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Looking for Safety Manager Jobs in Singapore? Here are the Top Opportunities to Ensure Workplace Safety!

Safety Manager Jobs In Singapore

Looking for Safety Manager jobs in Singapore? Browse through our latest listings and find the perfect opportunity to ensure workplace safety. Apply now!

Are you someone who is passionate about ensuring safety in the workplace? Do you have the ability to organize and implement safety procedures? Then a Safety Manager job might be perfect for you. Singapore is known for its strict safety regulations, making it a great location for those interested in pursuing a career in safety management.

The role of a Safety Manager in Singapore entails developing and implementing safety policies and procedures, as well as training employees on how to follow them. Safety managers also conduct safety audits, investigations, and provide expert advice on safety issues.

According to statistics, there has been a steady increase in demand for Safety Managers in Singapore due to the government's emphasis on maintaining a safe working environment. In fact, companies are mandated by law to hire safety officers or managers to ensure compliance with safety regulations. This has resulted in an increase in the number of job openings for Safety Manager positions across various industries.

As a Safety Manager, your main goal is to ensure that everyone in the organization is safe. Thus, it requires a high level of technical knowledge, relevant education/training, and experience in the field of safety management. You must also be able to communicate and coordinate effectively with different levels of staff within the company.

In addition to excellent communication and organizational skills, a good Safety Manager also possesses critical thinking abilities. They must be able to identify potential safety hazards and develop strategies to prevent them from occurring. In some cases, they may need to improvise and come up with creative solutions to address specific safety concerns.

If you're looking to pursue a career as a Safety Manager in Singapore, you can expect to earn a competitive salary. The average salary for Safety Managers in Singapore is around S$80,000 to S$100,000 per year, depending on the level of experience and qualifications.

One of the advantages of pursuing a Safety Manager job in Singapore is the chance to work in a diverse and vibrant city. Singapore has a booming economy, with opportunities for career growth and development. Moreover, Singapore offers a high quality of life, making it an excellent location for professionals looking for a balanced lifestyle.

Furthermore, working as a Safety Manager in Singapore can be a very rewarding experience. You will have the satisfaction of knowing that you are making a difference in people's lives by ensuring their safety in the workplace.

In conclusion, if you're someone who is passionate about ensuring safety in the workplace, has excellent communication and organizational skills, and critical thinking abilities, then a Safety Manager job in Singapore might be perfect for you. With the steady demand for Safety Managers in Singapore, excellent compensation, and opportunities for career growth and development, this is the solution you have been looking for. Don't miss out on this opportunity, apply for a Safety Manager job in Singapore today!

Safety Manager Jobs in Singapore: Ensuring Safety Across Industries

Safety is a top priority across various industries worldwide, and Singapore is no exception. As such, safety manager jobs abound in the island city-state. These positions offer exciting opportunities to oversee safety protocols, devise strategies and manage training programs aimed at minimizing accidents, incidents, and other safety violations.

The Role of a Safety Manager in Singapore

A safety manager is responsible for ensuring that workers comply with safety regulations and guidelines across all levels of their organization. They achieve this by monitoring the workplace to identify risks that may pose potential threats to employees’ health and safety levels. They also design plans, policies, and procedures aimed at reducing incidents and ensuring compliance.

Safety managers take charge of investigations into the cause of accidents or breaches, creating mitigation plans to prevent such incidents from recurring. They oversee administrative tasks such as creating detailed reports for upper management, and conducting training sessions to educate personnel on safety procedures and protocols.

The Various Industries that Need Safety Managers in Singapore

In Singapore, there’s no shortage of companies seeking qualified individuals for safety manager positions. Many companies, particularly those in construction, engineering, transport, manufacturing, healthcare services, and hospitality, require the experience of a safety manager to ensure their work environment remains free of risks.

Safety manager jobs come in all shapes and sizes, and the responsibilities of the position may vary depending on the industry. For instance, those working in the healthcare services’ industry may focus on designing protocols that minimize the spread of infection while maintaining safe workplaces.

On the other hand, safety managers employed in the construction industry may conduct safety audits on job sites to determine compliance and enforce standards across all sites. While someone working in the transport industry must ensure all vehicles meet specific safety regulations, particularly for transporting hazardous cargo.

Skills Required to Be a Successful Safety Manager

A successful safety manager requires a diverse range of skills, including critical thinking abilities, excellent communication skills, problem-solving, interpersonal management, and leadership. You need strong interpersonal skills to manage personnel effectively while also ensuring compliance with the company’s safety procedures.

