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Unlocking Senior Vice President Salaries in Singapore: Breaking Down the Pay Scales and Career Paths

Senior Vice President Salary Singapore

Discover the average salary of a Senior Vice President in Singapore and explore the factors that influence their compensation packages.

Are you curious about the Senior Vice President salary in Singapore? Would you like to know what the average compensation package looks like for this executive role in one of Asia's leading financial hubs? Look no further as we explore the details of this high-level position.

Firstly, let us define who a Senior Vice President (SVP) is. This title is typically assigned to a top executive in a company who holds responsibility over a specific area of operations, such as sales or finance. SVPs generally report directly to the CEO and are an integral part of the organization's leadership team.

So, how much does an SVP in Singapore make? According to a survey conducted by recruitment firm Robert Walters, the average base salary for an SVP in 2021 is SGD$300,000 to SGD$425,000 per annum. Keep in mind that this figure does not include bonuses, stock options, or other benefits that may be included in a compensation package.

The survey also revealed that the financial services industry offers the highest salary packages for SVPs in Singapore. This is due to the high demand for experienced leaders in this sector, particularly in areas such as private banking and investment management.

However, it's important to note that other industries, such as technology and healthcare, are also offering competitive salaries for SVP positions. With Singapore's bustling economy and thriving job market, there's no shortage of opportunities in various sectors.

But what skills and experience are required to secure an SVP position and earn a high salary? A proven track record of leadership, strategic planning, and financial management are all essential. Additionally, having a deep understanding of the industry and staying up-to-date on market trends is crucial for success in this role.

Transitioning from a lower-level management role to an SVP position can also be challenging. However, with dedication and hard work combined with relevant education and experience, it's possible to climb the corporate ladder and attain this esteemed title.

In conclusion, the Senior Vice President salary in Singapore is undoubtedly attractive and reflects the level of responsibility and expertise required for this role. Whether you're a seasoned executive or aspiring to climb the ranks, striving towards an SVP position can be a fulfilling and lucrative career move in Singapore's dynamic job market.

So, are you ready to take on the challenge and aim for an SVP position? With determination and the right skill set, the sky's the limit. Keep pushing yourself towards success!


As the financial hub in Southeast Asia, Singapore's business sector is growing exponentially every year. With an aging population, there are increasing opportunities available for seniors to work at higher levels within organizations. A Senior Vice President (SVP) is a senior executive position in a company, and this article will explore the salary range for an SVP in Singapore.

What Does A Senior Vice President Do?

A Senior Vice President is an executive position that involves managing a large department or division within a company. They have a broad range of responsibilities, such as providing strategic direction, overseeing operations, driving revenue growth, and managing staff performance. The position requires strong leadership, analytical skills, and excellent communication skills.

The Salary Range For A Senior Vice President In Singapore

The salary range for an SVP in Singapore can vary depending on factors such as company size, industry, and level of experience. The average salary for an SVP in Singapore is approximately SGD 310,000 per year, with a range of SGD 220,000 to SGD 430,000. However, salaries can go as high as SGD 1 million annually for those with significant experience and expertise in their field.

Factors That Affect Senior Vice President Salaries In Singapore

Several factors affect the salaries of SVPs, including:


Different industries offer different salary ranges, with some sectors such as finance and banking typically offering more than others. The demand for the role also varies across different sectors.

Company Size

Bigger companies that are global or multinational tend to pay higher salaries to attract and retain top talent to compete with other similar companies globally.

Years Of Experience

The level of seniority plays a role in determining salary, with those who have been in the field longer typically earning more.

Geographical Location

The cost of living and the location of the company also play a crucial role in salary determination.

The Benefits Of A Senior Vice President Position

Apart from a high salary, an SVP position also comes with other benefits. These may include bonuses, stock options, medical coverage, and retirement plans, among others.

How To Become A Senior Vice President In Singapore

To become an SVP, one would typically need to start at the bottom and work up the ladder, gaining experience and taking on increasing amounts of responsibility. One may also benefit from pursuing higher education such as an MBA, a doctoral degree, or relevant certifications, along with networking and continuing their professional development.


A Senior Vice President is a lucrative executive position that offers a competitive salary. Although salaries vary depending on several factors, there are numerous opportunities available in Singapore's growing business sector. With the right experience, skills, and education, a senior executive can progress and succeed in this highly respected position.


Singapore has always been an attractive location for businesses to set up their operations. As a result of this, the country's economy has rapidly grown, and many high-level positions have become available in several sectors. This article will focus on the senior vice president salary in Singapore and how it compares in various industries.

The Senior Vice President Role

The senior vice president position is a coveted role in any organization. The responsibilities of this position include overseeing departments, managing budgets, building relationships with stakeholders, and contributing to the organization's strategy.

The senior vice president achieves these goals by leading a team of managers and employees under their supervision. They create a vision for their department and work with their team to execute tasks aligned with the company's objectives.

