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Exploring Bank Rate Singapore to Bangladesh: Understanding the Impact on International Trade and Investments

Bank Rate Singapore To Bangladesh

Bank Rate Singapore To Bangladesh: Get the best exchange rates for Singaporean dollars to Bangladeshi taka at leading banks in Singapore.

Are you planning to transfer money from Singapore to Bangladesh? Are you worried about the bank rates involved in the process? Well, worry no more. In this article, we will discuss all about bank rates for Singapore to Bangladesh transfers.

Firstly, let's talk about the current bank rate situation. As of August 2021, the average exchange rate for 1 SGD to BDT stands at around 59.6 BDT. This rate may vary depending on the bank or remittance service you choose.

Now, let's move on to the different types of bank rates available. There are two main rates involved in a Singapore to Bangladesh transfer - the interbank rate and the retail exchange rate.

The interbank rate is the rate at which banks exchange currencies with each other. It is usually lower than the retail exchange rate and is used for large transactions between financial institutions.

On the other hand, the retail exchange rate is the rate at which banks exchange currencies with their customers. This rate is higher than the interbank rate and includes a markup for the bank's profit.

If you are sending money to Bangladesh, it is recommended to compare the different retail exchange rates offered by banks and remittance services. Look for a service that offers competitive rates and low transaction fees.

Another factor to consider when transferring money from Singapore to Bangladesh is the speed of the transaction. Some banks and remittance services offer instant transfers, while others may take 2-3 business days to process the transfer.

Furthermore, it is important to ensure that the recipient has a valid bank account in Bangladesh to receive the funds. You may also need to provide additional information such as the recipient's name, address, and contact number.

To avoid any surprises or hidden fees, make sure to read the terms and conditions of the bank or remittance service before making a transfer. This will help you understand the fees involved, the exchange rates offered, and any additional requirements.

In conclusion, transferring money from Singapore to Bangladesh can be a smooth process if you choose the right bank or remittance service. Look for competitive exchange rates, low transaction fees, and fast processing times. With the right service, you can ensure that your money reaches its destination safely and quickly.

So, what are you waiting for? Start comparing bank rates and choose the best option for your transfer today!


Bank rate refers to the interest rate at which central banks lend money to commercial banks. It is one of the main tools used by central banks to control inflation or economic growth. In this article, we will discuss Bank Rate Singapore to Bangladesh, its impact and significance.


Bangladesh is a developing Asian country with a population of over 160 million people. The country has been experiencing steady economic growth in recent years, thanks to its vibrant business atmosphere and government policies. Singapore, on the other hand, is a highly developed country situated in Southeast Asia, with a thriving economy and one of the highest standards of living in the world.

Bank Rate in Singapore

Singapore's Monetary Authority has been keeping bank rates stable at around 0.2% for the past few years. This is due to their efforts to maintain economic stability and provide support for the small businesses in their economy.

Bank Rate in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, the central bank- Bangladesh Bank has a policy of using bank rate as a tool for controlling inflation and supporting economic growth. Currently, the bank rate stands at 4.75%, down from 5.75% in 2019. According to reports, this decrease was because of lower inflation rates and stable economic growth in the country.

Impacts of Bank Rate Change

A change in bank rate can have significant impacts on the economy, particularly its monetary policy. For example, a decrease in bank rate results in cheaper borrowing costs for banks, allowing them to lower lending rates and encourage more economic activity. Conversely, an increase in bank rate signifies higher borrowing costs, resulting in decreased economic activity and higher inflation rates.

The Impact on Exchange Rates

Bank rate can also have significant impacts on the exchange rate between two countries. For instance, a higher bank rate in Singapore would mean that the country's currency is worth more; thus, there would be greater demand for it on the global market. As a result, the Singaporean dollar would likely appreciate in value. Conversely, a lower bank rate in Bangladesh could lead to a depreciation of the country's currency against the Singaporean dollar.


Bank rate Singapore to Bangladesh plays a critical role in the monetary policy of both countries. Bank rates influence the cost of borrowing for businesses, which can, in turn, impact their growth and overall economic activity. Changes in bank rate can also have significant impacts on exchange rates and international trade.

