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Master Primary 1 Spelling List in Singapore: Effective Strategies and Tips

Primary 1 Spelling List Singapore

Looking for a comprehensive spelling list for Primary 1 in Singapore? Check out our curated collection to help your child improve their spelling skills!

As children make their way into Primary 1, they are not only introduced to an entirely new environment but also an avalanche of new concepts and skills. Their spelling lists are bound to grow rapidly, and if you are a parent, you may find yourself questioning; What are primary 1 spelling lists? How do I help my child get better in spelling? Worry not because, in this article, we will explore the ins and outs of primary 1 spelling lists in Singapore, providing you with solutions that will leave your little one spellbound!

What are Primary 1 Spelling Lists?

Essentially, primary 1 spelling lists are a collection of words that are taught to first-grade students to improve their writing and communication skills. These lists are designed to expand the students' vocabulary, boost their reading comprehension and encourage them to become better spellers.

Why are Spelling Lists Important?

Think about it, how often do you come across incorrectly spelt words? Whether it's on signs, menus, or emails! Correct spelling is essential in every aspect of life, especially in the workforce. The ability to communicate effectively and accurately is highly valued in the job market. Therefore, getting a head start in spelling during Primary 1 can set your child up for success in the future.

What Words are included in Primary 1 Spelling Lists?

Primary 1 spelling lists consist of basic short-vowel words like cat, bat, hat, rat, etc. By the end of the year, students are also expected to learn sight words like the, and, is, of and so on. Although these words may seem simple, they form the foundation of most sentences and are crucial components of a child's progression in reading and writing.

How Can I Help My Child Improve in Spelling?

The importance of parental involvement cannot be overstated when it comes to a child's education. Here are some practical ways you can help your child get better at spelling:

  1. Read together: Avid readers tend to be great spellers. Make reading a part of your daily routine.
  2. Practice, Practice, Practice! Don't let the spelling lists gather dust in your child's backpack. Practice spelling with your child every day.
  3. Multisensory methods: Encourage your child to write their words, spell them aloud while clapping syllables and even look at pictures that help them remember the word spellings

What Can I Do If My Child Struggles with Spelling?

If your child is finding spelling challenging despite consistent practice, don't worry. Here are some things that can help:

  1. Make Learning Fun: Using interactive games and activities can make learning more engaging and motivate your child to learn without it feeling like a chore.
  2. Get Creative: Some children may find writing monotonous or tedious. Consider using whiteboards, colorful markers, or alphabet beans to make each writing session feel like an adventure.
  3. Get Professional Help: If your child continues to struggle, consider looking for tutoring services or extra academic support to give them the boost they need.

In Conclusion

Spelling is one of the many skills children learn in Primary 1 that sets them up for future success. Although it may seem daunting at first, consistent practice and the right mindset can catapult your child to becoming a confident speller in no time. Remember, if your child continues to struggle, seeking additional academic support is always an option. We hope this article has been informative and helpful!


Being able to spell words correctly is one of the essential skills that every student must have to excel in their academic journey. Especially for primary school students, the ability to spell words correctly will help them succeed in their studies.

What is Primary 1 Spelling List Singapore?

Primary 1 Spelling List Singapore, also known as P1 spelling list, is a comprehensive list of English words that students in the first year of primary school are expected to learn to spell correctly. The list is designed to help students improve their language skills, which includes vocabulary and grammar.

Why is Primary 1 Spelling List Singapore important?

Learning the P1 spelling list helps students to develop their reading, writing, and communication skills as well as increase their understanding of the English language. Proper spelling is fundamental in written communication as it makes the message clear and understandable.

The Benefits of Learning the Primary 1 Spelling List Singapore

The primary benefit of learning the P1 spelling list is developing a strong foundation in the English language. When students have a firm grasp of spelling, they can focus better on other areas of the curriculum, such as comprehension, grammar, and creative writing.

In addition, learning the correct spelling of words can help students build their confidence when communicating with others. They will be able to express themselves more clearly and effectively, which can help build positive relationships with classmates and teachers.

