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Unlocking the Latest Singapore to Myanmar Exchange Rate: Get the Best Deals Today

Singapore To Myanmar Exchange Rate

Get the latest Singapore to Myanmar exchange rate. Convert your currency accurately and efficiently for your travels and business transactions.

Singapore and Myanmar are two very different countries with diverse cultures, but they share a close economic relationship. One of the most important aspects of this relationship is the exchange rate between Singaporean and Myanmar currencies.

Have you ever wondered what the current exchange rate is between Singapore and Myanmar? Well, currently, one Singapore dollar is worth around 975 Myanmar kyats. This may not sound like a lot, but it can make a significant difference when it comes to international trade and investment.

If you're planning on doing business in Myanmar or investing in the country, it's essential to keep track of the exchange rate. The rate can fluctuate rapidly, making it crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest changes.

The exchange rate is also essential for tourists visiting Myanmar from Singapore. By knowing the exchange rate, tourists can plan their travel expenses and avoid any unexpected costs. It's always a good idea to research and understand the exchange rate before traveling abroad.

Did you know that Myanmar was once a British colony until gaining independence in 1948? This history has had a significant impact on the country's economy and influenced its relationship with Singapore over the years.

Singapore is known for its efficient and robust economy, while Myanmar is still developing. However, with its rich natural resources and a large, young population, the country has the potential to become a significant player in the region's economy.

Many Singaporean companies are already investing in Myanmar, particularly in the tourism and hospitality industries. With the exchange rate favorable to Singapore, now is the perfect time to invest in this emerging market.

It's important to note that the political situation in Myanmar can affect the exchange rate. With ongoing conflicts and tensions, the rate may become more volatile. However, with sound investment strategies and careful planning, the risks can be minimized.

So, what does the future hold for the exchange rate between Singapore and Myanmar? With both countries continuing to develop their economies and strengthen their relationship, it's likely that the rate will remain stable in the long term. This stability can lead to increased investment opportunities and further economic growth.

To wrap up, keeping an eye on the exchange rate is essential for anyone considering doing business in Myanmar or traveling to the country from Singapore. By understanding the current rate, you can make informed decisions and avoid any unpleasant surprises.

So, whether you're a businessman looking to invest in Myanmar or a tourist planning your next adventure, understanding the exchange rate is vital. With Myanmar's economy poised for growth and Singapore's reputation as a thriving business hub, there has never been a better time to explore this exciting and dynamic relationship.


Singapore is a prosperous city-state that attracts thousands of people every year, especially with its bustling economy and financial sector. On the other side of the border, Myanmar represents an emerging market with plenty of opportunities for investors and entrepreneurs. Naturally, people who travel or do business between the two countries might find themselves wondering about the exchange rate between Singapore dollars (SGD) and Myanmar kyat (MMK). In this article, we will take a closer look at how the exchange rate works and what factors can influence it.

Understanding Exchange Rates

Before we delve into Singapore-Myanmar exchange rate specifically, let’s clarify what exchange rates are and how they work. An exchange rate refers to the value of one country's currency in relation to another country's currency. It determines how much of one currency you can get for a certain amount of another currency. Exchange rates are affected by various economic and political factors such as inflation rates, interest rates, and government policies.

SGD $ to MMK Exchange Rate

Currently, 1 Singapore dollar (SGD) equals approximately 1,019 Myanmar kyats (MMK). However, exchange rates are always fluctuating, and it is essential to keep up with the latest changes if you plan on traveling or investing in Myanmar. Several factors can influence the SGD/MMK exchange rate, including:

Economic Factors

The state of the economy can play a significant role in determining the exchange rate between two currencies. Singapore has a well-developed economy that relies heavily on exports, particularly in the manufacturing and service sectors. On the other hand, Myanmar has only recently opened up to foreign investments, and its economy is still developing. Therefore, the SGD/MMK exchange rate can be influenced by fluctuations in Singapore's GDP growth rate or changes in Myanmar's export policies, among others.

