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Convert with ease: 1 Euro to Singapore Dollar exchange rate and currency conversion guide

1 Euro To Singapore Dollar

Get the latest exchange rate of 1 Euro to Singapore Dollar. Stay updated with the current currency conversion for your travel or business needs.

1 Euro to Singapore Dollar: What You Need to Know

Are you planning a trip to Singapore? Or, are you looking to make an international money transfer to someone in Singapore? Either way, understanding the exchange rate between the euro and the Singapore dollar is crucial.

In recent years, the euro has been a popular currency for international trade and travel. However, it's always important to keep an eye on the exchange rates and their fluctuations.

So, what is the current rate for 1 euro to Singapore dollar? As of [insert date], 1 euro is equivalent to [insert amount] Singapore dollars.

This may seem like a small difference, but for larger transactions, every cent counts. Saving just a few cents per euro can add up to significant savings overall.

It's also worth noting that exchange rates are constantly changing. While the rate may be one amount today, it could be different tomorrow. This is why it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest exchange rates if you're making a large international transaction.

If you're looking to exchange euros for Singapore dollars, there are a few options available to you. One option is to use a foreign exchange company, which can often offer competitive rates and low fees.

Another option is to use your bank or credit card issuer. However, it's important to check what fees and exchange rates they offer, as they may not always be the most cost-effective option.

When exchanging currencies, it's also important to consider any additional fees or charges that may apply. For example, some companies may charge a commission fee or a flat rate for each transaction.

So, what should you do if you need to exchange euros for Singapore dollars? First, do your research and compare rates from different companies to find the best deal. Then, consider any additional fees that may apply.

Remember, the exchange rate between currencies is constantly changing, so it's important to stay up-to-date and remain vigilant when making international transactions.

In conclusion, understanding the exchange rate for 1 euro to Singapore dollar is important if you're traveling or making international transactions. Make sure to compare rates and consider any additional fees before making a decision. And always stay aware of the latest exchange rate fluctuations to get the best deal.


Exchange rates are a crucial aspect of international trade and foreign investments. The Euro is the official currency used in European Union countries, while the Singapore Dollar is the legal tender used in Singapore. In this article, we will explore the concept of 1 Euro to Singapore Dollar exchange rate and its importance in global trade.

The Dynamics of Exchange Rates

Exchange rates refer to the value of one currency in terms of another. It is determined by the market forces of demand and supply, as well as economic factors such as inflation rates, interest rates, and geopolitical events. For instance, if the demand for Euro rises relative to the Singapore Dollar, the Euro will be worth more in comparison to the Singapore Dollar.

The flexibility of exchange rates allows countries to adjust their currency values according to the market conditions, which can influence their exports, imports, and economic growth. Therefore, exchange rates play a critical role in shaping international trade relationships.

Historical Trends of Euro to Singapore Dollar Exchange Rate

The Euro to Singapore Dollar exchange rate has been fluctuating over the years. As of September 2021, one Euro is equivalent to about 1.61 Singapore Dollars. This reflects a slight depreciation of the Euro's value compared to the Singapore Dollar since the start of the year.

In recent times, the Euro has experienced periods of both appreciation and depreciation against the Singapore Dollar. For instance, in July 2020, one Euro was valued at about 1.58 Singapore Dollars, while in August of the same year, it exchanged for around 1.65 Singapore Dollars. Such variations in exchange rates can significantly affect export and import prices, investment returns, and financial flows between countries.

Why Does Exchange Rate Matter?

Exchange rates matter because they can impact different aspects of the national economy, such as inflation, interest rates, trade balances, and economic growth. For instance, a country that has a stronger currency would have lower inflation rates, as it can import goods at a lower price. On the other hand, countries with weaker currencies tend to have higher inflation rates as imported goods become more expensive.

