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Unlock Business Opportunities in Singapore with the American Chamber of Commerce: Your Gateway to Success

American Chamber Of Commerce Singapore

The American Chamber of Commerce Singapore promotes and supports US-Singapore business relations, fostering economic growth and collaboration.

The American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore is a non-profit organization created to promote U.S.-Singapore trade and investment. Its members include American companies with operations in Singapore and local companies looking to do business with American counterparts.

Are you an American company looking to expand your business in Asia Pacific? Or a local Singaporean company looking to benefit from trade with the United States?

The AmCham Singapore can help. With over 5,000 members from various industries, AmCham provides an extensive network of connections and resources to help member companies succeed in the region.

But what sets AmCham apart from other business organizations in the region? The answer lies in its unique approach to advocacy.

Unlike other chambers of commerce that primarily focus on networking events and social gatherings, AmCham Singapore places a strong emphasis on advocacy work. By engaging with government officials and policymakers, AmCham works to create a business-friendly environment in Singapore and beyond.

In fact, AmCham Singapore was instrumental in advocating for the U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (FTA), which came into effect in 2004 and has since expanded trade between the two countries.

But AmCham's advocacy work doesn't stop there. The organization also works on issues related to intellectual property rights, financial regulations, and healthcare policies, among others.

And if you're looking for ways to stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends and best practices, AmCham Singapore offers a variety of events and programs throughout the year.

From informative panel discussions on topics such as cybersecurity and innovation to professional development workshops on leadership and communication, there's something for everyone at AmCham.

But don't just take our word for it. According to a recent survey conducted by the Asia-Pacific Council of American Chambers of Commerce, AmCham Singapore was ranked as the top chamber in the region for advocacy work.

So what are you waiting for? Joining AmCham Singapore could be the key to unlocking new business opportunities in Asia Pacific and beyond. Visit their website today to learn more.

In conclusion, for companies looking to expand their business in Asia Pacific, the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore is a must-join organization that provides not only an extensive network of connections and resources but also an effective advocacy program. Its unique approach sets it apart from other organizations, and its work on important issues has made a meaningful impact on the business environment in Singapore and the region as a whole. Joining AmCham Singapore could be the missing piece to a successful expansion strategy in Asia Pacific.

The American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore (AmCham) is a non-profit, non-government organization that aims to foster economic and business ties between the United States and Singapore. Since its establishment in 1973, AmCham has been working tirelessly to promote the interests of American businesses operating in Singapore.


AmCham has a diverse membership base, ranging from individual professionals to multinational corporations. Currently, the organization boasts over 5,000 members from over 700 companies. Members are entitled to various benefits such as access to exclusive events and networking opportunities, discounts on services and products, and advocacy on key policy issues affecting their businesses.


AmCham organizes a wide range of events throughout the year, including debates, panel discussions, and seminars on various topics related to business and economics. Some of the most popular AmCham events include the Annual General Meeting, the Thanksgiving Ball, and the Innovation Summit. These events provide an excellent platform for members to showcase their products and services, network with other business leaders, and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in their industries.


AmCham works closely with the US and Singaporean governments to promote policies that benefit American businesses and the Singaporean economy as a whole. The organization regularly engages in policy discussions and consultations with government officials at all levels to ensure that the business community's voice is heard.


AmCham has several committees dedicated to specific industries and sectors, including healthcare, finance, and technology. These committees bring together like-minded individuals and organizations to share ideas, best practices, and network. They also provide an opportunity for members to work collaboratively on issues that affect their industries.

Corporate Social Responsibility

AmCham believes in giving back to the communities it serves. The organization's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program focuses on initiatives that support education, health, and social welfare. Some of the notable CSR projects carried out by AmCham include the annual charity golf tournament and the student mentorship program.


AmCham has several affiliations with other organizations and chambers of commerce around the world, including the US Chamber of Commerce and the Asia Pacific Council of American Chambers of Commerce. These affiliations allow AmCham members to tap into a wider business network, access new markets and opportunities, and stay abreast of global business trends and developments.