Other valuable skills include organizational skills, attention to detail, a thorough understanding of relevant policies and standards, and flexibility to adapt to different work environments and demands. A solid educational background in a relevant field such as occupational health and safety is also advantageous while seeking this type of position.

Reasons to Consider Safety Manager Jobs in Singapore

Working as a safety manager in Singapore comes with several benefits, including career advancement opportunities, job satisfaction, and a generous salary package. With the country’s prosperous economy and a wide range of industries that require safety managers, expect an exciting career with numerous opportunities for growth and development.

Singapore is home to a vast network of growing companies, which offers many job opportunities for safety managers keen to expand their knowledge and skills. Additionally, the importance laid on compliance with safety regulations has led to an increase in safety manager jobs in recent years.


In conclusion, safety manager jobs are vital in promoting safe and healthy working environments across various sectors. Singapore is rapidly becoming a hub of multinational corporations, which require a team of experienced safety managers. So if you’re passionate about ensuring compliance with safety regulations, then Singapore is the ideal destination to start your career and grow professionally.


In today's era of intense competition, every organization wants to make sure its employees and workers are safe while performing their job duties. This is where Safety Manager Jobs come in. In Singapore, the role of Safety Managers is highly valued and sought after as they play a critical role in managing workplace safety and reducing risks of accident and injury.

What is a Safety Manager?

A Safety Manager is a professional who oversees the safety of workers and the work environment. They design, implement, and enforce safety policies and programs to ensure that everyone in the organization follows safe work practices. Their role includes identifying risks and hazards, analyzing safety data, and communicating safety protocols to management and employees.

Skills Required for Safety Managers

A Safety Manager requires a specific set of skills and qualities. These include leadership, risk-management, problem-solving abilities, communication skills, interpersonal skills, technical knowledge of industry standards and regulations, and the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously.

Comparison of Safety Manager Jobs in Singapore


The salary of a Safety Manager in Singapore varies depending on the level of experience and education. According to statistics, the average salary of a Safety Manager in Singapore ranges from SGD 80,000 to SGD 120,000 annually. With years of experience in the industry and additional certifications, it is possible to earn up to SGD 300,000 annually.

Education Requirements

The education requirement for a Safety Manager in Singapore is a diploma or bachelor's degree in Occupational Health and Safety, Environmental Science, or any other related field. It is also essential to have relevant certifications such as Work-at-Height Course for Supervisors, Basic Fire Safety Course, Confined Space Safety Course, and more. These certifications are increasingly in demand as they demonstrate the candidate's commitment to safety.

Safety Regulations

Singapore has a strong commitment to workplace safety and enforces stringent regulations. Safety Managers must be aware of and comply with these regulations, including the Workplace Safety and Health Act, Environmental Protection and Management Act, and the Fire Safety Act.

Job Outlook

The job outlook for Safety Managers in Singapore is excellent, with a steady increase in demand over the last few years. The manufacturing industry, construction industry, and oil and gas are the most significant contributors to job openings for Safety Managers in Singapore.

Opinion - Why a Career in Safety Management makes Sense

The Importance of Safety Management

The world is becoming more complex, and so are the risks that come with it. As the health and safety of workers become increasingly important, the role of Safety Managers is critical. Reducing the risk of accidents not only ensures the wellbeing of workers but also protects organizations from legal liabilities. Safety Managers play a vital role in creating a safer work environment that has a positive impact not just on productivity, but also workplace morale.

High Paying Industry

A career in Safety Management can be financially rewarding, with salaries ranging from SGD 80,000 to SGD 300,000. At the entry-level, candidates can expect to earn an average of SGD 3,600 to SGD 4,500 per month, depending on experience and certification.

Future-Proof Your Career

With increasing automation and the rise of new technologies, the job market is constantly changing. However, one area that will remain constant is the importance of safety and risk management. A career in this field will be in demand even in the future. Safety Managers will remain a crucial component to any organization, making it a future-proof career choice.


A career in Safety Management can be a rewarding and fulfilling one. Singapore offers a conducive environment for Safety Managers to thrive, with strict regulations, high demand, and a favorable salary scale. If you have the required skills and the passion to make a difference in ensuring workplace safety, then a career in Safety Management might just be your calling!