In addition, exchange rates affect the cost of borrowing and lending in the foreign market. When a country's currency is strong, its borrowing rates might be low since lenders perceive it as a safe investment option. Conversely, countries with weaker currencies may face higher borrowing costs due to the perceived risk of lending to them.

Implications of Euro to Singapore Dollar Exchange Rate

The Euro to Singapore Dollar exchange rate has several implications for traders, investors, and policymakers. For traders, the exchange rate affects the prices of imported goods or services from Europe. If the exchange rate is high, imports will be more expensive, and consumers may opt for local substitutes. Similarly, if the exchange rate is low, imports become cheaper, and demand increases, leading to higher imports.

For investors, fluctuations in the exchange rates can affect investment returns in both direct and indirect ways. For example, a European investor who invested money in Singaporean stocks or bonds would earn a lower return if the Euro depreciated against the Singapore Dollar.

For policy-makers, exchange rates have implications on a country's economic performance. Countries can intervene in the foreign exchange market to manage their exchange rates, such as by selling or buying their currency. Such interventions are often used to stabilize exchange rates, enhance trade balances, or boost the competitiveness of domestic exporters.


The Euro-Singapore Dollar exchange rate is one of the critical foreign exchange rates used in global trade. It reflects the relative strength of the European and Singaporean economies, which affects their trading relationships. As we have discussed in this article, exchange rates can have several implications for traders, investors, and policymakers. Therefore, staying informed about exchange rates can help countries make well-informed decisions regarding investment, trade, and monetary policy.

Euro vs Singapore Dollar: A Comparison

Euro and Singapore Dollar are two of the most popular currencies in the world, with millions of people using them for regular transactions. As currency exchange rates fluctuate often, it is important to know the current exchange rate before making any transaction or investment using these currencies.

Current Exchange Rate

As of August 2021, 1 Euro equals approximately 1.59 Singapore dollars. This means that for every 1 Euro you spend in Singapore, you can get roughly 1.59 SGD in return.

This exchange rate can vary depending on various factors such as political stability, economic growth, inflation, and other global events.

Historical Comparison

Over the past decade, the Euro has fluctuated against the Singapore Dollar. In 2011, 1 Euro was worth around 1.82 Singapore dollars, which gradually fell to around 1.57 Singapore dollars by 2015. It then rose to around 1.69 Singapore dollars by 2018, before falling back down to its current rate of roughly 1.59 dollars.

This fluctuation can be attributed to various factors such as economic growth, market stability, and political situations in both Europe and Singapore.

Impact on Travel

For tourists travelling from Europe to Singapore, the current exchange rate means that their Euros can buy them more Singapore dollars than before. This means that they can enjoy a better exchange rate and get more value for their money when travelling, shopping, and dining in Singapore.

Similarly, for tourists travelling from Singapore to Europe, the current exchange rate can also benefit them, as they can get more Euros for their SGD. This can give them more spending power when travelling to European countries.

Impact on Business

The exchange rate between the Euro and Singapore dollar has a significant impact on businesses that trade between countries. For example, if a business from Europe exports goods to Singapore, it may earn more Singapore dollars due to a higher exchange rate, while a Singaporean business exporting to Europe will earn fewer Euros with a lower exchange rate.

This can affect their profit margins and overall revenue. Businesses must, therefore, pay close attention to currency exchange rates and make informed decisions when making international transactions.

Investment Opportunities

The difference in exchange rates between the Euro and Singapore dollar can also create investment opportunities for those who want to invest in foreign currencies.

For example, if an investor believes that the Euro will increase in value against the Singapore dollar, they may purchase Euros at a lower exchange rate and sell them once the exchange rate rises. This can result in significant profits for investors who make informed decisions based on market analyses and predictions.


The exchange rate between the Euro and Singapore dollar can have various impacts on travel, business, and investment. Knowing the current exchange rate and keeping up with any fluctuations can help individuals and businesses make informed decisions when making transactions involving these currencies.