The American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore is a vital organization that plays a crucial role in promoting economic and business ties between the United States and Singapore. Through its diverse membership and various initiatives, AmCham strengthens the relationship between the two countries and support American businesses operating in Singapore. If you're an American business professional or organization looking to expand your operations in Singapore, joining AmCham could be an excellent strategic move.


The American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore (AmCham) is a non-profit organization that supports American companies and business interests in Singapore. The organization was founded in 1973 and has since grown to become one of the largest and most influential business organizations in Singapore. In this article, we will compare the AmCham to other business organizations in Singapore.


AmCham Membership

The AmCham has over 5,000 members from more than 700 companies. Membership is open to American businesses, individuals, and other companies who have an interest in doing business with the United States. To become a member, companies must pay an annual fee.

Singapore Business Federation Membership

The Singapore Business Federation (SBF) is a membership-based organization that represents the interests of Singapore's business community. The SBF has over 25,000 members from various industries and sectors. To become a member, companies must pay an annual fee.


Compared to the SBF, the AmCham has a smaller membership base. However, its focus on American business interests makes it a valuable resource for American companies looking to do business in Singapore or expand their presence in the region.

Networking Opportunities

AmCham Networking Events

The AmCham hosts numerous networking events throughout the year, including luncheons, dinners, and seminars. These events provide members with opportunities to connect with other business professionals and expand their networks.

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry Networking Events

The Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI) also hosts networking events for members. These events are designed to foster relationships between Chinese businesses and Singaporean businesses.


Both the AmCham and SCCCI offer networking opportunities for their members. However, the focus of these events is different. The AmCham's events are geared towards American business interests, while the SCCCI's events are geared towards Chinese business interests.


AmCham Advocacy

The AmCham advocates for American business interests in Singapore. The organization works closely with the U.S. Embassy in Singapore and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to promote policies that are favorable to American businesses operating in Singapore.

Singapore International Chamber of Commerce Advocacy

The Singapore International Chamber of Commerce (SICC) also advocates for the interests of its members. The SICC focuses on promoting Singapore as a hub for international business and works closely with the Singapore government to promote policies that are favorable to businesses.


The AmCham and SICC both advocate for their members. The difference lies in their focus. The AmCham focuses on American business interests, while the SICC focuses on promoting Singapore as a hub for international business.


In conclusion, the AmCham offers unique opportunities for American businesses operating in Singapore or looking to expand into the region. Despite having a smaller membership base compared to other business organizations in Singapore, the AmCham's focus on American business interests makes it a valuable resource for its members. By providing networking opportunities and advocating for favorable policies, the AmCham is an essential part of the American business community in Singapore.

Membership base 5,000+ 25,000+ Unknown Unknown
Focus American business interests Singaporean business interests Chinese business interests International business
Advocacy American businesses operating in Singapore General business community in Singapore Chinese businesses operating in Singapore International businesses operating in Singapore


The American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) Singapore is a non-profit organization founded in 1973. It aims to promote business ties between Singapore and the United States, providing a platform for networking opportunities, business advocacy, and community outreach. As a member-based organization, AmCham Singapore has over 5,000 members representing more than 700 companies.If you're new to Singapore's business landscape or planning to expand your business here, it's worth considering becoming an AmCham Singapore member. This article will guide you on how to make the most of your AmCham membership and highlight some of the benefits that come with it.

Membership Benefits

Joining AmCham Singapore gives you exclusive access to a wide range of services and resources designed to support you and your business. Here are some of the benefits:

Networking and Events

One of the main advantages of becoming an AmCham Singapore member is the plethora of networking opportunities available. The organization holds regular business events, workshops, and seminars that allow members to meet and engage with other business professionals in Singapore from various industries.

Business Advocacy

AmCham Singapore represents the interests of its members by engaging with government agencies and decision-makers on issues related to trade and investment policies. Members can participate in AmCham's policy committees and provide input on policy advocacy efforts.

Community Outreach

AmCham Singapore has an active Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program that allows members to contribute to social causes and give back to the community. Through the CSR program, members can get involved in volunteer activities or support local charities and non-profit organizations.