Tips for Learning the Primary 1 Spelling List Singapore

Here are some tips that can help students to learn the P1 spelling list:

  1. Read, read, and read more! Encourage students to develop a love of reading by providing interesting books, magazines, and other materials. This will help them to recognize words and contextualize their meaning.
  2. Encourage regular practice: Consistency is key when it comes to spelling. Encourage students to make spelling activities a daily routine, and allocate time for spelling practice in their daily study schedule.
  3. Use visual aids: Using flashcards, spelling quizzes, and word games can make learning to spell more fun and engaging.

The Structure of the Primary 1 Spelling List Singapore

The P1 spelling list contains about 300 words that are grouped into different categories, such as:

  • Fruits
  • Shapes
  • Colours
  • Pets
  • Family

The categories are simple and easy for P1 students to comprehend. Each category has about 20 to 30 words that students are required to learn by the end of the year.


Learning the P1 spelling list is fundamental in the foundation of every student's academic journey. It is the necessary building block for language skills that will be required throughout their school years and beyond. With a little discipline, practice, and fun, students can learn to spell correctly and confidently.


Learning spelling is an essential aspect of education. In Singapore, primary school children are required to learn a set of words as part of their spelling curriculum. These words are categorized into different levels based on their level of difficulty. In this blog post, we will compare and contrast the Primary 1 spelling list in Singapore with that of other countries.

Primary 1 Spelling List in Singapore

Primary 1 students in Singapore are expected to memorize about 150 words by the end of the academic year. These words are divided into four categories - Words with One Vowel, Words with Two Vowels, Words with 'sh' and Words with 'ch'.

Words with One Vowel

The words in this category contain only one vowel and are generally easier to remember. Examples include 'cat', 'man', and 'pan'. These words are typically introduced early on in the academic year.

Words with Two Vowels

These words are slightly more difficult than words with one vowel and can be a challenge for some students. Examples include 'boat', 'rain', and 'seat'.

Words with 'sh'

This category contains words that have 'sh' sounds such as 'shop', 'wish' and 'push'. Many of these words are commonly used in conversational language, which makes them easier for students to remember.

Words with 'ch'

This category contains words that have 'ch' sounds such as 'church', 'watch' and 'catch'. Like the words with 'sh', many of these words are commonly used in everyday language.

Primary 1 Spelling List in USA

In the USA, primary school children are required to learn approximately 300 words by the end of the year. This is almost double that of Singapore's curriculum. The spelling list in the US is divided into categories based on the grade level of the student.

Words for Grade 1

The spelling list for grade 1 in the US typically includes words that are similar to those in Singapore. However, the number of words is higher with some lists containing over 30 words per week. Examples of words for grade 1 include 'cat', 'man', 'bag' and 'ham'.

Words for Grade 2

Second-grade students in the US are expected to learn more complex words such as 'animal', 'sweater' and 'shoulder'. These words have multiple syllables and are more challenging to remember. The average spelling list for Grade 2 contains 20-25 words.

Words for Grade 3

The third-grade spelling list in the US comprises even more complex words such as 'exaggerate', 'scissors' and 'opposite'. The spelling lists for Grade 3 can include up to 30 words per week.

Primary 1 Spelling List in Australia

In Australia, the spelling list for Primary 1 is divided into three stages. Stage 1 comprises about 150 words, which is similar to that of Singapore's curriculum. However, there is a significant difference in the types of words included in the Australia curriculum.

Words for Stage 1

The spelling list for Stage 1 in Australia includes many words with silent letters. Examples include 'knock', 'wrist' and 'headache'. These words can be particularly challenging for young learners.

Words for Stage 2

Stage 2 comprises about 200 words and includes more complex words than Stage 1. Examples include 'apology', 'arithmetic' and 'independent'. Students are expected to learn about 20-30 words per week.

Words for Stage 3

Stage 3 comprises about 300 words, which is double that of Singapore's curriculum. These words are even more complex and include words such as 'amateur', 'contemporary' and 'kilometre'. The spelling list for stage 3 is divided into groups of 20 - 40 words per week.