How We Compare Salaries?

This article has used several sources to acquire data, including Robert Half and Glassdoor. These sources provide salary estimates based on industry standards, company size, and various job titles. By using data from these sources, we can compare salary ranges within different industries, including finance, technology, and healthcare.

Finance Industry


The finance industry plays a significant role in Singapore's economy, making it a crucial sector for high-paying executive roles. Senior vice presidents in finance typically earn more than those in other industries due to the sector's demand and high skill requirements.

Tabled Comparison

Industry Position Salary Range (per year)
Finance Senior Vice President S$300,000 - S$600,000
Technology Senior Vice President S$250,000 - S$450,000
Healthcare Senior Vice President S$250,000 - S$450,000

Opinion About Finance Industry

The finance industry tends to offer the highest senior vice president salaries compared to other sectors. This is primarily due to the high level of responsibility and expertise required to succeed in the finance industry. Additionally, Singapore's growing economy has increased demand for skilled professionals to help businesses stay competitive.

Technology Industry


The technology industry is rapidly evolving, with newer and more complex technologies emerging every day. The industry is also highly competitive and places a significant emphasis on innovation. This emphasis on innovation means that many technology companies prioritize a strong executive team, which includes the management of the senior vice president position.

Tabled Comparison

Industry Position Salary Range (per year)
Finance Senior Vice President S$300,000 - S$600,000
Technology Senior Vice President S$250,000 - S$450,000
Healthcare Senior Vice President S$250,000 - S$450,000

Opinion About Technology Industry

The technology industry is a fast-paced environment that demands innovation. As a result, companies pay competitive salaries to attract talented individuals with complex expertise. The senior vice president role is crucial in the technology industry as it requires excellent leadership qualities and broad knowledge of cutting-edge technologies.

Healthcare Industry


The healthcare industry has always been an essential sector, but with the global pandemic, this industry has become even more critical. The demand for qualified healthcare professionals has significantly increased, from doctors and nurses all the way up to executives, including the senior vice president role.

Tabled Comparison

Industry Position Salary Range (per year)
Finance Senior Vice President S$300,000 - S$600,000
Technology Senior Vice President S$250,000 - S$450,000
Healthcare Senior Vice President S$250,000 - S$450,000

Opinion About Healthcare Industry

The healthcare industry is a rapidly expanding field, and the demand for senior vice presidents has significantly increased. These professionals are responsible for developing and implementing strategies that drive growth and improve patient care. The sector offers competitive salaries to attract experienced individuals with the right skill sets to help hospitals and healthcare companies meet the demands of the community.


In conclusion, Singapore is an attractive destination for businesses looking to set up operations in various sectors. This article has compared the salaries of senior vice presidents in finance, technology, and healthcare. The salary range varies depending on the industry, but all three sectors offer competitive compensation packages that reflect the complexity and importance of the role.

As a Senior Vice President (SVP) in Singapore, you have a lot of responsibilities on your shoulders. You have to lead the company’s efforts and ensure that they are aligned with the company’s goals. This role is not for the faint of heart because it demands a great deal of dedication and hard work from the SVP.

Responsibilities of a Senior Vice President

One of the most crucial roles of an SVP is to lead the different teams in the organization. You have to ensure that all the departments are functioning effectively, and their goals are synchronized with the company’s objectives. Additionally, you also have to interact with top management officials, board members, customers, investors, and stakeholders to ensure that the company is on track.

Another significant demand of the job is to provide strategic leadership to the company. You have to identify new areas of growth, opportunities, and risks, and make appropriate decisions to mitigate them. You should always be one-step-ahead of the competition to stay afloat in the market.

Senior Vice President Salary Singapore

Now that we have a clear understanding of the responsibilities of this job, let's focus on the salary aspect. The salary of an SVP in Singapore depends on several factors like experience, industry type, education, and skills. According to Payscale, the average SVP salary in Singapore is SGD 263,502 per year. However, this can go up to SGD 425,000 based on seniority and industry type.

The salary also varies based on the location of the company. For instance, companies located in the central business district (CBD) pay more than businesses in other locations. Similarly, multinational companies offer higher salaries, including benefits and allowances, than local firms.

Bonus Factors for SVP Salary

Companies offer several bonuses and perks to their senior-level executives in Singapore. These bonuses or additional forms of compensation may include:

  • Performance bonuses that are based on how well the company performs financially
  • Stock options that allow executives to buy stocks at a low price that they can then sell for a higher price later on
  • Health insurance and retirement benefits as part of the employment package
  • Travel allowances and expense reimbursements

Skills Required for an SVP Role

To be successful in an SVP role and earn a top salary, you need to have the following skills:

  • Leadership and management skills
  • Excellent communication and negotiation abilities
  • Analytical and strategic thinking capabilities
  • Visionary approach to business, innovation, and risk-taking
  • Networking and relationship-building skills
  • Ability to work within a multicultural environment

Educational Qualifications

Most companies require an SVP to have a degree or postgraduate diploma in business administration, finance, accounting, or marketing. Additionally, having some international exposure, such as an MBA from a reputable foreign university, can enhance your salary prospects. Some SVPs have professional qualifications like CPA, ACCA, CFA, or other relevant certifications.