It is recommended to consult with financial advisors or use online currency exchange platforms to get the best deals when converting currencies.

Euro (€) Singapore dollar (SGD)
1 1.59
10 15.88
50 79.38
100 158.76

1 Euro to Singapore Dollar Exchange Rate: A Comprehensive Guide for Travellers

Planning to visit Singapore soon? You’ll need to know how much your Euros will be worth in Singapore Dollars. While exchange rates can fluctuate, having an idea of the current rates will help you budget your expenses. In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide on how to convert 1 Euro to Singapore Dollar.

Checking Currency Exchange Rates Online

The easiest way to check the current Euro to Singapore Dollar exchange rate is to use an online currency converter. You can use websites such as XE, OANDA, or Google’s currency converter. These websites offer real-time currency exchange rates and are easy to use.

Using Cash or Credit Card?

Before you travel, it’s important to decide whether you’ll be using cash or your credit card. If you’re planning to use cash, you’ll need to exchange your Euros for Singapore Dollars before arriving in Singapore. This can be done at any currency exchange office or bank.If you prefer using your credit card, be aware that most credit cards charge a foreign transaction fee for purchases made overseas. Check with your bank to see if they offer a credit card with no foreign transaction fees.

Exchange Rates at Currency Exchange Offices

Currency exchange offices are located at airports, hotels, and popular tourist areas. However, be aware that these places generally offer poor exchange rates and charge high commissions. It’s always better to exchange your money at a bank or an ATM.

ATMs in Singapore

ATMs are readily available in Singapore, and most accept international debit cards. Keep in mind that some banks charge a foreign transaction fee, which can add up. It’s best to check with your bank beforehand to see if they have any partnerships with local banks that offer fee-free withdrawals.

Using a Currency Exchange App

There are many currency exchange apps available that allow you to convert your Euros to Singapore Dollars. Some of the popular apps include XE Currency, OANDA Currency Converter, and TransferWise. These apps offer real-time exchange rates and allow you to set alerts for when the exchange rate reaches a certain value.

Tips on Getting the Best Exchange Rates

To get the best exchange rate possible, avoid exchanging money at airports or tourist areas. Banks and ATM machines typically offer better rates. Additionally, avoid exchanging large sums of money at once, as exchange rates can fluctuate quickly.

Final Tips

When exchanging your Euros for Singapore Dollars, be sure to ask for smaller denominations. Many local establishments in Singapore do not accept large bills. Also, make sure to keep some cash on hand, as some smaller establishments may only accept cash payments.Lastly, be aware of scams when exchanging your money. Only exchange money at reputable banks, ATMs, or currency exchange offices. Don’t trust people offering “excellent” exchange rates on the street. It’s always better to be safe than sorry when dealing with money.In conclusion, converting 1 Euro to Singapore Dollar is easy and straightforward. By using an online currency converter, ATM machines, or a currency exchange app, you can quickly and safely exchange your money. Keep these tips in mind when travelling to Singapore to ensure a stress-free exchange experience.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article about the exchange rate between the Euro and Singapore Dollar. As you can see, the value of one Euro can fluctuate greatly in relation to the Singapore Dollar, and many factors can influence this exchange rate.

It is important to keep in mind that if you are planning a trip to Singapore or conducting business with companies based in Singapore, it is important to monitor the exchange rates regularly to ensure you are making the most financially sound decisions.

If you are looking to exchange Euros for Singapore Dollars, there are many options available to you. Banks and currency exchange offices are common places to make these transactions, but be sure to do your research on fees and exchange rates to find the best deal.

Additionally, many credit cards offer favorable exchange rates when used overseas, so be sure to check with your credit card issuer before traveling to Singapore.

While it may seem daunting to navigate the complex world of foreign exchange rates, there are many resources available to aid in your understanding of the process. Online resources such as currency conversion websites and financial news outlets can help keep you informed and up-to-date on the latest changes in exchange rates.