Access to Resources

As a member, you gain access to AmCham Singapore's extensive online resources, including a membership directory, job board, and library of research reports, white papers, and business guides. You can also benefit from discounts on partnering services like marketing, HR, and event management.

Getting Started

Joining AmCham Singapore is easy and straightforward. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Choose a Membership

AmCham Singapore offers several membership levels to cater to individual and corporate needs. The levels include Individual, Small Business, Corporate, Patron, and Sustaining. Each level has different benefits, fees, and eligibility requirements, so it's important to choose the one that best suits your needs.

Step 2: Fill out Membership Form

Once you've decided on the membership level, head to AmCham Singapore's website and fill out the membership application form. Some of the information required includes your name, email address, company details, and membership level.

Step 3: Submit Payment

The next step is to pay the membership fee, which varies depending on the level of membership selected. You can pay via credit card, bank transfer, or check.

Step 4: Activate Membership

After completing the membership application and paying the fee, your membership will be activated promptly. You can then start enjoying all the benefits that come with being an AmCham Singapore member.

Engaging with the Community

Now that you're a member of AmCham Singapore, it's essential to engage with the community and make the most of the opportunities available. Here are some tips to consider:

Attend Events Regularly

AmCham Singapore holds various events throughout the year, such as networking sessions, panel discussions, and workshops. Attending these events gives you a chance to meet and connect with other members, exchange business ideas and stay up-to-date with industry trends.

Join Committees

AmCham Singapore has several policy committees focusing on different sectors such as telecommunications, healthcare, and financial services. Joining a committee enables you to participate in policy discussions, network with industry peers, and take part in advocacy efforts.

Make Use of Resources

As mentioned earlier, AmCham Singapore offers a wealth of resources, such as job boards, business guides, and research reports. Make sure to utilize these resources regularly and explore ways they can benefit your business.


Becoming an AmCham Singapore member is a smart and strategic move for anyone looking to expand their business in Singapore. The organization provides numerous benefits that help you connect with other professionals, gain insights into the local business environment, and navigate regulatory challenges. By following the tips mentioned above, you can maximize your AmCham Singapore membership and enjoy a more fruitful business journey in Singapore.

Welcome to the website of the American Chamber of Commerce Singapore, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting bilateral trade and investment between Singapore and the United States. Our chamber was established in 1973, and since then we have grown to become a vibrant and dynamic community of more than 5,000 members representing over 700 companies.

As a dues-paying member, you will have exclusive access to a wide range of networking opportunities, business events, and information resources. You will also be able to participate in our advocacy efforts, which aim to shape the policies and regulations affecting the business environment in Singapore and the wider region.

Our chamber is committed to providing value for all our members, regardless of their size or sector. We work hard to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone can connect, learn, and grow. Whether you are a new entrepreneur or an experienced executive, you will find something of value in our programs and services.

One of the key benefits of joining our chamber is the opportunity to connect with other like-minded professionals who share your interest in strengthening the economic ties between Singapore and the US. Our events and activities cover a wide range of sectors, from finance and technology to healthcare and hospitality. You will be able to build valuable relationships with peers and potential partners, and learn from experts in your field.

In addition to our robust event calendar, we offer a variety of other resources to help you stay informed and engaged. Our online member directory is a valuable tool for networking and business development. We also publish a quarterly magazine, which features insights and analysis on the latest trends and issues affecting the business community in Singapore and beyond.

As a member of the American Chamber of Commerce Singapore, you will also have the opportunity to participate in our advocacy efforts. We work closely with the Singaporean government and other stakeholders to provide input on policies and regulations affecting American businesses in Singapore. This includes advocating for fair and open trade policies, streamlined regulations, and a level playing field for all companies operating in Singapore.

Our chamber is also committed to promoting corporate social responsibility and sustainability. We believe that businesses have a crucial role to play in addressing the social and environmental challenges facing our world today. That is why we offer a variety of programs and resources to help our members develop and implement responsible business practices, and contribute to the betterment of society.

