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Breaking the Stigma: Join the Singapore Mental Health Film Festival for a Powerful Exploration of Mental Health and Well-being

Singapore Mental Health Film Festival

Discover the power of film in raising awareness about mental health at the Singapore Mental Health Film Festival. Join us for a transformative experience.

Singapore Mental Health Film Festival is a yearly event meant to create awareness, reduce stigma and encourage conversations about mental health. The film festival is an initiative by the Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH) and was first held in 2018 with the theme “Hope”.

Are you always struggling to talk to your peers or family members about mental health issues? Do you think that mental health is still a taboo topic in Singapore? If yes, then the Singapore Mental Health Film Festival is the answer to your worry.

This year’s festival will feature virtual screenings of nine films, panel discussions, workshops and many other exciting activities which will be held online from October 1 to October 10. This year's theme is Our Mental Health, Our Collective Responsibility.

Did you know that according to the National Council of Social Service, one in seven people in Singapore will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime? Moreover, data from the Ministry of Health showed that psychiatric disorders accounted for 7.4% of all medical consultations in public hospitals in 2019.

The festival aims to raise awareness about the prevalence of mental health conditions in Singapore and the urgency of mental health support. It also intends to break the stereotype surrounding mental illnesses and change the negative attitudes towards it.

Attending this year's festival will provide you with an opportunity to learn more about mental health issues and how to take care of your mental well-being. There are also several workshops on offer during the festival which will help you to strengthen your emotional resilience and coping mechanisms.

The festival is not just about watching movies, as it encourages attendees to interact and engage with each other. The interactive sessions will give you a chance to share your experiences and learn from others' journeys towards mental wellness.

The festival organizers have made sure they cater to a broad audience by screening films that touch on various topics like anxiety, depression, addiction, suicide and more. The festival is also an excellent platform for local filmmakers, as they have a chance to showcase their work and create awareness.

If you are still not sure if this festival is the solution to your worries or not, then let me tell you how it has been a huge success in its previous years. The festival has received enormous support and positive feedback from the public and the media.

Last but not least, the Singapore Mental Health Film Festival is essential for changing the narrative around mental health in Singapore. There is no doubt attending the festival will help you understand that mental illness is treatable, and seeking help is not a sign of weakness but rather a sign of strength.

In conclusion, Singapore Mental Health Film Festival is the perfect opportunity to learn, break the stigma and encourage conversations about mental health issues. So why wait? Join us at the festival and be part of the community that advocates mental wellness.

Singapore Mental Health Film Festival: Raising the Awareness

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness about mental health issues across the globe. While many countries have taken positive steps to address this issue, Singapore is leading the way with its Mental Health Film Festival.

The Beginning of the Festival

The Singapore Mental Health Film Festival (SMHFF) was first started in 2017 as a platform for open dialogue about mental illness. The initiative was started by Reel Therapy, a non-profit organization dedicated to mental health awareness.

The objective behind this festival was to spread awareness about mental health through films and discussions. Through film screenings and panel discussions, SMHFF aimed at reducing stigma and creating awareness about mental illness.

The Emphasis on Cinema

Cinema has always been an excellent medium for raising awareness and initiating conversations on various social issues, including mental health. SMHFF aims to use cinema as a tool to create a safe space for discussion and reflect on the way we perceive mental health.

Every year, the festival curates a wide array of films, documentaries and short films that showcase different aspects of mental health. These films come from across the globe and represent diverse perspectives. From stories of personal battles to research-based documentaries, SMHFF's lineup is always engaging and thought-provoking.

The Importance of Awareness

Awareness plays a crucial role in understanding and treating mental health. Unfortunately, even today, society often attaches negative stigmas to those who suffer from mental illness.

Through the SMHFF, individuals and communities can engage in meaningful conversations that break down these stigmas. By sharing personal experiences and stories, attendees can connect with others who may have gone through similar experiences.

Community Building

The Singapore Mental Health Film Festival has become more than just a platform for raising awareness. It has become a community-building event that brings together individuals, organizations, and experts who are passionate about mental health. This provides attendees with valuable perspectives and insights that help them better understand the complexities of mental health.

The Power of Mental Health Film Festivals

The impact of film festivals like SMHFF goes beyond just awareness. They can inspire changes in policy, the way society views mental illness, and even initiate individual action to seek help or support.

By providing a safe space for discussion, mental health film festivals encourage people to come forward and seek assistance if they might need it. They challenge misconceptions and promote acceptance and empathy toward those who live with mental illness.