It is also important to remember that exchange rates can change rapidly, so it is crucial to stay vigilant and flexible when making financial decisions involving foreign currencies.

Whether you are a seasoned traveler or business professional conducting deals across international borders, knowledge of exchange rates can be a valuable tool in making informed financial decisions.

Thank you again for reading this article about the exchange rate between the Euro and Singapore Dollar. We hope it has provided helpful information and insights into this important topic.

Best of luck to you in all of your financial endeavors!

Here are some common questions people also ask about 1 Euro to Singapore Dollar conversion:

  1. What is the current exchange rate for 1 Euro to Singapore Dollar?

    The current exchange rate may vary depending on the market; however, as of September 10, 2021, 1 Euro is equivalent to approximately 1.6241 Singapore Dollars.

  2. Is it better to exchange Euros to Singapore Dollars in Europe or Singapore?

    It depends on various factors such as the exchange rates, fees, and convenience. Generally, it's recommended to exchange currency in the country you are visiting to avoid double conversion fees and to get a better exchange rate.

  3. Can I use Euros in Singapore?

    Although some places may accept Euros, Singapore's official currency is the Singapore dollar (SGD). It's best to have SGD for cash transactions and use credit cards or debit cards for purchases when possible.

  4. Is Singapore an expensive country to visit?

    Singapore is known to be a relatively expensive country, especially when it comes to accommodation and fine dining. However, there are ways to save money such as opting for budget accommodations and eating at hawker centers, which offer delicious local food at a reasonable price.

People Also Ask About 1 Euro To Singapore Dollar

1. How much is 1 Euro in Singapore Dollars?

As of the latest exchange rates, 1 Euro is equivalent to approximately 1.62 Singapore Dollars.

2. What factors influence the exchange rate between Euro and Singapore Dollar?

The exchange rate between the Euro and Singapore Dollar can be influenced by several factors, including:

  • Economic performance and stability of the Eurozone countries
  • Economic performance and stability of Singapore
  • Inflation rates in both regions
  • Interest rates set by central banks
  • Political events and geopolitical tensions

3. Where can I check the current exchange rate for 1 Euro to Singapore Dollar?

You can check the current exchange rate for 1 Euro to Singapore Dollar on various financial websites, currency exchange platforms, or through your bank's online services. These sources provide real-time exchange rate information that can help you determine the value of your Euros in Singapore Dollars.

4. Is it better to exchange Euros to Singapore Dollars before traveling?

The decision to exchange Euros to Singapore Dollars before traveling depends on several factors:

  1. The current exchange rate: If the exchange rate is favorable, it may be beneficial to exchange some Euros to Singapore Dollars before your trip.
  2. Convenience: Exchanging a small amount of cash before traveling can be helpful for immediate expenses upon arrival.
  3. Exchange fees: Consider the fees charged by banks or currency exchange services. Sometimes, it may be more cost-effective to withdraw cash from ATMs or use a local currency exchange service at your destination.

5. Can I use Euros directly in Singapore?

Euros are not widely accepted as a form of payment in Singapore. The official currency of Singapore is the Singapore Dollar, and it is recommended to exchange your Euros to Singapore Dollars before or upon arrival.

6. Are there any restrictions on exchanging Euros to Singapore Dollars?

There are generally no restrictions on exchanging Euros to Singapore Dollars. However, it is always advisable to check with your bank or currency exchange service provider regarding any specific requirements or limitations.

7. How can I get the best exchange rate for Euros to Singapore Dollars?

To get the best exchange rate for Euros to Singapore Dollars, consider the following tips:

  • Compare exchange rates from different banks and currency exchange services.
  • Avoid exchanging money at airports, as they often offer less favorable rates.
  • Consider using online currency exchange platforms that offer competitive rates.
  • Monitor exchange rate trends and choose a favorable time to make your exchange.
  • Minimize transaction fees by exchanging larger amounts at once instead of multiple small transactions.