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Convert Indonesia Time to Singapore Time: Easy and Efficient Time Zone Converter

Indonesia Time To Singapore Time

Convert Indonesia Time to Singapore Time with our easy-to-use time zone converter. Plan your meetings and flights with accuracy!

Are you planning a trip from Indonesia to Singapore? Do you need to know the time difference between these two popular destinations? Look no further, as we have all the information you need to make your travel plans efficiently.

Indonesia is located to the northwest of Singapore and is one hour behind Singapore Standard Time (SST). This means that when it's 12 PM SST in Singapore, it would be 11 AM in Jakarta, Indonesia.

But wait, there's more! Indonesia spans three different time zones, meaning that the time difference between Jakarta and other parts of Indonesia can vary. For example, Bali is in the same time zone as Jakarta, while Papua is two hours ahead of Jakarta time.

Now, let's talk about why this information matters. If you're catching a flight from Indonesia to Singapore, it's crucial to know the exact time difference between the two places to avoid any confusion with flight times and schedules.

Did you know that Singapore has the same time zone as Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, and Hong Kong? This means that if you're traveling from any of these places to Singapore, you won't have to worry about adjusting your watch or phone clocks.

However, if you're coming from Thailand, Vietnam, or Cambodia, you'll need to adjust your time by one hour to match SST. It's essential to keep this in mind to avoid being late for your meetings, appointments, or sightseeing plans.

So, how do you make sure you have the correct time information during your travels? One solution is to download a time converter app that can help you calculate time differences between different locations worldwide.

Another option is to check with your airline or travel agency. They can provide you with the exact arrival and departure times, accounting for time zone differences, to make sure you're always on time.

In conclusion, knowing the time difference between Indonesia and Singapore is crucial for a smooth travel experience. Remember to account for the three different time zones in Indonesia and adjust your watch or phone clock accordingly if you're coming from other Southeast Asian countries. By doing so, you can fully enjoy your trip and make the most out of your time in these beautiful destinations.

Don't let the small things like time differences cause big headaches during your travels. Plan ahead and have a stress-free journey!


Indonesia and Singapore are located in the same time zone, which is UTC+8. However, there are some differences in the way both countries observe daylight saving time, resulting in a temporary time difference between them twice a year. This blog article will guide you on how to convert Indonesia time to Singapore time accurately and quickly.

Indonesia time and time zones

Indonesia covers three different time zones: Western Indonesian time (WIB), Central Indonesian time (WITA), and Eastern Indonesian time (WIT). WIB is seven hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time or UTC+7, while WITA is eight hours ahead of UTC+8, and WIT is nine hours ahead of UTC+9. The Indonesian capital, Jakarta, is located in the WIB zone.

Singapore time and time zones

Singapore follows one time zone, which is the same as the Malaysian time zone, Malaysia Standard Time (MST). It is eight hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time or UTC+8.

Conversion of Indonesia time to Singapore time

To convert Indonesia time to Singapore time, you need to take into account the time difference between both countries. Typically, there is no time difference between Indonesia and Singapore, but when either country observes daylight saving time (DST), there is a temporary time difference between them.

Indonesia to Singapore time conversion during non-daylight saving time

When both countries are not observing DST, you can convert the time as follows:

Singapore time = Indonesia time – 1 hour.

For example:

  • If it is 5.00 PM in Jakarta, Indonesia (WIB), the time in Singapore will be 4.00 PM.
  • If it is 6.00 AM in Manado, Indonesia (WIT), the time in Singapore will be 5.00 AM.

Remember, you need to subtract an hour when converting Indonesia time to Singapore time outside of DST periods.

Indonesia to Singapore time conversion during daylight saving time

Singapore observes DST, but Indonesia does not. Therefore, when Singapore is on DST and Indonesia is not, there is a one-hour time difference between these two countries. To convert Indonesia time to Singapore time during DST, you need to follow this formula:

Singapore time = Indonesia time – 2 hours.

