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Unveiling the Strength of Singapore National Co-Operative Federation - Empowering Communities and Fostering Growth

Singapore National Co Operative Federation

Achieving socio-economic progress through cooperation and collaboration. Discover the Singapore National Co-operative Federation's initiatives.

Singapore National Co-operative Federation (SNCF) is a notable organization that commitment to promoting and developing co-operative businesses in Singapore. Since its establishment in 1980, SNCF has been serving and supporting the growth of co-operatives in Singapore. But what is a co-operative, and how can it benefit the society?

A co-operative is a business driven by people for people, where members pool their resources to achieve common goals. It is a democratic enterprise that puts people, not profits, at the center of its operations. When a co-operative succeeds, everyone benefits, and members not only earn profits but also have a say in decision-making.

In Singapore, there are more than 80 co-operatives under different categories, including consumer, credit, specialized, and social co-operatives. These co-operatives provide various products and services, from affordable housing and healthcare to financial services and food groceries. With the support of SNCF, these co-operatives are thriving and positively impacting the community.

Did you know the co-operative sector creates jobs and generates revenue? According to data provided by SNCF, the co-operative sector employs more than 15,000 people and generates an annual turnover of over $3 billion. That is a significant contribution to Singapore's economy!

What makes SNCF unique is its dedication to empowering the co-operative movement in Singapore. SNCF provides a range of services and programs, from advocacy, education, and training to consultancy, financing, and networking. These services are tailored to meet the needs of co-operatives at various stages of development.

For instance, SNCF's Co-operative Learning and Development program provides training and workshops to equip co-operative leaders and members with skills and knowledge to run successful co-operatives. SNCF's Co-operative Enterprise Fund provides financing and business advisory services to co-operatives to help them expand their activities and improve their viability.

Are you interested in setting up a co-operative, but don't know where to start? SNCF's Co-operative Development Program offers guidance and support, from feasibility studies to incorporation and registration. SNCF's expertise and resources can make your co-operative dream a reality!

The co-operative movement has been around for over 170 years and continues to grow worldwide. In Singapore, co-operatives have been making a positive impact on people's lives for decades. SNCF's commitment to promoting and developing co-operatives ensures that this sector will continue to thrive and serve the community.

If you are looking to be a part of the co-operative movement, reach out to SNCF. With its rich experience, varied services, and vibrant network, SNCF can provide the solutions you need to succeed. Join the co-operative family today!

Singapore National Co-operative Federation: A Portrait of a Vibrant Co-operative Movement

The Singapore National Co-operative Federation (SNCF) was established in 1980 to represent and promote the co-operative movement in Singapore. As a confederation of co-operatives, SNCF serves as a platform for co-operatives to collaborate, network, and gain more insights on how to operate sustainably. Over the years, SNCF has been instrumental in helping co-operatives grow and thrive in an increasingly competitive landscape.

The Importance of Co-operatives in Singapore

Co-operatives play an essential role in Singapore's economy, primarily by providing affordable products and services to consumers. Co-operatives ensure that vulnerable segments of the population, such as low-income families, have access to basic needs like food and health services. Additionally, co-operatives also create employment opportunities and generate income for their members. As a result, co-operatives contribute to Singapore's social and economic development, making them integral players in the country's growth story.

SNCF's Mission and Objectives

The mission of SNCF is to foster a strong and vibrant co-operative movement in Singapore that contributes to socio-economic development and meets the changing needs of its members. To achieve its mission, SNCF has set several objectives:

  • To promote and support the formation and growth of co-operatives in Singapore
  • To provide training and education to co-operatives and their members
  • To represent the interests of co-operatives in Singapore and internationally
  • To facilitate networking and collaboration among co-operatives in Singapore and across the world

SNCF's Programmes and Services

SNCF offers a wide range of programmes and services to its members, including:

  • Training and development: SNCF provides training and development programmes for co-operatives and their members to enhance their skills and knowledge in various areas such as business management, marketing and communications, financial management, and governance.
  • Research and advocacy: SNCF conducts research and advocacy work to raise awareness on the benefits of co-operatives and promote public policies that support their growth and development.
  • Networking and collaboration: SNCF facilitates networking and collaboration among co-operatives in Singapore and internationally through conferences, meetings, and exchange programmes.
  • Co-operative development fund: SNCF establishes a co-operative development fund to provide financial assistance to its members in the form of loans and grants for co-operative development projects.