Spelling lists vary significantly between countries. While the number of words required to be memorized in Singapore is significantly less than other countries, the focus is more on commonly used conversational words. In contrast, the spelling lists in the US and Australia are significantly higher, with more emphasis on complex words. Regardless of the country's approach, it is essential to help students develop strong spelling skills from a young age, which will aid in their overall academic growth.


Spelling is one of the fundamentals of the language arts. It is the ability to spell words correctly and accurately. A child’s ability to spell words correctly is essential in enabling them to write effectively and communicate their thoughts and ideas fluently. In Primary 1 Singapore, spelling plays a crucial role in the child’s academic progress.

What is primary 1 spelling list?

Primary 1 students in Singapore begin to learn new words through the spelling program. The spelling list in Primary 1 comprises of a total of 96 core words, including short vowels, digraphs, and sight words. These words are taught gradually over the academic year to help the children become more confident in spelling and increase their vocabulary.

Why is the Primary 1 spelling list important?

The Primary 1 spelling list is important because it helps children acquire foundational spelling skills. It also assists in developing their reading writing skills. Spelling forms a vital foundation to later writing, by aiding the understanding of the basics of grammar, pronunciation, and word usage, thus improving the child’s overall comprehension of the language.

How to use the Primary 1 Spelling List

To achieve the best results, it is advisable to introduce and practice the spelling list, following a predetermined sequence of words. A study plan should be drawn that utilizes various teaching approaches such as audio-visual aids, interactive learning games, and rote repetition to enable the child to remember and recall the words quickly.

The following are essential tips to help your child learn the Primary 1 Spelling List:

Tip 1. Start Early

Starting your child early on the primary 1 spelling list will give them enough time to practice and master the words. Early practice allows children to develop an interest in the language and cultivate good spellers' habits.

Tip 2: Teach Sight Words

Teach your child simple sight words such as 'the,' 'and,' and 'you.' These are common words that your child is more likely to encounter in their reading texts and store in their memory for frequent use.

Tip 3: Use Interactive Learning Games

Interactive learning games, such as matching, crossword puzzles, and Hangman, make learning fun and engaging.

Tip 4: Repeat Spelling Words Regularly

Make a routine of revisiting the spelling list several times a day, and this will help your child memorize and grasp the words better.

Tip 5: Encourage Your Child to Read

Reading is an excellent way of learning new words. Encourage your child to read books appropriate for their level to help them build more extensive vocabularies, which range beyond the primary 1 spelling list.

Tip 6: Recognize Your Child's Progress

Recognize the effort and hard work of your child when you notice visible progress. This helps encourage, motivate, and cultivate self-confidence and a Growth Mindset in your child.

Tip 7: Be a Role Model

Be a role model by regular reading and writing with your child. When your child sees you interested in the language, they tend to emulate your patterns quickly.

Tip 8: Write Vocabulary Words at Home

Write out a word or two from the spelling list on a post-it note and stick it around the home. Your child will see the words and remember to spell them correctly.

Tip 9: Study Together

Study together with your child even for ten minutes per day. This helps support the child's learning process, provides feedback on their progress, and creates quality time between you and your child.

Tip 10: Reward Good Performance

Reward your child when they do well on their spelling list. Prizes such as a favorite food treat or a special outing help motivate children.


The primary 1 spelling list is an essential tool in developing the spelling skills of a child. With proper teaching methods and consistent study habits, your child can master the list and improve their reading and writing skills holistically. Dedicate time and effort to helping your child cultivate good spelling habits, and you will set them up for future success in their language studies and overall academic progress.

Hello readers! Thank you for taking the time to read through our article on the Primary 1 spelling list in Singapore. We hope that the information we provided has been helpful to you and that you have gained some useful insights on how to approach spelling with your child.

As parents, it is important that we take an active role in helping our children to develop strong spelling skills. Spelling is a foundational skill that is essential for success in reading and writing, and by investing the time and effort to support our children, we can help to set them up for academic success in the years to come.

