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Latest Exchange Rate: Singapore Dollar to Philippine Peso - Get the Best Forex Rates Today!

Singapore Rate To Philippine Peso

Get the latest exchange rate of Singapore Dollar to Philippine Peso. Stay updated with the current SGD to PHP conversion for your financial transactions.

You may have heard about the impressive economic growth and stability of Singapore, making it a highly sought-after destination in Asia. But have you ever wondered how much the Singapore rate to Philippine peso is?

Well, for starters, as of August 2021, the exchange rate stands at approximately SGD 1 to PHP 36.16. So, if you're planning to visit Singapore or do business there, it's crucial to keep this in mind.

But why is knowing the exchange rate important? For one, it helps you plan and budget your expenses more effectively. Whether you're converting Singapore dollars to peso for your travel expenses or conducting trade negotiations, understanding the value of money is crucial in making sound decisions.

Furthermore, the exchange rate can also affect various industries, such as import-export businesses and tourism. For instance, the higher the exchange rate, the more expensive Singapore products become for Filipino buyers, while Singaporeans may find imported Philippine goods more affordable.

Recent statistics show that the Singaporean economy has been on the upswing, with a projected GDP growth of 6-7% in 2021. This positive economic outlook, coupled with its strategic location and world-class infrastructure, makes Singapore an attractive investment hub for foreign investors.

So, if you're considering investing in Singapore or doing business there, knowing the exchange rate provides a glimpse of the potential returns or costs involved.

However, it's important to note that exchange rates are constantly fluctuating, affected by various factors such as geopolitical tensions, interest rates, and global economic conditions.

As such, keeping yourself updated on the latest currency movements and trends can help you make better financial decisions. Moreover, partnering with a reputable forex broker or exchange service can provide you with expert advice and access to a wider range of currencies.

Aside from that, learning about exchange rates can also broaden your understanding of global financial systems and markets. It gives insight into how countries interact, trade, and coexist in a connected world economy.

If you're still wondering why knowing the Singapore rate to Philippine peso is significant or how it affects you, consider this: it's like having a map when travelling in an unfamiliar city. By being aware of the routes and landmarks, you can navigate your way around and make the most out of your trip.

In conclusion, understanding exchange rates is essential for anyone doing business, trading, or travelling across borders. Knowing the Singapore rate to Philippine peso is just one aspect of this global financial landscape, but it can make a significant difference in your finances and decision-making process. Stay informed, stay curious, and enjoy the journey.

Singapore Rate To Philippine Peso


Currency exchange is the process of converting one currency into another, depending on the demand and supply of each currency. In today's globalized world, currency exchange plays a vital role in international trade, as it determines the value of goods and services across different nations. Singapore Dollar (SGD) and Philippine Peso (PHP) are two of the most popular currencies in Southeast Asia. Their exchange rate has a significant impact on Singapore-Philippines economic relations.

Historical Background of SGD to PHP exchange rate

The SGD to PHP exchange rate has been fluctuating for many years due to different economic, political and social factors. In January 2011, SGD1 was equivalent to around PHP 32.5. However, by December of the same year, the rate increased to around PHP 34, which means the PHP depreciated against the SGD. The exchange rate continued to fluctuate over the next few years, reaching a peak in September 2013, where SGD1 was equivalent to PHP 39. Since then, the SGD to PHP rate has remained stable, with relatively minor fluctuations.

Factors Affecting the SGD to PHP Exchange Rate

Several factors affect the SGD to PHP exchange rate. These include:

Economic Stability

One of the primary factors that affect the SGD to PHP rate is the economic stability of both countries. When the economy of Singapore remains stable, the SGD will appreciate, leading to an increase in its value relative to the PHP. Conversely, when the Philippine economy becomes unstable, the PHP will depreciate, leading to an increase in its value relative to the SGD.

Mono & Biera Trade

Another factor that affects the SGD to PHP exchange rate is the balance of trade between the two countries. Singapore is a major importer of Philippine goods, particularly agricultural products such as fruits, vegetables and meat. At the same time, Singapore exports electronic gadgets, machinery, and other high-technology products to the Philippines. If Singapore imports much more from the Philippines than it exports, there would be a net outflow of SGD, leading to SGD depreciation.