SNCF's Achievements and Recognition

SNCF has achieved several significant milestones over the years, which have helped to strengthen the co-operative movement in Singapore. One of the most notable achievements is the development of the Co-operative Enterprise Development Scheme (CEDS), a funding scheme aimed at supporting the growth and development of co-operatives in Singapore. The CEDS has been instrumental in helping co-operatives access funding for business expansion, equipment purchase, marketing, and other activities that contribute to their sustainability.

Another recognition for SNCF is that it has been awarded the Apex Award for Co-operative Excellence by the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) in 2011. This prestigious award recognises the outstanding achievements of national apex organisations in promoting and developing the co-operative movement globally.

The Future of Co-operatives in Singapore

The future of co-operatives in Singapore looks bright, thanks to the continued efforts of SNCF and its members. With the growing recognition of the contributions of co-operatives to Singapore's social and economic development, more people are becoming aware of the advantages of co-operative ownership and participation. This increased awareness is driving demand for new co-operatives to emerge, and existing co-operatives to expand and diversify their activities.

The challenge ahead for SNCF and its members is to ensure that the co-operative movement in Singapore remains relevant and sustainable in the face of rapid technological, demographic, and environmental changes. To achieve this, SNCF will need to continue to provide support and resources to co-operatives to equip them to adapt to new realities.


The Singapore National Co-operative Federation has played a crucial role in developing and promoting the co-operative movement in Singapore. Through its various programmes and services, SNCF has helped co-operatives grow and thrive, contributing to Singapore's social and economic progress. As Singapore's economy continues to evolve, co-operatives will become even more important in providing affordable products and services to consumers. With the continued support of SNCF, co-operatives in Singapore can look forward to a bright future.


Singapore is known for its efficient and effective economy. One of the key factors contributing to this success is the Singapore National Co-operative Federation (SNCF). Established in 1980, the SNCF has been a driving force in promoting co-operative entrepreneurship and social responsibility in Singapore.

History of SNCF and its Achievements

The SNCF has established itself as an integral part of Singapore's economic system in just over three decades, setting itself apart as a highly successful organization with various achievements. It was awarded the United Nations' World Co-operative Excellence Award in 2017 and voted the best in the world by the International Co-operative Alliance. Additionally, the SNCF achieved ISO certification for co-operatives in October 2018, which is a testament to its focus on quality and sustainability.


The SNCF is based on a cooperative model where members are organizations who aim to provide services or products to Singaporean consumers. The member organizations include credit unions, social enterprises, and multi-purpose co-operatives. The SNCF offers extensive training and development opportunities to its members. This enables them to grow their businesses while providing benefits for their employees.

Co-operative Entrepreneurship

The SNCF provides an ecosystem that promotes co-operative entrepreneurship for Singaporeans. They encourage the creation of new co-operatives, and they help existing co-operatives to develop and expand. The SNCF also supports entrepreneurs through mentorship and access to finance. They have worked on various initiatives to identify sectoral challenges and address them to ensure success in the long run.

Social Responsibility

Social responsibility is one of the most significant aspects of the work carried out by the SNCF. They have expertly navigated the challenges of sustainable development and have made it their primary focus to ensure that the co-operatives they work with are environmentally and socially responsible. The SNCF ensures that there is a proper balance between economic, social, and environmental factors in their planning, operations, and evaluation processes.

Comparison with Other Co-operative Federations

The SNCF has created a benchmark for other cooperative federations in the world. A comparison with other co-operative federations highlights various unique features of the SNCF that sets them apart.


The International Cooperative Alliance (ICA), that aims to represent co-operatives globally, lists five distinctive types of member organizations. On the other hand, the SNCF's members are mainly co-operative consumer societies. This makes the SNCF unique compared to other co-operative federations globally, which typically have a broad range of member organizations, including worker-owned, farmer-owned, and housing co-operatives.

Funding Policy

The SNCF fund is mainly provided by its members, government grants, and corporate social responsibility funds. The SNCF's budget comes from these contributions. However, other co-operative federations globally receive funds from various sources such as membership fees, investments, donations, and their commercial activities.

Involvement in Community Development

The SNCF actively monitors the progress of co-operative members in their community involvement, ensuring that they are adhering to the sustainability principles set by the organization. Singapore, as a developed country, has quite different dynamics compared to developing countries. In contrast, other co-operative federations globally tend to be more involved in community development programs and fundraising initiatives through charity works and relief services.