For example:

  • If it is 6.00 PM in Jakarta, Indonesia (WIB), and Singapore is observing DST, the time in Singapore will be 4.00 PM.
  • If it is 7.00 AM in Makassar, Indonesia (WITA), and Singapore is observing DST, the time in Singapore will be 5.00 AM.


It is essential to understand the time difference between Indonesia and Singapore when doing business, communicating with friends or family or traveling between these two countries. Knowing how to convert the time accurately will help you avoid confusion and ensure that you're on time for your appointments. Now that you know how to convert Indonesia time to Singapore time, you can plan your schedule accordingly and enjoy your time in both countries.


Indonesia is a beautiful country that comprises different islands. The country has a broad range of cultures, traditions, and customs. On the other hand, Singapore is known for its modernity, developed economy, and diverse demographics. These countries differ in several ways, including their geographical location, time zone, and lifestyle. In this article, we will compare the time zone difference between Indonesia Time and Singapore Time.

The Time Zone Difference

Indonesia has three different time zones. The Western Indonesia Time (WIB) is seven hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+7). The Central Indonesia Time (WITA) is eight hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+8), while the Eastern Indonesia Time (WIT) is nine hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+9).

Singapore Standard Time (SGT) is eight hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+8). Singapore does not observe daylight saving time, and the time zone remains constant throughout the year.

Table Comparison

Country Time Zone UTC
Indonesia (Western) WIB UTC+7
Indonesia (Central) WITA UTC+8
Indonesia (Eastern) WIT UTC+9
Singapore SGT UTC+8

The Impact of Time Zone Difference

The time zone difference between Indonesia and Singapore can have various impacts on people's daily lives, including work, travel, and communication.


For those in the business industry, the time zone difference can affect business transactions and meetings. For example, if a person in Indonesia tries to schedule a meeting with someone in Singapore during office hours, that person may have to wake up early or stay up late to adjust to Singapore's time zone. This could lead to fatigue and lack of focus during the meeting.


When traveling between Indonesia and Singapore, it is essential to consider the time zone difference. Travelers need to adjust their watches accordingly to ensure they arrive on time. Some airlines may also offer flights based on local time zones instead of fixed schedules, meaning that travelers would need to be aware of this when making plans.


The time zone difference can also affect communication between people in Indonesia and Singapore. The difference could mean that one person may be asleep while the other person is awake when trying to communicate. As such, it's important for people to consider the time difference when scheduling phone calls or video meetings.


In conclusion, Indonesia and Singapore may differ in terms of their geography, culture, and lifestyle. Still, one notable difference between the two countries is their time zone difference. While Indonesia has three different time zones, each is an hour ahead of the other. Singapore Standard Time remains constant all year round, making it easy for travelers and businesses to plan in advance. With these differences, it is crucial for people to adjust their plans accordingly and take the time difference into account to avoid complications and ensure successful communication and travel.


Indonesia and Singapore are neighboring countries in Southeast Asia. They share a lot of similarities in terms of culture, language, and history. However, one major difference between them is their time zones. Indonesia has three time zones while Singapore has only one.If you're planning to travel from Indonesia to Singapore or vice versa, it's essential to know the time difference between the two countries. In this article, we'll guide you on how to convert Indonesia time to Singapore time and vice versa.

Understanding Time Zones

Before we dive into the specifics of converting time zones, let's first understand what time zones are. A time zone is a region of the globe that observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial, and social purposes. The world is divided into 24 primary time zones, each of which runs from the North Pole to the South Pole and covers 15 degrees of longitude. Indonesia, being a vast archipelago, spans three time zones: Western Indonesia Time (WIB), Central Indonesia Time (CIT), and Eastern Indonesia Time (EIT). Meanwhile, Singapore operates using a single time zone - Singapore Standard Time (SST), which is eight hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+8).