One of the best ways to support your child's spelling development is to create a fun and engaging learning environment. This can include reading books together, playing word games, or even just having regular spelling practice sessions. By making spelling into a fun activity, your child is more likely to stay engaged, enthusiastic, and motivated to learn.

Another tip for supporting your child's spelling development is to encourage them to use different techniques to remember words, such as visualizing the word, sounding it out, or breaking it down into smaller parts. By using a variety of techniques, your child can find the method that works best for them and build their confidence and independence when it comes to spelling.

It is also important to remember that every child learns at their own pace, and that progress can vary greatly from child to child. So, no matter how your child is doing with spelling right now, it's important to be patient, supportive, and encouraging. Celebrate their successes and help them to learn from their mistakes, and remember that with time and practice, they will continue to improve.

If you're looking for additional resources to support your child's spelling development, there are many great websites and apps that offer fun and interactive activities and games. Some popular options include SpellingCity, Wordle, and Khan Academy.

We hope you found our article on the Primary 1 spelling list in Singapore to be informative and useful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to us. We are always happy to help and to support parents in their efforts to help their children succeed.

Thanks again for reading, and best of luck with your spelling practice!

People also ask about Primary 1 Spelling List Singapore:

  1. What is included in the Primary 1 Spelling List in Singapore?
  2. The Primary 1 Spelling List in Singapore typically includes commonly used words such as cat, dog, house, school, and play.

  3. How many words are on the Primary 1 Spelling List in Singapore?
  4. The number of words on the Primary 1 Spelling List in Singapore can vary depending on the school or curriculum. However, it typically ranges from 20 to 50 words per week.

  5. How can I help my child practice spelling words from the Primary 1 Spelling List in Singapore?
  6. You can assist your child by providing them with various strategies to practice spelling, such as using flashcards, spelling games, and writing out the words multiple times.

  7. Are there any online resources available for Primary 1 Spelling List practice in Singapore?
  8. Yes, there are many online resources that offer fun and interactive ways to practice spelling words from the Primary 1 Spelling List in Singapore. Some examples include Quizlet and Spelling City.

  9. What is the importance of teaching spelling in Primary 1?
  10. Learning to spell serves as a critical component of language development. By teaching spelling in Primary 1, children can enhance their vocabulary, communicate effectively, and improve their overall writing skills.

People Also Ask about Primary 1 Spelling List Singapore

1. What is the Primary 1 Spelling List in Singapore?

The Primary 1 Spelling List in Singapore refers to a curated list of words designed for children in their first year of primary school. These words are carefully selected to help young learners develop their spelling skills and expand their vocabulary.

2. How can I help my child with the Primary 1 Spelling List?

There are several ways you can assist your child with the Primary 1 Spelling List:

  • Practice regularly: Set aside dedicated study time each day for spelling practice.
  • Use visual aids: Utilize flashcards or online resources to make learning more interactive and engaging.
  • Encourage reading: Reading books together can expose your child to a wide range of words, enhancing their spelling abilities.
  • Make it fun: Incorporate games, quizzes, or spelling bees to make the learning process enjoyable.
  • Provide positive reinforcement: Praise your child's efforts and progress to boost their confidence.

3. How many words are typically on the Primary 1 Spelling List?

The number of words on the Primary 1 Spelling List may vary depending on the curriculum or school. However, it is common for there to be around 100 to 150 words for students to learn throughout the academic year. It is important to check with your child's school or teacher for the exact list.

4. Are there any online resources available for the Primary 1 Spelling List?

Yes, there are numerous online resources available to help support your child's learning of the Primary 1 Spelling List. Websites and apps offer interactive spelling games, worksheets, and practice exercises that can make the learning process more engaging and fun.

In conclusion,

The Primary 1 Spelling List in Singapore is a specially curated list of words aimed at developing spelling skills and vocabulary in young learners. By incorporating regular practice, visual aids, reading, and positive reinforcement, parents can assist their children in mastering the spelling list. Additionally, online resources can provide further support and enhance the learning experience.