. Can women serve in leadership positions within the Singapore Army?

Absolutely, women have the opportunity to serve in leadership positions within the Singapore Army. There have been female officers who have achieved high ranks and held key command positions. The army values and recognizes talent and potential, regardless of gender.

9. What are the benefits of joining the Singapore Army as a female?

Joining the Singapore Army as a female offers numerous benefits. These include personal growth, development of leadership skills, access to various professional courses, competitive remuneration, comprehensive healthcare coverage, and valuable experiences that can enhance future career prospects both within and outside the military.

10. How can I apply to join the Singapore Army as a female?

To apply to join the Singapore Army as a female, interested individuals can visit the official Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) website or contact the Central Manpower Base (CMPB) for more information on the application process, requirements, and available roles.