Converting Indonesia Time to Singapore Time

To convert Indonesia time to Singapore time, you need to take note of the time zone you're currently in. Let's say you're in Jakarta, which follows Western Indonesia Time (WIB), and you want to know what time it is in Singapore. First, determine the time difference between the two countries. Since Singapore is one hour ahead of Jakarta, subtract one hour from the current time in Jakarta to get the Singapore time. For example, if it's 10:00 AM in Jakarta, the corresponding time in Singapore would be 11:00 AM.


If it's 10:00 AM WIB in Jakarta, subtract one hour from it.

10:00 AM WIB - 1 hour = 9:00 AM SST

Therefore, 10:00 AM WIB is equivalent to 9:00 AM SST.

Converting Singapore Time to Indonesia Time

On the other hand, if you're in Singapore and want to know what time it is in Indonesia, you need to add the appropriate number of hours to the current time in Singapore.Let's say you're in Singapore, and you want to know the current time in Bali, which follows Central Indonesia Time (CIT). Since Bali is one hour behind Singapore, add one hour to the current time in Singapore.


If it's 11:00 AM SST in Singapore, add one hour to it.

11:00 AM SST + 1 hour = 12:00 PM CIT

Therefore, 11:00 AM SST is equivalent to 12:00 PM CIT.

Tips for Travelers

If you're traveling from Indonesia to Singapore or vice versa, here are some tips to keep in mind:
  • Make sure to adjust your watch or phone to the correct time zone upon arrival in your destination country.
  • Double-check your flight itinerary and confirm the correct departure and arrival times according to the local time of each destination.
  • Plan your activities according to the correct local time to avoid confusion and inconvenience.
  • When booking accommodations, consider the time zone difference and ensure that you can check-in at the appropriate time upon arrival.
  • Always keep track of your schedule and allow ample time for transportation and other unforeseen circumstances.


Knowing the time difference between Indonesia and Singapore is crucial for travelers to avoid any confusion and inconvenience. By following the simple steps discussed in this article, converting Indonesia time to Singapore time, or vice versa, becomes an easy and quick process. Make sure to keep these tips in mind to ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey.

Greetings to all the readers and visitors! In this blog, we will discuss the time difference between Indonesia and Singapore. This topic is important for those who have families, friends, or businesses in either one of the countries.

Indonesia is a vast country, which is composed of 17,000 islands, and Singapore is a small city-state located at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula. Despite their differences in size, Indonesia and Singapore share a strong trade relationship and cultural ties.

Indonesia Time (WIB) is one hour behind Singapore Time (SGT). WIB is used in most Indonesian cities, including Jakarta, Surabaya, and Medan, while SGT is used throughout Singapore island.

The time difference could be confusing for those who are not aware of it, especially for those who are traveling or conducting business transactions between these two countries. Knowing the time difference is essential for scheduling and planning appointments, meetings, and flights.

For example, suppose you are traveling from Jakarta, Indonesia, to Singapore for a business meeting that starts at 2 pm SGT (Singapore Time). In that case, you need to adjust your departure time from Jakarta, considering a one-hour time difference.

In terms of weather, Indonesia has a tropical climate, which means that it is hot and humid all-year-round. Singapore, on the other hand, has a tropical rainforest climate, which is characterized by high humidity and heavy rainfall throughout the year.

Indonesia has a rich culture and heritage, with various ethnic groups, languages, and traditions. Singapore, being a melting pot of cultures, also offers a diverse cultural experience, with influences from Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Western cultures.

If you plan to visit Indonesia, some of the top tourist destinations include Bali, Yogyakarta, Bandung, and Raja Ampat. In Singapore, some of the must-visit places are Marina Bay Sands, Gardens by the Bay, Sentosa Island, and Universal Studios.

Despite the time difference, Indonesia and Singapore share good relations and cooperate in various fields, including trade, education, and tourism. Indonesians find it easy to travel to Singapore, thanks to visa-free entry for up to 30 days granted by the Singapore government.