Political Factors

Political events and policies can also impact exchange rates. For example, when the Singaporean government announced the tightening of monetary policy in 2018, meaning higher interest rates, the SGD appreciated against many other currencies. The political climate in Myanmar can also have an effect on the country's currency exchange rate.

Tourist Exchange Rates

If you are traveling to Myanmar as a tourist, you may notice a different exchange rate than the one available through your bank or money changer. This is because tourist exchange rates can come with extra fees or markups, making them less favorable for exchanging large amounts of cash.

Money Changer vs. Bank

When exchanging money between SGD and MMK, you can either visit a money changer or go to a bank. Banks usually offer more favorable exchange rates than money changers due to their lower overheads and regulatory requirements. However, banks may require customers to provide identification and fill out paperwork before exchanging money.


In conclusion, understanding exchange rates and what factors affect them is crucial in making informed decisions when traveling or investing abroad. The SGD/MMK exchange rate may fluctuate based on various economic and political factors, so it is essential to keep track of any changes that may impact your finances. Whether it is exchanging money at a bank or money changer, always compare rates to get the best deal possible. By being aware of the exchange rate and taking advantage of favorable deals, you can make the most of your travels or investments between Singapore and Myanmar.

Singapore To Myanmar Exchange Rate


Singapore and Myanmar are two distinct countries located in Southeast Asia. Both countries have different economies, cultures, and currencies. In this article, we will be comparing the exchange rate between Singapore and Myanmar currencies.

Exchange Rate:

The exchange rate is the value of one currency for the purpose of conversion to another. It is the price that a particular currency can be exchanged for another currency. The exchange rate between Singapore and Myanmar currencies is as follow:
Currencies Exchange Rate
Singapore Dollar (SGD) 1 SGD = 1,033.63 Myanmar Kyats (MMK)
Myanmar Kyat (MMK) 1 MMK = 0.00097 SGD

Keyword: Economy

The economy of Singapore is highly developed and considered one of the most advanced economies in the world. Its economy is known for being a highly open, a business-friendly environment that is stable politically. On the other hand, Myanmar is an emerging economy that has a lot of potential for growth. However, its economy is not as established as Singapore's economy. As a result, Singapore's currency is stronger than Myanmar's currency.

Keyword: Culture

Singapore has a diverse and multicultural society, made up mostly of Chinese, Malay, and Indian heritage. For many years, Singapore has been known for being a melting pot of different cultures. On the other hand, Myanmar's culture is heavily influenced by Buddhism and has its own unique traditions and customs. Despite the differences in culture, both countries have a rich cultural heritage that is worth exploring.

Keyword: Tourism

Singapore is well known for being a popular tourist destination due to its modern architecture, food scene, shopping malls, and iconic landmarks such as Marina Bay Sands and the Merlion. Myanmar, on the other hand, is still relatively unknown in terms of tourism. However, in recent years, there has been an increase in interest in Myanmar's culture and natural beauty, particularly its temples and historic sites.

Keyword: Investment

Many businesses and investors see Singapore as an attractive option for investing because of its highly developed economy and supportive business environment. Whereas, Myanmar can be considered as a high-risk investment destination due to its political instability and lack of infrastructure development. Although Myanmar has a lot of potential for growth, investing in Myanmar can be risky and is recommended only for those who have prior experience in doing business in Southeast Asia.


Overall, Singapore and Myanmar are two different countries with varying economies, cultures, and currencies. While Singapore's currency is stronger than Myanmar's currency, Myanmar has a lot of potential for growth. In terms of tourism, Singapore is more popular but Myanmar is up and coming. Businesses and investors may find Singapore to be a better investment opportunity due to its developed economy and business-friendly environment. However, those willing to take the risk may find that investing in Myanmar could lead to greater rewards in the future.