Safety managers are responsible for maintaining a safe and healthy work environment, implementing safety procedures and protocols, and working with employees and management to ensure compliance with government regulations. Singapore is home to a rapidly growing economy, and ensuring workplace safety is crucial in sustaining this growth. This article will provide tips and information about safety manager jobs in Singapore for those who are interested in pursuing this career path.

Education and Experience

Education requirements for safety manager jobs in Singapore vary depending on the industry but generally require a bachelor's degree in occupational health and safety, engineering, or a related field. In addition to education, employers typically require 3-5 years of relevant experience. Some job postings may specify a preference for candidates with experience in specific fields, such as construction or manufacturing.


Certification is not always required to become a safety manager in Singapore, however, it can increase your chances of being hired and help you stand out from other applicants. The National Safety Council offers a variety of certifications, including Certified Safety Professional and Occupational Health and Safety Technician.


The responsibilities of a safety manager typically involve identifying potential hazards, assessing risks, developing policies and procedures to prevent accidents, and training employees on safety protocol. Other duties may include conducting investigations into accidents or injuries and implementing corrective action plans. Safety managers must also stay up-to-date on government regulations and ensure their organizations comply with all applicable laws.

Skills and Qualifications

To succeed as a safety manager in Singapore, it is important to have strong leadership skills, effective communication skills, and the ability to work independently. Safety managers must be organized and detail-oriented, able to prioritize tasks, and have strong problem-solving skills. Additionally, familiarity with workplace safety regulations and best practices is essential.

Job Outlook

According to the Ministry of Manpower, the demand for occupational health and safety professionals has increased in recent years due to a growing focus on workplace safety in Singapore. As the country continues to grow and develop, the need for safety managers will continue to increase. With the right education, experience, and qualifications, safety managers can find rewarding and fulfilling careers in Singapore.

Networking Opportunities

Networking is important in any industry, and safety management is no exception. Joining professional organizations such as the Workplace Safety and Health Council can help you stay informed about industry trends and connect with other safety professionals. Attending conferences and seminars is another great way to network and learn about new developments in your field.


Technology is rapidly changing the landscape of workplace safety in Singapore and around the world. Safety managers must stay up-to-date on advances in technology, such as drones, sensors, and wearable devices, that can help prevent accidents and improve the safety of workers.

Salary Expectations

The average salary for a safety manager in Singapore is approximately $65,000-$90,000 SGD per year, depending on education, experience, and industry. Salaries may vary based on location, company size, and other factors.


Safety management is a critical aspect of any organization, and Singapore's growing economy makes this an ideal time to pursue a career in this field. By having the right education, experience, and qualifications, networking with other professionals, and staying up-to-date on industry trends and technologies, you can increase your chances of success as a safety manager in Singapore.

If you are a safety professional and looking for a fulfilling career, Singapore can be a promising destination. Singapore is a rapidly growing economy with ever-increasing manufacturing and construction activities that are creating plenty of job opportunities for safety managers. In this blog, we will discuss the requirements for Safety Manager jobs in Singapore, the skills required, and the salaries you can expect.

Before jumping into the details, let's take a look at what a safety manager does. A safety manager is responsible for creating and implementing policies and procedures to ensure the safety of employees and the public while complying with government regulations. They conduct safety training, investigate accidents, and perform risk assessments. In Singapore, safety managers are in demand in industries such as oil and gas, construction, transportation, and manufacturing.

The first requirement for a safety manager job in Singapore is a degree in Occupational Health and Safety. The candidate should also have a minimum of five years of experience in the safety field. The experience must include management, policy development, and implementation. The candidate should also have experience in conducting safety inspections, audits, and investigations. Being familiar with safety regulations in Singapore is beneficial.

Along with formal education and work experience, a safety manager must possess other qualities as well. Good communication skills are essential to effectively convey safety procedures and best practices to employees and management. A deep knowledge of hazard identification, assessment, and control measures is crucial. The ability to think critically and identify potential risks helps safety managers to prevent accidents before they happen.

One of the biggest concerns for any employee is the salary they will receive. For safety managers in Singapore, the median salary is around SGD 70,000 per year. This value can vary depending on the industry, experience, and qualifications. Entry-level positions pay around SGD 50,000 per year, while senior safety managers with over ten years of experience can earn up to SGD 120,000 per year.