Aside from the one-hour time difference between Indonesia and Singapore, other countries also have different time zones. Learning about different time zones is essential for global communication and collaboration.

Conclusively, understanding the time difference between Indonesia and Singapore is crucial for efficient planning and communication. It is important to always keep the time difference in mind to avoid confusion and make the most out of your time.

We hope this blog post has been helpful in providing information about the time difference between Indonesia and Singapore. Thank you for taking the time to read through the article, and we hope to provide you with more informative articles in the future. Happy travels!

Here are some common questions about Indonesia Time to Singapore Time:

1. What is the time difference between Indonesia and Singapore?

The time difference between Indonesia and Singapore is 1 hour. Singapore is 1 hour ahead of Indonesia.

2. What time is it now in Jakarta compared to Singapore?

If it is currently 4:00 PM in Jakarta, then it is 5:00 PM in Singapore.

3. Does Indonesia observe Daylight Saving Time?

No, Indonesia does not observe Daylight Saving Time, so the time difference between Indonesia and Singapore remains constant throughout the year.

4. What are the major cities in Indonesia that have the same time as Singapore?

The major cities in Indonesia that have the same time as Singapore are Bintan and Batam, which are part of the Riau Islands province and located just south of Singapore.

5. How do I convert Indonesia Time to Singapore Time?

To convert Indonesia Time to Singapore Time, simply add 1 hour to the current time in Indonesia. For example, if it is 3:00 PM in Indonesia, then it is 4:00 PM in Singapore.

People Also Ask About Indonesia Time To Singapore Time

1. What is the time difference between Indonesia and Singapore?

The time difference between Indonesia and Singapore is one hour. Singapore is one hour ahead of Indonesia.

2. Does Indonesia observe Daylight Saving Time like Singapore?

No, Indonesia does not observe Daylight Saving Time. The country follows a standard time throughout the year.

3. How can I convert Indonesia time to Singapore time?

To convert Indonesia time to Singapore time, you simply need to add one hour to the current time in Indonesia. For example, if it is 9:00 AM in Jakarta, it would be 10:00 AM in Singapore.

4. Are there any regions in Indonesia that have the same time as Singapore?

Yes, there are two regions in Indonesia that have the same time as Singapore. They are the Riau Islands and the Bangka Belitung Islands. These regions follow the same time zone as Singapore, which is GMT+8.

5. Is it necessary to adjust my watch when traveling from Indonesia to Singapore?

Yes, it is necessary to adjust your watch when traveling from Indonesia to Singapore. Since Singapore is one hour ahead, you should set your watch forward by one hour upon arrival in Singapore.

6. Can I use the same timezone converter for other cities in Indonesia?

Yes, you can use the same timezone converter for other cities in Indonesia. The time difference remains constant throughout the country, so adding one hour to the local time will give you the corresponding time in Singapore.

7. Are there any airlines that provide flights between Indonesia and Singapore?

Yes, there are several airlines that provide flights between Indonesia and Singapore. Some popular airlines for this route include Garuda Indonesia, Singapore Airlines, AirAsia, and Jetstar Asia.

8. Do I need to consider the time difference when making travel plans between the two countries?

Yes, it is important to consider the time difference when making travel plans between Indonesia and Singapore. This will help you schedule your activities and appointments accurately, ensuring that you don't miss any important events due to the time change.

9. Are there any apps or websites that can help me with time conversions?

Yes, there are various apps and websites available that can assist you with time conversions between Indonesia and Singapore. Some popular options include World Clock Time Converter,, and The Time Zone Converter.

10. Is there a significant impact on business or communication due to the time difference?

The one-hour time difference between Indonesia and Singapore generally does not have a significant impact on business or communication. Both countries have well-established communication channels, and businesses are accustomed to dealing with international time differences. However, it is always advisable to consider the time zone when scheduling important meetings or conferences to ensure smooth communication.