A Step Forward in Mental Health Advocacy

The Singapore Mental Health Film Festival is a testament to how much we have grown as a society in our perception of mental health issues. It is an excellent example of how policy-makers, advocates, and communities can work together to create positive change.

If nothing else, the festival serves as a reminder to all of us that conversations surrounding mental health can be open and inclusive, and that we all have a role to play in creating a healthier society.

The Future of SMHFF

The Singapore Mental Health Film Festival has become an annual event that attracts more and more people every year. The festival's success has encouraged organizers to expand its reach beyond just screenings but also include workshops and other mental health-related events throughout the year.

As more people attend and engage with the SMHFF, the conversations around mental health will continue to grow, and the stigma that surrounds it may slowly start to disappear.


The Singapore Mental Health Film Festival is more than just a film festival; it is a movement. It brings together communities, sparks conversations, and challenges misconceptions.

By creating a safe space for meaningful discussions about mental health, we can promote understanding, acceptance, and support for those who suffer from mental illness. The SMHFF has made significant strides in this direction, and we can hope that its impact will continue to grow over the years to come.

Comparison between Singapore Mental Health Film Festival and Other Film Festivals


Film festivals have become increasingly popular over the years. They offer a great platform for aspiring filmmakers to showcase their work, network and gain recognition. The Singapore Mental Health Film Festival (SMHFF) is one such festival that has gained popularity for its unique focus on mental health issues. In this article, we will compare SMHFF with other film festivals and evaluate how it stands out.

Focus on Mental Health

While other film festivals cover a wide range of topics, SMHFF focuses solely on mental health. This makes it unique as it not only offers a platform for filmmakers to showcase their work but also raises awareness about this important issue. Additionally, it provides a space for discussions and dialogue about mental health, which is not usually found in other film festivals.

Relevance to the Current Times

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of mental health more than ever. SMHFF's focus on this topic makes it even more relevant today. The festival serves as a reminder that mental health is essential and needs to be addressed. It offers a safe space for individuals to come together and discuss their experiences and challenges related to mental health.

International Presence

SMHFF has managed to attract entries from across the world, which is quite impressive for a festival that is relatively new. This attraction can be attributed to the festival's unique focus and relevance, which shows that mental health is not only a problem in Singapore but globally. The international presence also allows for a sharing of diverse perspectives and ideas.

Festival Format

The format of SMHFF is also unique. Unlike other film festivals that show films only in cinemas, SMHFF takes place over an extended period. It is conducted in different locations, making the films more accessible to a wider audience. Additionally, the festival uses social media platforms to promote discussions and interactions on mental health issues.

Judges and Prizes

Most film festivals have judges who evaluate the films and award prizes to the best ones. SMHFF also has a panel of judges who evaluate the entries. However, the prizes are not monetary but rather recognition and exposure. This approach ensures that the focus remains on mental health and not the prize money.


SMHFF has made accessibility its priority. The festival collaborates with different organizations and mental health groups to ensure that the festival is accessible to all. Entry to the festival is free, making it more accessible to a wider audience. The films are also captioned and subtitled, making them more inclusive.


SMHFF's focus on mental health allows for diversity in the stories and perspectives being shared. People from different backgrounds come together to share their experiences and bring awareness to their respective cultures' perceptions of mental health.

Impact on Society

The impact of SMHFF on society cannot be overlooked. It serves as a reminder that mental health is essential and needs to be addressed. The festival helps to change how mental health is perceived and encourages individuals to seek help if they need it. It also highlights the importance of storytelling in raising awareness and advocating for mental health issues.


In conclusion, SMHFF stands out as a unique film festival that focuses on an important issue. Its relevance, accessibility, diversity, and impact on society make it one of the most meaningful festivals in Singapore. The festival's focus on mental health offers a platform for filmmakers, mental health advocates, and individuals to come together and tackle the stigma surrounding mental health. SMHFF proves that film festivals can be powerful tools in promoting social change and awareness.
Keywords SMHFF Other Film Festivals
Focus Mental Health Wide Range of Topics
Relevance High - Relevant to Current Times Varies
International Presence Attracts Entries from Across the World Varies
Festival Format Extended Festival that Takes Place in Various Locations Single Location/ Cinema-Based Festival
Judges and Prizes Non-Monetary Prizes; Recognition and Exposure Monetary and Non-Monetary Prizes
Accessibility Free Entry, Captioned/Subtitled Films Varies
Diversity Comes from Different Backgrounds and Cultures Varies
Impact on Society Inspires Change, Raises Awareness on Mental Health Issues Varies

Singapore Mental Health Film Festival: A Guide

The Singapore Mental Health Film Festival aims to create awareness and break down stigmas surrounding mental health. This festival provides a platform for films that touch on mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.