Overall, as the two countries continue to strengthen their economic ties, monitoring Bank Rate Singapore to Bangladesh will become increasingly crucial. This may involve close cooperation between the central banks to ensure that policies do not conflict with one another and lead to unintended consequences.


Bank rates are one of the important factors that impact individuals and businesses when borrowing or lending money. The difference in bank rates can directly affect the economy of a country. Therefore, it is essential to compare the bank rates of different countries. In this article, we will discuss the bank rates of Singapore and Bangladesh.

Bank Rate Definition

Before diving deep into the bank rates of Singapore and Bangladesh, let us first understand the definition of bank rate. Bank rate is the percentage at which a central bank lends money to commercial banks. It is also known as the discount rate. The main purpose of bank rates is to control inflation and stabilize the economy.

Singapore Bank Rates

Singapore's monetary policy framework is managed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). As of July 2021, the bank rate in Singapore is 0.25%. This rate has remained unchanged since March 2020 when it was last reviewed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Singapore has an advanced financial system and strong economic growth, which allows for a stable interest rate.

Bangladesh Bank Rates

Bangladesh Bank, the central bank of Bangladesh, manages the monetary policy framework of the country. As of July 2021, the bank rate in Bangladesh is 4.50%. This rate has remained the same since April 2021 as a response to the continuing Covid-19 pandemic. Bangladesh has a lower Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita than Singapore, which may contribute to the higher-interest rate.

Comparison Table

Country Bank Rate (%)
Singapore 0.25
Bangladesh 4.50

Factors Affecting Bank Rates

There are several factors that affect bank rates such as inflation, economic growth, political stability, and global events. In Singapore, the low inflation rate and strong economic growth allow for a stable bank rate. In contrast, Bangladesh has a higher inflation rate, lower economic growth, and political instability which all contribute to the higher bank rate.

Impact on Borrowers

The bank rate plays a significant role in determining the interest rate of loans. In Singapore, the low bank rate allows for lower interest rates on borrowing, making it easier for individuals and businesses to take out loans. In Bangladesh, the higher bank rate results in higher interest rates on borrowing, making it more challenging for individuals and businesses to take out loans.

Impact on Savers

Bank rates also impact the interest rates on savings accounts. In Singapore, the low bank rate results in lower interest rates on savings accounts, which may make it less attractive for people to save money in the bank. In Bangladesh, the higher bank rate results in higher interest rates on savings accounts, making it more attractive for people to save money in the bank.


In conclusion, the bank rates of Singapore and Bangladesh differ mainly due to factors such as inflation, economic growth, and political stability. Singapore's advanced financial system and strong economic growth allow for a stable bank rate, while Bangladesh's lower GDP per capita and political instability contribute to a higher bank rate. These differences in bank rates directly affect the economy and have an impact on individuals and businesses who borrow or save money.

Personal Opinion

In my personal opinion, a stable and low bank rate is beneficial for the economy as it allows individuals and businesses to access credit easily. However, a bank rate that is too low may result in inflation and negatively affect savers. Therefore, it is essential for central banks to strike a balance between economic growth, inflation, and interest rates when determining the bank rate.

Bank Rate Singapore To Bangladesh: Everything You Need to Know

Singapore and Bangladesh share a strong economic relationship, with a growing emphasis on trade and commerce. With the rise of globalization, it has become quite common for people in one country to do business with those in another. As such, knowing the bank rate Singapore to Bangladesh is vital for entrepreneurs, investors, and individuals alike. This article will guide you through everything you need to know about the bank rate from Singapore to Bangladesh.

Understanding Bank Rate

Before we discuss the bank rate from Singapore to Bangladesh specifically, let's first define what bank rates are. Simply put, a bank rate is the interest rate at which a central bank lends money to commercial banks. It is an important tool for monetary policy, as it affects borrowing costs for individuals and businesses, which in turn impacts spending and saving behavior.

The Role of Currency Exchange Rates

Another key factor to consider when discussing the bank rate between Singapore and Bangladesh is the currency exchange rate. This refers to the value of one currency against another. For instance, Singapore dollars (SGD) may be worth a certain amount of Bangladeshi taka (BDT) today, but that value may change tomorrow or next week. As such, the bank rate for transactions between these two countries will be impacted by the exchange rate.