The work done by the SNCF is impressive. Their operations are focused, and their dedication towards achieving sustainability is evident. Although their membership is limited to co-operative consumer societies, they have managed to support various national initiatives while still being closely tied to the government.

The SNCF's drive towards sustainability is commendable, and their operational best-practices have earned them recognition internationally, which others federations can only aspire to achieve. The SNCF serves as a model for not only Singapore but also other nations seeking to establish or revamp their cooperative sector.


The Singapore National Co-operative Federation leads the way for other cooperative federations when it comes to promoting co-operative entrepreneurship and social responsibility. Although the federation's membership is limited to co-operative consumer societies, they have achieved immense success over the past few decades and have maintained their commitment to serving society. Other federations can learn from the SNCF's principles of quality, sustainability, and a focus on responsible business practices.

Singapore National Co Operative Federation (SNCF)

If you are interested in learning about how co-operatives work, Singapore National Co-Operative Federation (SNCF) is a great place to start. SNCF is the apex body of all co-operatives in Singapore and represents the co-operative movement in Singapore. It was established in 1980 with the aim of fostering growth and development of co-operative enterprises in Singapore.

What is a co-operative?

A co-operative is an autonomous association of persons who voluntarily come together to meet common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise. In other words, a co-operative is a business model that operates on the principle of self-help, mutual aid, and democratic control.

Why join a co-operative?

There are many benefits to joining a co-operative. Firstly, as a member-owner, you have a say in how the business is run. Every member has an equal vote and a voice in decision-making. Secondly, co-operatives operate on a not-for-profit basis, so any surplus revenue generated is reinvested back into the business or distributed among members. Thirdly, co-operatives provide a platform for members to collaborate and work together towards common goals.

How does SNCF support co-operatives in Singapore?

As the apex body of all co-operatives in Singapore, SNCF plays a key role in promoting and developing the co-operative movement. Some of the ways in which SNCF supports co-operatives in Singapore are:

  • Providing training and education to co-operative members and employees
  • Facilitating networking and collaboration among co-operatives
  • Advocating for co-operative-friendly policies and regulations
  • Offering financial assistance to co-operatives through various grants and schemes

What are some co-operatives in Singapore?

There are various co-operatives in Singapore that cater to different sectors and industries. Some examples of co-operatives in Singapore are:

  • National Trades Union Congress Co-operative (NTUC)
  • The Singapore Island Country Club (SICC) Co-operative
  • Singapore National Co-operative Federation (SNCF)
  • NTUC FairPrice Co-operative Ltd
  • Punggol North CSC Co-operative

How can you join a co-operative?

To join a co-operative, you need to fulfill certain eligibility criteria as per the co-operative's rules and regulations. Typically, you would need to fill up a membership application form and pay a nominal membership fee. Once your application is approved, you become a member-owner and are eligible to participate in the co-operative's activities and decision-making processes.


Co-operatives are a unique business model that offers members many benefits such as democratic control, not-for-profit operations, and collaborative efforts. SNCF plays a vital role in supporting the growth and development of co-operatives in Singapore. By joining a co-operative, you can contribute and benefit from a community-driven and socially responsible business model.

Welcome to Singapore National Co-operative Federation (SNCF), an organization committed to promoting the co-operative movement in Singapore and worldwide. Our mission is to empower individuals and communities with the co-operative spirit through education, collaboration, and innovation. With a history dating back to 1980, we have become a trusted partner of more than 70 co-operatives across various sectors.

We believe that co-operatives are a unique and sustainable way to address social and economic challenges, offering benefits to members and the wider community. By pooling resources and working together, co-operatives can create economic opportunities and improve the well-being of their members. SNCF strives to support co-operatives in achieving these goals and to advocate for their relevance in Singapore's evolving landscape.

One of SNCF's core activities is providing education and training to current and potential co-operative members. We offer a wide range of workshops and courses covering the fundamentals of co-operatives, governance, management, and financial management. Our aim is to equip co-operative members with the skills and knowledge necessary to run successful and sustainable co-operatives.

SNCF also fosters collaboration between co-operatives in Singapore and beyond. We organize events and networking opportunities where co-op leaders can share ideas, experience, and best practices. Through these channels, co-operatives can learn from each other's successes and challenges, and build partnerships that support their growth and development.

In addition, SNCF works closely with the government and other stakeholders to promote co-operatives as a valuable alternative to traditional business models. We participate in policy discussions, engage in research and advocacy activities, and support the development of new co-operative initiatives. By working together, we can create a more diverse and resilient economy that benefits all Singaporeans.