Political factors

Changes in government policies can also affect the SGD to PHP exchange rate. Political instability in either country can lead to a decrease in investment, which can affect the value of their respective currencies. For example, political unrest in the Philippines can cause foreign investors to withdraw their investments quickly, leading to an instant decrease in demand for PHP, which could cause devaluation of the currency.


The SGD to PHP exchange rate is a significant factor in the economic relationship between Singapore and the Philippines. Economic stability, balance of trade, and political factors are some of the elements that influence the rate. While fluctuations may be inevitable, both countries are committed to strengthening their economic partnership through trade agreements, investment opportunities, and people-to-people exchanges. Understanding the SGD to PHP exchange rate is essential for investors, businessmen, and travelers who are transacting across Singapore and the Philippines.


Singapore and the Philippines are two countries located in Southeast Asia. As countries with different economic conditions and currencies, it is essential to compare their respective exchange rates. This article will focus on comparing the exchange rate of Singapore rate to Philippine peso.

Exchange Rate Overview

The exchange rate between Singapore dollar (SGD) and Philippine peso (PHP) fluctuates daily. As of November 2021, the exchange rate is 28.41 PHP for every 1 SGD. This means that if you have $100 SGD, it can be exchanged for 2,841 PHP.

Economy Overview


Singapore has a highly developed and successful free-market economy. With a GDP of $347.7 billion in 2020, Singapore ranks as the world's fourth-largest financial center as of 2021. The country's economy is heavily reliant on exports, with its top trading partners being China, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the United States.


On the other hand, the Philippines' economy is the 31st largest in the world and relies mainly on remittances from overseas Filipino workers, tourism, and service exports. Its top trading partners include China, Japan, and the United States.

Exchange Rate Comparison

Looking at a historical comparison of the SGD-PHP exchange rate over the past 10 years reveals that SGD has been stronger than PHP for the most part. From 2012 to 2014, 1 SGD was equivalent to around 37 PHP. But since then, the SGD has been maintaining strength, with the exchange rate hovering around 1 SGD to 30 PHP until 2020. Due to the pandemic, the SGD-PHP exchange rate was volatile, and the value of SGD fell to 26 PHP in March 2020. As of November 2021, SGD is valued at 28.41 PHP.

Factors Affecting SGD-PHP Exchange Rate

The SGD-PHP exchange rate varies based on various factors like global market fluctuations, demand and supply conditions, geopolitical events, economic and financial policies, and interest rates. The exchange rate is also affected by the currencies' respective inflation rates, as higher inflation rates would lead to lower currency values.

Pros and Cons of SGD-PHP Currency Exchange


  • If you are visiting Singapore, having a higher SGD value means more purchasing power to buy goods and services in the country.
  • For Filipinos who receive remittances from family members in Singapore, the stronger SGD can lead to more significant amounts of Philippine peso received.


  • For Singaporeans traveling to the Philippines, the weaker PHP may lead to lower purchasing power in the country.
  • For Filipinos working in Singapore, the weaker PHP means their earnings from remittances back home have lower values.


In conclusion, the Singapore dollar is considered stronger than the Philippine peso. However, the SGD-PHP exchange rate fluctuates daily and is influenced by different factors. It will always be useful for people who are traveling or doing business between these two countries to know the current exchange rate.

Welcome to the Ultimate Guide on how to navigate through the conversion of Singaporean dollars (SGD) to Philippine pesos (PHP)! In this article, we will provide you with everything you need to know about SGD to PHP exchange rates and how to make the most out of your finances while completing monetary transactions between the countries.

Understanding the Basics of SGD to PHP Conversion Rates

Before diving deeper, let's take a quick look at the current exchange rate between SGD to PHP. As of this writing, 1 Singaporean dollar is equivalent to 36.1194 Philippine pesos. However, exchange rates are dynamic and can vary depending on various factors including trading relationships between countries, economic stability, and political climate.

What this means is that exchange rates are always fluctuating, so you might find it helpful to keep track of the daily changes in order to make an informed decision. You can do this by checking online currency converters or engaging with forex trading companies.

Tips for Converting SGD to PHP Effectively

Consider Bank Transfers

When transferring money from Singapore to the Philippines, one of the most common methods is by using banks. However, this comes with some charges. Checking beforehand the transaction fees of the bank would be beneficial in order to prepare. Also, consider timing the transfer- banks may change their own exchange rates every day, so be mindful of when you plan to make the transaction.