SGD to BDT Bank Rate

As of December 2021, the bank rate from Singapore to Bangladesh is approximately 60.61 BDT to 1 SGD. This means that if you were sending money from Singapore to Bangladesh, you could expect to get around 60 BDT for every 1 SGD exchanged. However, it is important to note that this rate can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the amount being exchanged, market conditions, and fees associated with the transaction.

Factors That Impact Bank Rates

As mentioned, there are various factors that can influence bank rates between countries. Some of these include:

  • Political stability or instability
  • Inflation rates
  • Monetary policies
  • Supply and demand for currency

It is important to keep up-to-date with news and trends related to these factors if you plan to engage in transactions between Singapore and Bangladesh.

Managing Your Bank Rate Transactions

Whether you are sending money to family members in Bangladesh, paying for imports from Singapore, or investing in foreign stocks, it is important to take steps to manage your transactions effectively. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Research reputable financial institutions that offer competitive exchange rates and low fees.
  2. Use online tools to track exchange rates and monitor trends over time.
  3. Be aware of any transaction limits or regulations that may apply to your transfers.
  4. Consider using a foreign exchange specialist to help minimize costs and optimize your bank rate.
  5. Plan ahead and be prepared for potential fluctuations in the exchange rate.


While the bank rate from Singapore to Bangladesh is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to international transactions, it is a crucial factor to consider. By understanding bank rates, currency exchange rates, and the many factors that can impact them, you can better manage your financial transactions and get the most out of your investments.

Welcome to our blog where we will be talking about the Bank Rate Singapore to Bangladesh. Have you ever wondered how much money you would need to send to Bangladesh? Do you wonder about the exchange rate between Singapore and Bangladesh? This article is for you! Here, we will provide you with all the necessary information regarding the Bank rates of Singapore to Bangladesh.

Firstly, let's understand what bank rates are. Bank rates refer to the exchange rates that a bank offers when converting one currency to another. The bank rates depend on various factors such as the market conditions, political situation, economic stability, and many more. Therefore, it is important to know the bank rates before sending money to Bangladesh from Singapore.

Now, let's talk about the current bank rates between Singapore and Bangladesh. Currently, the bank rate for converting Singaporean dollars to Bangladeshi Taka stands at 1 SGD= 58.96 BDT (as of July 2021). Whereas, the bank rate for converting Bangladeshi Taka to Singaporean dollars stands at 1 BDT = 0.017 SGD (as of July 2021).

You should always keep an eye on the bank rates before transferring money to Bangladesh. The rates fluctuate regularly and a slight variation can have a significant impact on the money transferred. Therefore, it is advisable to compare the bank rates across various banks to get the best deal.

If you want to transfer money quickly to Bangladesh, then you may opt for Fast-Track Transfers. Fast-Track Transfers are best suited for those who need to remit money in an emergency or who want faster transfers. However, fast-track transfers come with a higher charge than the regular transactions.

You should also check the transaction fees before moving money from Singapore to Bangladesh. The transaction fees usually vary from bank to bank, so it is important to compare them too.

Furthermore, taking note of the Bangladeshi exchange rate can prove useful when you need to do any purchases while in Bangladesh. You can obtain further clarity on the exchange rates by visiting a local bank or exchange shop.

It is also advisable to know about the various modes of transferring money from Singapore to Bangladesh. Some of the ways are Online Transfers, Bank Drafts, and Wire transfers. Each method has its pros and cons, and choosing the appropriate one largely depends on individual needs and preferences.

Online methods are the most convenient methods of transferring money as they can be done at any time and from any place. Bank drafts are more secure as they are prepaid and cannot be stolen, however, they can take a longer time to reach the recipient. Wire transfers are the quickest method of transferring money. However, they are usually expensive compared to other methods.

To conclude, doing your research on the bank rates is crucial if you want to save money when sending cash to Bangladesh from Singapore. Always remember to compare the bank rates and transaction fees across various banks before selecting the appropriate bank for the transfer. Thank you for reading our blog and we hope it has been helpful! If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave us a comment below. Happy transacting!