1. Know the Schedule

The schedule for this festival is normally released around two months before it starts. You should check the festival's official website or social media channels for updates. Identify the films that you would like to watch and plan your days accordingly.

2. Purchase Tickets Early

Tickets for the Singapore Mental Health Film Festival often sell out quickly, particularly for popular films. Ensure to purchase your tickets in advance to avoid disappointment.

3. Arrive Early

Arriving early ensures you get good seats and have enough time to settle down before the start of the film. It is recommended to arrive at least 30 minutes before the screening starts.

4. Respect the Space

Even though it is a film festival, mental health is still an incredibly sensitive topic, Remember to respect the space, and behave appropriately.

5. Engage with the Community

The Singapore Mental Health Film Festival is an excellent opportunity to participate in meaningful discussions and performances about mental health. Attend the talks, and engage in conversations with people from different walks of life.

6. Keep an Open Mind

Approach the films with an open mind. Keep in mind that some of the issues raised may be triggering, difficult, or emotional, so be sure to take care of yourself throughout the experience.

7. Take Breaks

It's okay to take a break between screenings to decompress. Between films, grab a bite or drink at the nearby cafes or restaurants. Taking breaks can help you refresh your mind and calm down when triggered.

8. Keep Your Phone on Silent Mode

A film festival is not a place to take phone calls or scroll through social media every few minutes. Ensure your phone is on silent mode, so you don't disturb other attendees.

9. Share your Experience

The Singapore Mental Health Film Festival is a powerful way to learn about mental health and understand different perspectives. Take the time to share your experience with friends and colleagues, and encourage others to attend.

10. Donate to Support the Cause

If you wish to support the Singapore Mental Health Film Festival's work, consider donating to the organizers. Donations ensure the festival runs smoothly, and funds raised contribute to mental health initiatives in Singapore.In conclusion, by following these tips, you can have an enriching and enjoyable experience at the Singapore Mental Health Film Festival. Remember to take care of yourself and others while engaging with the community and taking in the films.

Thank you for joining us in this year's Singapore Mental Health Film Festival. It has been an emotional and thought-provoking experience for all of us. In this article, we will be summarizing some of the films that were featured in the festival.

The first film that we would like to highlight is My Garden. This documentary tells the story of a woman named Elizabeth who suffers from schizophrenia. Despite her struggles with mental illness, she finds solace in her garden. The film explores how gardening can be therapeutic for individuals battling with mental health issues.

Next, we have Unbroken, a film about a young woman named Sarah who attempts to take her own life. The movie follows Sarah's journey to recovery and explores the impact that mental illness has on her relationships with family and friends. The message of the movie is clear: there is no shame in asking for help when it comes to mental health.

Perfectly Normal is a powerful short film that follows a young woman named Felicia on her journey towards accepting her ADHD diagnosis. The film highlights the struggles that individuals with ADHD face from society, including stigma and misunderstanding.

Another film featured in the festival was Beyond Blue. This documentary delves into the relationship between nature and mental health. The film examines how outdoor activities such as hiking and camping can be therapeutic and healing for those who suffer from mental health issues.

Touched With Fire is a movie that explores bipolar disorder through a romantic lens. The film follows two individuals who meet in a psychiatric hospital and fall in love. The movie shines a light on the creative talents that bipolar individuals often possess and sheds light on the difficulties they encounter in trying to manage their illness while pursuing their passions.

Boomalli - Five Koori Women is a documentary that follows the lives of five Indigenous Australian artists. The film examines how issues such as racism and discrimination can have negative effects on mental health. It also highlights how art can be used as a way to heal from past trauma.

The Great Disconnect is a documentary that explores the impact of technology on mental health. The film argues that digital devices and social media can have negative effects on individuals' well-being. It offers tips and strategies for finding balance in our rapidly evolving digital world.

The final movie that we would like to highlight is Revolutionary Medicine: A Story of the First Garifuna Hospital. This documentary tells the story of a group of Indigenous Honduran doctors who established the first hospital in their community. The film examines how systemic oppression and poverty can have negative effects on mental health.