As mentioned earlier, Singapore's construction and manufacturing sectors are booming, leading to plenty of job opportunities for safety managers. Safety managers in construction must conduct regular inspections of equipment, structures, and work procedures to ensure compliance with safety regulations. In contrast, safety managers in manufacturing must ensure that personnel are well trained in equipment operation, machinery maintenance, and identify hazards associated with any component of the manufacturing process.

Safety managers in Singapore must also be aware of the country's unique environmental conditions. The hot and humid climate can cause heat stress and other health problems for workers. Safety managers must manage employee exposure to extreme weather conditions by providing adequate ventilation, hydration, and protective clothing.

Finally, a safety manager's role extends beyond their technical expertise. They must be leaders who set a positive example for others in terms of safety-conscious behavior. They must have the ability to develop and communicate a vision for safety that motivates and inspires all employees towards making it a reality. It takes persistence and dedication, and it's challenging but rewarding when you see the number of accidents reduced.

In conclusion, safety manager jobs in Singapore offer great career opportunities for professionals in the safety field. Education, experience, communication skills, leadership qualities, and knowledge of Singapore's safety regulations are essential to succeed as a safety manager in Singapore. With the constant growth of Singapore's industries, safety managers have a bright future ahead of them.

So to our blog visitors looking to work in Safety Manager Jobs In Singapore, we hope this blog post was of immense value to you. Do well to apply the outlined tips when searching for jobs as a safety manager in Singapore.

Below are some common questions people also ask about Safety Manager Jobs in Singapore:

  • What are the main responsibilities of a Safety Manager?

    A Safety Manager is responsible for identifying and assessing potential hazards in the workplace, developing and implementing safety policies and procedures, training employees on safety protocols, conducting safety audits and inspections, and investigating accidents or incidents to identify ways to prevent future occurrences.

  • What qualifications do I need to become a Safety Manager?

    Most employers require a degree in occupational health and safety or a related field, as well as relevant work experience. Other desirable qualifications include certifications in areas such as first aid, fire safety, and hazardous materials management.

  • What industries typically hire Safety Managers?

    Safety Managers are needed in a variety of industries, including construction, manufacturing, healthcare, transportation, and oil and gas. Any industry where there is a risk of injury or harm to employees can benefit from having a Safety Manager on staff.

  • What is the average salary for a Safety Manager in Singapore?

    The average salary for a Safety Manager in Singapore is around SGD 69,000 per year, but this can vary depending on factors such as industry, years of experience, and level of education.

  • What skills are important for a Safety Manager to have?

    Skills that are important for a Safety Manager include strong communication and interpersonal abilities, knowledge of safety regulations and laws, attention to detail, analytical thinking skills, and the ability to develop effective policies and procedures to mitigate risks.

People Also Ask About Safety Manager Jobs In Singapore

1. What are the responsibilities of a safety manager in Singapore?

A safety manager in Singapore is responsible for ensuring the implementation and compliance of health and safety regulations within an organization. Their main responsibilities include:

  • Developing and implementing safety policies and procedures
  • Conducting risk assessments and inspections to identify potential hazards
  • Providing safety training and awareness programs to employees
  • Investigating accidents and incidents to determine root causes and prevent future occurrences
  • Ensuring compliance with local safety regulations and standards

2. What qualifications are required to become a safety manager in Singapore?

To become a safety manager in Singapore, the following qualifications are commonly required:

  1. A degree or diploma in occupational health and safety, engineering, or a related field
  2. Professional certifications such as the Certified Safety Professional (CSP) or Occupational Health and Safety Technician (OHST)
  3. Strong knowledge of local safety regulations and standards
  4. Prior experience in a related role, preferably in a managerial position
  5. Excellent communication and leadership skills

3. What industries hire safety managers in Singapore?

Safety managers are in demand across various industries in Singapore. Some of the industries that commonly hire safety managers include:

  • Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Oil and gas
  • Transportation and logistics
  • Hospitality
  • Healthcare

4. What is the average salary of a safety manager in Singapore?

The average salary of a safety manager in Singapore can vary depending on factors such as the industry, level of experience, and qualifications. However, the average salary range for a safety manager in Singapore is typically between SGD 70,000 to SGD 100,000 per year.

5. Are there opportunities for career growth as a safety manager in Singapore?

Yes, there are opportunities for career growth as a safety manager in Singapore. With the right experience, qualifications, and skills, safety managers can progress to higher-level positions such as senior safety manager, safety director, or even move into consultancy roles. Continuous professional development and staying updated with the latest safety practices can further enhance career prospects in this field.