Singapore to Myanmar Exchange Rate – Everything You Need to Know

When it comes to traveling or doing business overseas, exchange rates play a crucial role in determining how much you pay and receive for a currency. Understanding the exchange rate for any country is significant as it can save you from being ripped off or losing out on potential profits. This article will provide an insight into the Singapore to Myanmar exchange rate and tips on how to get the most value out of your currency exchange transactions.

Understanding Exchange Rates

Exchange rates refer to the price at which one currency can be exchanged for another. They are usually listed in pairs, with the base currency being the first currency pair, and the quote currency being the second currency pair. In the case of Singapore to Myanmar, the base currency is SGD, and the quote currency is MMK.

The Singapore to Myanmar Exchange Rate

As of August 2021, the exchange rate for Singapore dollars (SGD) to Myanmar Kyats (MMK) is 835.61 MMK to 1 SGD. However, exchange rates are continually fluctuating and depend on factors such as political stability, economic outlook, and inflation levels. It’s essential to keep track of exchange rates for any country before exchanging currencies.

Factors Affecting the Singapore to Myanmar Exchange Rate

The exchange rate for any currency tends to fluctuate due to various factors. Some of the key factors affecting the exchange rate for Singapore to Myanmar include:
  • Political and economic stability of both countries
  • Inflation and interest rates
  • Global market trends
  • Government policies and regulations on currency exchange
  • Supply and demand factor

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Currency Exchange

Currency exchange transactions can be costly if not done right. Here are some tips to get the most value out of your exchange when exchanging SGD to MMK.

1. Choose a Credible Money Changer

Choosing a reputable money changer ensures that you will get the best exchange rates and avoid scams. Look for licensed money changers and avoid suspicious places or black market dealers who might offer below-market rates.

2. Time Your Currency Exchange

Exchange rates are continually changing, and the timing of your transaction can significantly impact the value you receive. Check the daily exchange rate chart for Singapore to Myanmar and make your transaction when the rates work in your favor.

3. Bring Cash

While credit and debit cards are commonly used nowadays, bringing cash to exchange can save you transaction fees and foreign currency conversion fees. However, ensure that you keep your cash safe and secure.

4. Avoid Airport Currency Exchanges

Exchange rates at airport currency exchanges tend to be higher than those offered by other money changers. It’s recommended to exchange currencies outside the airport where you will likely get better rates.

5. Negotiate Rates with Money Changers

Some money changers may be willing to offer better rates if you are exchanging significant amounts of money. It’s always worth bargaining and asking for a discount.


It’s essential to understand exchange rates before traveling or doing business in any country. The Singapore to Myanmar exchange rate tends to fluctuate, depending on various factors such as global market trends and political stability. Knowing how to time your transactions and choose a reliable money changer can help you get the most value out of your currency exchange. Keep these tips in mind and make the best use of your money when exchanging SGD to MMK.

Thank you for taking the time to read about the exchange rate between Singapore and Myanmar. As you now know, the two currencies have fluctuated over the years due to various economic and political factors. However, as Singapore continues to strengthen its economy and Myanmar opens up to foreign investment, we can expect the exchange rate to become more stable in the future.

If you are planning a trip to Myanmar, it is advisable to check the exchange rate before exchanging your currency. Consider using a reputable money changer or withdrawing local currency from ATMs to avoid scams. It’s also a good idea to bring some US dollars as a backup, as they are widely accepted in Myanmar.

Meanwhile, if you are a Singaporean looking to invest in Myanmar, keep an eye on the country’s ongoing reforms and economic growth. Be sure to obtain the necessary permits and licenses before conducting any business activities, and seek advice from experienced professionals to ensure compliance with local regulations.

Overall, Singapore and Myanmar have unique economic landscapes and opportunities. By staying informed and making wise financial decisions, you can reap the benefits of both countries’ growth and progress.

We hope that this article has been informative and helpful to you. Do come back to our blog for more useful insights and updates on Singapore and Myanmar. Thank you!