Overall, the Singapore Mental Health Film Festival is an important event that has spurred conversations about mental health and wellness. It is our hope that the festival will promote greater understanding of mental illness and help reduce the stigma surrounding it. If you haven't attend a screening yet, we invite you to attend our next event and learn more about the issues explored in the films.

Thank you again for joining us in this year's festival. Together, we can work to create a society where individuals battling with mental health issues are treated with dignity and respect. Let's continue to remove the stigma surrounding mental illness.

People also ask about Singapore Mental Health Film Festival:

  1. What is Singapore Mental Health Film Festival?
  2. Singapore Mental Health Film Festival is an annual festival that uses film and other creative arts to encourage public discussion on mental health issues. It aims to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness and promote mental well-being.

  3. When is the Singapore Mental Health Film Festival held?
  4. The festival is usually held in October, which is recognized as Mental Health Awareness Month in many countries.

  5. Who can attend Singapore Mental Health Film Festival?
  6. The festival is open to everyone, regardless of age, gender, or nationality. It welcomes anyone who is interested in learning more about mental health and wellbeing.

  7. What types of films are shown at Singapore Mental Health Film Festival?
  8. The festival features a range of films, including documentaries, dramas, and short films. All films are related to mental health and cover a variety of topics, such as depression, anxiety, suicide, and schizophrenia.

  9. Are there any workshops or activities offered at Singapore Mental Health Film Festival?
  10. Yes, in addition to the film screenings, the festival also offers workshops, talks, and other activities that aim to educate and raise awareness about mental health. Past activities have included art therapy workshops, mindfulness classes, and panel discussions with mental health professionals.

People Also Ask About Singapore Mental Health Film Festival

1. What is the Singapore Mental Health Film Festival?

The Singapore Mental Health Film Festival (SMHFF) is an annual event that aims to raise awareness, promote understanding, and destigmatize mental health issues through the medium of film. It showcases a diverse range of films and documentaries that explore various aspects of mental health.

2. When and where does the festival take place?

The Singapore Mental Health Film Festival takes place once a year in Singapore. The exact dates and venues may vary, so it's best to check the official SMHFF website or social media channels for the latest information on upcoming events.

3. Who organizes the Singapore Mental Health Film Festival?

The Singapore Mental Health Film Festival is organized by The Breathe Movement, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting mental well-being and mental health education in Singapore. They collaborate with various partners and sponsors to bring the festival to life.

4. What types of films are showcased at the festival?

The festival showcases a wide range of films, including feature films, documentaries, and short films, all focused on different aspects of mental health. These films cover various topics such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, schizophrenia, and more. The aim is to provide a platform for dialogue and understanding surrounding mental health issues.

5. Are there any panel discussions or workshops during the festival?

Yes, the Singapore Mental Health Film Festival often includes panel discussions, workshops, and Q&A sessions with filmmakers, mental health professionals, and individuals with lived experience. These sessions provide an opportunity for deeper exploration of the themes and issues raised in the films.

6. How can I attend the Singapore Mental Health Film Festival?

To attend the festival, you can purchase tickets online through the official SMHFF website or through designated ticketing platforms. It's advisable to book your tickets early as some screenings and events may have limited seating capacity.

7. Can I submit a film to be showcased at the Singapore Mental Health Film Festival?

Yes, the Singapore Mental Health Film Festival welcomes film submissions from local and international filmmakers. They have specific guidelines and submission periods outlined on their website for those interested in sharing their work and contributing to the festival.

8. How does the Singapore Mental Health Film Festival contribute to mental health awareness?

The festival plays a crucial role in raising awareness about mental health by using the power of storytelling through film. By showcasing diverse narratives and experiences, it helps to reduce stigma, create empathy, and foster understanding among the audience. The festival also provides a safe space for open discussions and the sharing of knowledge surrounding mental health.

9. Are there any other activities or initiatives by the Singapore Mental Health Film Festival?

Apart from the annual festival, The Breathe Movement also organizes various community events, workshops, and initiatives throughout the year. These include film screenings, mental health talks, art exhibitions, and collaborations with other organizations to further promote mental well-being and education.

10. How can I stay updated on future Singapore Mental Health Film Festival events?

To stay updated on upcoming Singapore Mental Health Film Festival events, you can follow their official social media channels, subscribe to their newsletter on their website, or visit their website regularly for the latest news, announcements, and ticketing information.