Look for Forex Exchange Services

If you're looking to convert a significant amount of SGD to PHP, you may want to use forex exchange services. Typically, they offer higher exchange rates compared to banks, and can offer better exchange rates to people who transact in higher amounts. Make sure to compare fees and exchange rates of different forex trading companies in order to ensure that you get the best deals!

Keep Track of Exchange Rates

It's always a good idea to keep an eye out for SGD to PHP exchange rates. You can do this by following reliable websites and news sources, or even using reliable forex trading company's applications that track rates. Keeping tabs on the latest exchange rates can help you save money and avoid getting short-changed during monetary transactions.

Factors Affecting SGD to PHP Exchange Rates

GDP and Economic Growth Rates

Singapore and the Philippines have different economic situations that may affect their exchange rate, exchange of goods and services, and labor migration. Singapore has a higher GDP and economic growth rates compared to the Philippines. This affects the value of their respective currencies - the SGD is more valued than the PHP in international markets. Thus, SGD may be more expensive to acquire than PHP.

Trade Relationships between Singapore and the Philippines

The relationship between the two countries is also relevant and may determine SGD to PHP exchange rates. Given that Singapore is an industrialized country, it relies heavily on trade may lessen the influence of the Singaporean dollar in the Philippine market.

Political Stability and Climate

The political thing plays significant importance in currency power. Political instability or uncertainty may cause a country' currency to depreciate in value. In contrast, political stability may enhance the value of a currency. Excessive foreign investment in the market operates and the corresponding infrastructure development may enter the forecast as well.

Maximizing your SGD to PHP Transactions

Settle on Better Exchange Rates

Before conducting any transaction, make sure to look for the best places that offer friendly exchange rates and fees. It's crucial to do your due diligence because even small differences can accumulate into significant gains or losses.

Plan Your Transactions Accordingly

Planning transactions ahead of time can make a big difference! Transferring SGD to PHP that carries better exchange rates during weekdays. Banks will generally give competitive rates on weekdays and less favorable ones on weekends. Also, plan for the exact amount to transfer- amounts above PHP500,000 are subject to documentary requirements, again each bank may have different regulations.

Be Mindful of Charges and Fees

Be aware of everything including the hidden fees such as transaction fees charged by banks, forex trading companies, money transfer services, and government taxes. Reading the fine print of any transaction is highly recommended!


Hopefully, this guide has given you enough information about SGD to PHP conversion rates. Remember, it is always crucial to check exchange rates in real-time before making any transactions, track online exchange rate calculators, and evaluate factors that may influence these rates - especially if you're transferring larger amounts. By keeping our tips in mind, you'll be able to maximize the value of your SGD whenever you transact them to PHP.

Hello, fellow readers! Thank you for joining me in this informative article discussing the current Singapore rate to Philippine peso. As we all know, many Filipinos travel to Singapore for work or vacation, and it’s essential to know the latest exchange rates to make better financial decisions.

Firstly, let's discuss the current exchange rate as of August 2021. According to, the Singapore dollar to Philippine peso exchange rate is 35.127. Meaning every S$1 is equal to ₱35.13.

If you're planning to visit Singapore soon, you may need to convert your Philippine peso to Singaporean dollars to pay for your expenses. But, before that, let's dive into the factors affecting the exchange rate between these two countries.

One factor that affects the exchange rate is the economic performance of each country. If a country's economy is doing well, its currency will appreciate, leading to a higher exchange rate. In comparison, if a country's economy is not doing well, its currency will depreciate, leading to a lower exchange rate.

Another factor is supply and demand. Like any other markets, the exchange rate works based on supply and demand. When there is a high demand for Singapore dollars, the exchange rate increases, leading to more expensive SGD against PHP.

The political situation in both countries also affects the exchange rate. The government's policies, such as interest rates and other economic regulations, can affect their exchange rates.

Furthermore, exchange rates are volatile, and they change daily or even up to every minute. Hence, it's crucial to keep track of the latest updates using reliable sources.

Now let's discuss how to exchange SGD to PHP safely and conveniently. The most common way to exchange currency is through banks and money exchange centers. However, many scammers may take advantage of this, leading to significant financial losses.