People also ask about Bank Rate Singapore to Bangladesh:

  1. What is the current bank rate in Singapore for transferring money to Bangladesh?
    • The current bank rate in Singapore for transferring money to Bangladesh varies from bank to bank. It is best to check with your bank or a foreign exchange provider to get the current rate.

  2. What is the process for transferring money from Singapore to Bangladesh?
    • To transfer money from Singapore to Bangladesh, you will need to have a bank account in both countries. You can then initiate a bank transfer through your Singapore bank to the corresponding bank in Bangladesh. Alternatively, you can use a remittance service provider or a foreign exchange provider to transfer money.

  3. What are the fees associated with transferring money from Singapore to Bangladesh?
    • The fees associated with transferring money from Singapore to Bangladesh vary depending on the method you use. Banks generally charge a flat fee for international transfers, while remittance service providers and foreign exchange providers may charge a percentage of the transfer amount. It is best to compare fees from different providers to find the best deal.

  4. How long does it take to transfer money from Singapore to Bangladesh?
    • The time it takes to transfer money from Singapore to Bangladesh depends on the method you use. Bank transfers can take up to 5 business days, whereas remittance service providers and foreign exchange providers may offer instant or same-day transfers. It is important to check the processing time with your chosen provider before making the transfer.

People Also Ask About Bank Rate Singapore To Bangladesh

1. What is the current bank rate for exchanging Singapore dollars to Bangladeshi taka?

The current bank rate for exchanging Singapore dollars to Bangladeshi taka is subject to fluctuations as it depends on various factors such as market demand, exchange rate policies, and economic conditions of both countries. It is recommended to check with your bank or a reliable foreign exchange provider for the most up-to-date rates.

2. Are there any fees associated with exchanging Singapore dollars to Bangladeshi taka?

Yes, there might be fees associated with exchanging Singapore dollars to Bangladeshi taka. Banks or exchange providers may charge a certain percentage or a fixed fee for currency conversion. Additionally, some institutions may also apply service charges or commissions. It is advisable to inquire about these fees beforehand to have a clear understanding of the total cost involved.

3. Can I exchange Singapore dollars to Bangladeshi taka at any bank in Singapore?

Most banks in Singapore offer foreign currency exchange services, including the conversion of Singapore dollars to Bangladeshi taka. However, it is recommended to check with your specific bank regarding the availability of Bangladeshi taka and any associated requirements or limitations. Some banks may require prior notice or have a minimum amount for currency exchange.

4. What documents are required to exchange Singapore dollars to Bangladeshi taka?

The required documents may vary depending on the bank or exchange provider. Generally, you will need to present your valid identification documents such as a passport or national ID card for verification purposes. Certain banks may also require additional documentation, especially for larger currency exchanges. It is advisable to contact your bank or exchange provider beforehand to ensure you have all the necessary documents.

5. Can I exchange Singapore dollars to Bangladeshi taka at the airport in Singapore?

Yes, currency exchange services are often available at airports in Singapore. However, it is important to note that the rates offered at airport exchange counters may not be as favorable compared to those at banks or specialized foreign exchange providers. Additionally, fees and commissions at airport counters might be higher. If possible, it is advisable to compare rates and fees from different sources before making a decision.

6. Are there any restrictions on the amount of Singapore dollars I can exchange for Bangladeshi taka?

Restrictions on the amount of Singapore dollars that can be exchanged for Bangladeshi taka may vary depending on the bank or exchange provider. Some institutions may have minimum or maximum limits for currency conversion. It is recommended to check with your specific bank or exchange provider regarding any restrictions or limitations on the amount you wish to exchange.

7. Is it better to exchange Singapore dollars to Bangladeshi taka in Singapore or in Bangladesh?

The answer depends on various factors such as current exchange rates, fees, and convenience. It is advisable to compare the rates and fees offered by banks and exchange providers in both Singapore and Bangladesh to determine the most favorable option. Additionally, consider factors like accessibility, security, and local regulations when making a decision.