In conclusion, being a senior vice president in Singapore is a challenging yet rewarding experience. Along with the challenging job profile comes an attractive salary and a long list of perks and benefits. However, it is critical to have the necessary qualifications and skills as well as proven experience to earn the top salary packages. Lastly, keep in mind that salaries in this position are subject to market conditions and demand, so it is essential to stay current with industry trends and market competition.

Closing Message for Blog Visitors:

After diving deep into the world of senior vice president salary in Singapore, we hope that you have gained a comprehensive understanding of this topic. The numbers and figures may seem overwhelming, but they all ultimately boil down to the value that these experienced professionals bring to their respective companies.It is important to note that salary values are influenced by various factors, such as industry, company size, job scope, and years of experience. As such, it is crucial for individuals to undertake thorough research before negotiating their salaries with their employers. This includes tapping on available resources such as industry reports, salary calculators, and benchmarking surveys.Additionally, we hope that this article has inspired you to constantly seek opportunities for personal and professional growth. As mentioned above, experience plays a significant role in determining one's earning potential in the senior vice president position. Therefore, it is crucial for individuals to continuously develop their skill sets and acquire new knowledge in their respective fields.In conclusion, we hope that this article has been informative and insightful for our readers. The senior vice president position is undoubtedly one that holds many responsibilities and challenges, but it also offers ample rewards and opportunities for career advancement. As Singapore’s economy continues to evolve and grow, we can expect the demand for skilled and experienced senior leaders to increase as well.

People Also Ask about Senior Vice President Salary Singapore:

  1. What is the average Senior Vice President salary in Singapore?
    • The average salary for a Senior Vice President in Singapore is SGD 233,580 per year.
  2. How much does a Senior Vice President make in Singapore?
    • A Senior Vice President in Singapore can earn anywhere between SGD 145,000 to SGD 500,000 per year. The exact salary depends on factors such as industry, experience, and company size.
  3. Is the Senior Vice President role highly paid in Singapore?
    • Yes, the Senior Vice President role is considered a highly paid job in Singapore. It is one of the top executive roles in any organization.
  4. What are some of the benefits of being a Senior Vice President in Singapore?
    • Senior Vice Presidents usually enjoy a range of benefits such as healthcare, dental care, paid vacation time, retirement plans, stock options, and bonuses or profit-sharing.
  5. What qualifications are required to become a Senior Vice President in Singapore?
    • Becoming a Senior Vice President in Singapore typically requires years of experience in a related field, a strong educational background, and exceptional leadership and management skills.

People Also Ask About Senior Vice President Salary Singapore

1. What is the average salary of a Senior Vice President in Singapore?

The average salary of a Senior Vice President in Singapore can vary depending on factors such as industry, company size, and years of experience. However, on average, a Senior Vice President in Singapore can earn between SGD 200,000 to SGD 400,000 per year.

2. How does the salary of a Senior Vice President compare to other executive positions?

The salary of a Senior Vice President is typically higher than that of lower-level executives but may be lower compared to certain C-suite positions such as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or Chief Financial Officer (CFO). The salary range for a Senior Vice President is often competitive and reflects the seniority and responsibilities associated with the role.

3. What factors can affect the salary of a Senior Vice President in Singapore?

Several factors can influence the salary of a Senior Vice President in Singapore, including:

  • Industry: Certain industries, such as finance and technology, tend to offer higher salaries for senior positions.
  • Company Size: Larger companies often have more resources, allowing them to offer higher salaries.
  • Experience: A Senior Vice President with extensive experience and a proven track record may command a higher salary.
  • Performance: Exceptional performance and achievements within the role can lead to salary increases or bonuses.
  • Market Demand: The demand for Senior Vice Presidents in a particular industry can impact salary levels.

4. Are there any additional benefits or perks that Senior Vice Presidents in Singapore receive?

Senior Vice Presidents in Singapore may receive a range of additional benefits and perks, which can vary depending on the company. These may include:

  1. Performance bonuses
  2. Stock options or equity in the company
  3. Healthcare and insurance coverage
  4. Pension plans or retirement benefits
  5. Flexible work arrangements
  6. Company car or transportation allowance


The salary of a Senior Vice President in Singapore can vary based on factors such as industry, company size, and experience. On average, they can earn between SGD 200,000 to SGD 400,000 per year. Other executive positions may have higher or lower salaries depending on their level of seniority. Factors like industry, company size, experience, performance, and market demand can influence the salary of a Senior Vice President. Additionally, they may receive various benefits and perks as part of their compensation package.