Therefore, it's essential to exchange currencies from reliable sources and authorized dealers. Do research, check reviews, and ask for referrals from people who have recently traveled to avoid scams and unscrupulous individuals.

In conclusion, the exchange rate between Singapore dollars to Philippine peso is essential to every Filipino traveling to Singapore. It's crucial to keep track of the latest updates and choose reliable sources when exchanging currencies. Remember that exchange rates change daily, so be sure to check the latest updates.

Thank you for reading, and I hope this article has given you valuable insights. Happy travels and stay safe!

There are several questions that people commonly ask about the exchange rate between Singapore Dollars and Philippine Pesos. Here are some of them, along with answers:1. How much is 1 Singapore Dollar in Philippine Peso?

As of September 2021, 1 Singapore Dollar is equivalent to approximately 36.042 Philippine Pesos.

2. What factors affect the Singapore Dollar to Philippine Peso exchange rate?

Several factors can impact exchange rates, including economic indicators, political developments, inflation rates, and interest rates. Fluctuations in supply and demand for each currency can also have an impact on the exchange rate.

3. Is it better to exchange SGD to PHP in Singapore or in the Philippines?

The answer to this question may depend on a variety of factors, such as current exchange rates, any fees or commissions associated with exchanging currency, and convenience. It's a good idea to compare exchange rates and fees from different sources to find the best deal.

4. How can I check the current SGD to PHP exchange rate?

You can check current exchange rates online using a currency converter or by checking with your bank or a foreign exchange provider.

5. Can I use Singapore Dollars in the Philippines?

No, Singapore Dollars are not accepted as legal tender in the Philippines. You will need to exchange your SGD into PHP before making purchases or transactions in the country.

People Also Ask about Singapore Dollar (SGD) to Philippine Peso (PHP)

1. What is the exchange rate from Singapore Dollar to Philippine Peso?

The current exchange rate from Singapore Dollar (SGD) to Philippine Peso (PHP) is approximately 1 SGD = 36 PHP. Please note that exchange rates may vary and should be checked with a reliable currency converter or financial institution for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

2. How can I convert Singapore Dollars to Philippine Pesos?

To convert Singapore Dollars to Philippine Pesos, you can either:

  • Visit a local currency exchange center or bank in Singapore or the Philippines to make the conversion in person.
  • Use online currency converters or mobile applications that provide real-time exchange rates to convert your SGD to PHP.

It's important to compare rates and fees offered by different providers to ensure you get the best value for your money.

3. Is it better to exchange SGD to PHP in Singapore or the Philippines?

The decision of whether to exchange SGD to PHP in Singapore or the Philippines depends on various factors, including convenience, exchange rates, and fees.

If you have SGD and plan to visit the Philippines, it might be more convenient to exchange your currency in the Philippines to avoid carrying large amounts of cash during your travel.

However, if you need PHP in Singapore for any reason, it would be more practical to convert your SGD to PHP in Singapore before your trip.

4. Where can I find the best exchange rates for SGD to PHP?

To find the best exchange rates for SGD to PHP, you can:

  • Compare rates offered by different currency exchange centers or banks in Singapore and the Philippines.
  • Check online currency converters or financial websites that provide real-time exchange rate information.
  • Consider using reputable online currency exchange platforms that offer competitive rates and low fees.

Remember to factor in any additional fees or charges that may be associated with the currency conversion.

5. Are there any restrictions on exchanging SGD to PHP?

While there are generally no restrictions on exchanging SGD to PHP, it's always a good idea to check the latest regulations and requirements set by the respective countries' authorities or financial institutions.

Some countries may have specific limits on the amount of foreign currency you can bring in or take out, so it's important to be aware of any such restrictions to avoid any inconvenience or legal issues.

6. Can I use Singapore Dollars in the Philippines?

Singapore Dollars are not commonly accepted as a form of payment in the Philippines. It is advisable to exchange your SGD to PHP before or upon arrival in the Philippines to ensure smooth transactions during your stay.

Most businesses, hotels, and establishments in the Philippines only accept Philippine Pesos as the local currency.

Overall, when dealing with currency exchange, it's essential to stay informed about current exchange rates, compare rates and fees from various providers, and consider convenience and practicality based on your travel needs and destination.