SNCF's commitment to innovation is reflected in our efforts to leverage technology to advance co-operatives' reach and impact. We are currently developing a digital platform that will connect co-op members and provide them with access to resources, tools, and information. This platform will also facilitate collaborations between co-operatives and other stakeholders, such as investors, academics, and government agencies.

Our dedication to promoting co-operatives' values and principles extends beyond Singapore's borders. SNCF is an active member of the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA), a global organization that represents and serves co-operatives worldwide. Through our membership in the ICA, we collaborate with co-operative movements from different countries on joint initiatives and share expertise and knowledge.

In conclusion, SNCF remains committed to promoting the co-operative movement in Singapore and beyond. We believe in the power of co-operatives as a sustainable and inclusive way to address economic challenges and promote social well-being. As Singapore continues to evolve and face new opportunities and challenges, co-operatives have a vital role to play in shaping its future.

We invite you to learn more about SNCF and the co-operative movement through our website and events. Whether you are a current co-operative member or curious about joining one, we welcome your participation and support. Together, we can build a more equitable and resilient society for all.

What is the Singapore National Co-operative Federation?

The Singapore National Co-operative Federation (SNCF) is a confederation of co-operative societies in Singapore. Its main goal is to promote and develop the co-operative movement in Singapore.

What does SNCF do?

  • SNCF provides assistance to co-operatives in various areas including communication and marketing, training and development, financial management, and information technology.
  • SNCF also represents co-operatives in public and private forums and engages with the government on issues related to the co-operative movement.
  • SNCF organises events and activities to promote the co-operative movement and raise public awareness about co-operatives in Singapore.

Who can be a member of SNCF?

Any co-operative society registered under the Co-operative Societies Act in Singapore can apply to be a member of SNCF. Non-co-operative organisations can also join as associate members.

What are the benefits of joining SNCF?

  • Access to resources and support services provided by SNCF
  • Opportunities to network and collaborate with other co-operative societies in Singapore
  • Representation of co-operatives' interests in public and private forums
  • Participation in events and activities organised by SNCF

People Also Ask About Singapore National Co-operative Federation

1. What is the Singapore National Co-operative Federation (SNCF)?

The Singapore National Co-operative Federation (SNCF) is a national apex body that represents and serves the co-operative movement in Singapore. It was established in 1980 with the aim of promoting and developing the co-operative sector in the country.

2. What are the main objectives of SNCF?

The main objectives of SNCF are:

  • To promote and develop co-operatives as sustainable enterprises.
  • To advocate for the co-operative movement and represent the interests of co-operatives in Singapore.
  • To provide support and services to co-operatives, helping them in their business operations and growth.
  • To foster collaboration and networking among co-operatives locally and internationally.

3. How does SNCF support co-operatives?

SNCF supports co-operatives in various ways:

  1. Providing training and education: SNCF organizes workshops, seminars, and training programs to enhance the skills and knowledge of co-operative members and employees.
  2. Offering advisory services: SNCF provides expert advice on co-operative management, governance, financial matters, and legal issues.
  3. Facilitating networking opportunities: SNCF organizes events and platforms for co-operatives to connect, share experiences, and explore collaborative opportunities.
  4. Advocating for co-operatives: SNCF represents the interests of co-operatives at the national and international levels, promoting their recognition and contributions to society.

4. Can individuals join SNCF?

No, SNCF is an apex body that represents co-operatives rather than individuals. However, individuals can join specific co-operatives in Singapore and benefit from the services and support provided by SNCF through these co-operatives.

5. What are the benefits of joining a co-operative affiliated with SNCF?

By joining a co-operative affiliated with SNCF, individuals can enjoy various benefits:

  • Access to financial services: Co-operatives offer savings, loans, and other financial products to their members.
  • Participation in decision-making: Members have the opportunity to participate in the democratic governance of the co-operative.
  • Support and resources: Co-operatives provide support and resources to their members, including training, education, and networking opportunities.
  • Shared profits: Co-operatives distribute surplus profits to their members based on their contributions or usage of co-operative services.
In conclusion, the Singapore National Co-operative Federation (SNCF) plays a crucial role in promoting and developing the co-operative movement in Singapore. It supports co-operatives through various services, advocating for their interests, and facilitating collaboration among them. While individuals cannot join SNCF directly, they can become members of co-operatives affiliated with SNCF and enjoy the benefits offered by these organizations.