Below are some common questions people ask about the Singapore to Myanmar exchange rate:

  1. What is the current exchange rate for Singapore dollars to Myanmar kyat?
  2. The current exchange rate fluctuates daily, but as of [insert date], 1 Singapore dollar is equivalent to [insert amount] Myanmar kyat.

  3. Where can I find the most accurate exchange rate for Singapore to Myanmar currency?
  4. You can check the current exchange rates at your local bank or foreign exchange center. You can also find up-to-date rates online through various financial news websites or currency conversion apps.

  5. Is it better to exchange money in Singapore or Myanmar?
  6. It's generally better to exchange money in Myanmar as you'll get a better rate compared to exchanging Singapore dollars in Singapore. However, it's always best to compare rates and fees from different sources before making a decision.

  7. What is the easiest way to exchange money in Myanmar?
  8. Money changers are widely available in major cities like Yangon and Mandalay. You can also exchange money at banks and hotels, but be aware that their rates may not be as favorable.

  9. Are there any currency restrictions when traveling between Singapore and Myanmar?
  10. As of [insert date], there are no currency restrictions imposed by either country on the amount of Singapore dollars or Myanmar kyat you can bring in or take out. However, it's always best to check with your airline and local authorities for any updates or changes to these regulations.

People Also Ask about Singapore to Myanmar Exchange Rate

1. What is the current exchange rate between Singapore and Myanmar?

The current exchange rate between Singapore (SGD) and Myanmar (MMK) varies and is subject to fluctuations in the foreign exchange market. It is recommended to check with reputable financial institutions or currency exchange services for the most up-to-date rates.

2. Where can I find the best exchange rate for Singapore to Myanmar currency conversion?

To find the best exchange rate for Singapore to Myanmar currency conversion, it is advisable to compare rates offered by various banks, authorized money changers, or online currency exchange platforms. These sources often provide competitive rates and allow you to choose the most favorable one.

3. Are there any fees or charges associated with exchanging Singapore Dollars to Myanmar Kyat?

Yes, when exchanging Singapore Dollars (SGD) to Myanmar Kyat (MMK), there might be fees or charges involved. Banks and currency exchange services typically apply a commission or transaction fee for their services. It is crucial to inquire about any fees beforehand to make an informed decision.

4. Can I exchange Singapore Dollars to Myanmar Kyat in Myanmar itself?

Yes, it is possible to exchange Singapore Dollars to Myanmar Kyat in Myanmar. However, it is recommended to bring some Myanmar Kyat with you before traveling to ensure immediate access to local currency. Currency exchange services can be found at airports, banks, hotels, and authorized money changers in major cities.

5. Should I exchange all my Singapore Dollars to Myanmar Kyat at once?

It depends on your travel plans and personal preferences. Exchanging a small amount of Singapore Dollars to Myanmar Kyat initially is advisable for immediate expenses upon arrival. However, it is generally more beneficial to exchange larger sums at once to minimize transaction fees and potential exchange rate fluctuations.

6. Can I use credit cards or debit cards in Myanmar instead of exchanging currency?

While credit cards and debit cards are becoming more accepted in tourist areas and upscale establishments in Myanmar, they may not be widely accepted in smaller shops, local markets, or rural areas. It is recommended to carry a sufficient amount of local currency for convenience and to avoid any inconveniences.

7. Is it better to exchange money at the airport or in the city when arriving in Myanmar?

Generally, exchanging a small amount of currency at the airport upon arrival is convenient for immediate expenses. However, rates at airports may not be as competitive as those offered in the city. If time permits, it is advisable to compare rates and fees at multiple currency exchange services in the city for a potentially better deal.


When it comes to Singapore to Myanmar exchange rates, it is essential to stay informed about the current rates and compare various sources to find the best deal. Being aware of any associated fees or charges and planning your currency exchange ahead of time can help ensure a smooth financial experience during your travels to Myanmar.