In conclusion, the American Chamber of Commerce Singapore is much more than just a professional networking group. We are a community of passionate and committed individuals who are dedicated to advancing the interests of American businesses in Singapore and beyond. Whether you are new to the country or have been here for years, we invite you to join us and become part of our thriving community. We look forward to welcoming you soon!

People Also Ask About American Chamber Of Commerce Singapore:

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about American Chamber of Commerce Singapore:

  1. What is American Chamber of Commerce Singapore?

    The American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore (AmCham) is a non-profit business association that represents the interests of more than 5,000 American and international companies in Singapore.

  2. What does American Chamber of Commerce Singapore do?

    AmCham provides its members with a platform to network, exchange ideas, and participate in events and activities that promote business growth and development in Singapore.

  3. Who can join American Chamber of Commerce Singapore?

    American Chamber of Commerce Singapore is open to all individuals and companies that are interested in furthering trade and investment between the United States and Singapore.

  4. What are the benefits of becoming a member of American Chamber of Commerce Singapore?

    Some of the benefits of becoming a member of AmCham include access to networking events, educational seminars, and business advocacy initiatives. Members also gain exposure to potential clients and partners in the region.

  5. How do I become a member of American Chamber of Commerce Singapore?

    You can become a member of AmCham by filling out an online application form on their website. Membership fees vary depending on the type of membership and company size.

People Also Ask About American Chamber Of Commerce Singapore

1. What is the purpose of the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in Singapore?

The American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore, commonly known as AmCham, is a non-profit business association that aims to promote trade and investment between the United States and Singapore. It serves as a platform for American businesses operating in Singapore and also facilitates networking opportunities among its members.

2. How can I become a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore?

To become a member of AmCham Singapore, you must meet the eligibility criteria set by the organization. Typically, membership is open to companies or individuals with a significant business interest in Singapore or the United States. You can visit their official website and fill out the membership application form to start the process.

3. What benefits do members receive from joining the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore?

Members of AmCham Singapore enjoy various benefits, including access to a wide network of business professionals, industry insights, and policy updates. They can participate in exclusive events, seminars, and workshops organized by AmCham, which provide valuable opportunities for learning, collaboration, and business growth. Members also gain visibility through AmCham's promotional channels and have the chance to contribute to advocacy efforts.

4. Can individuals join the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore, or is it only for companies?

Both companies and individuals can join the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore. While corporate membership is more common, AmCham also offers individual memberships for professionals who are not affiliated with a specific company but still have a vested interest in promoting U.S.-Singapore business relations.

5. How does the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore contribute to the business community?

AmCham Singapore plays a vital role in fostering a vibrant business community by providing a platform for networking, knowledge sharing, and advocacy. It acts as a bridge between American and Singaporean businesses, facilitating collaborations and partnerships. AmCham also actively engages with government agencies and policymakers to advocate for policies that support the interests of its members and promote a favorable business environment.

6. Are there any specific events or initiatives organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore?

Yes, AmCham Singapore organizes a wide range of events and initiatives throughout the year. These include industry-specific seminars, panel discussions, networking sessions, and conferences. They also host high-profile speakers and thought leaders who share their expertise and insights on various topics relevant to the business community. Additionally, AmCham actively supports initiatives related to corporate social responsibility and community engagement.

7. Can non-American individuals or companies benefit from joining the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore?

Absolutely! While the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore primarily focuses on promoting U.S.-Singapore business relations, it welcomes members from all backgrounds. Non-American individuals or companies can benefit from AmCham's extensive network, gain access to valuable resources, and participate in events that facilitate cross-border collaborations and business opportunities.

8. Does the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore provide mentorship or support for startups?

Yes, AmCham Singapore offers support and mentorship programs for startups and entrepreneurs. Through their initiatives and events, they provide valuable guidance, connections, and resources to help startups navigate the business landscape and achieve sustainable growth. AmCham recognizes the importance of fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in the U.S.-Singapore business ecosystem.

9. How can I get in touch with the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore?

You can easily get in touch with the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore by visiting their official website and accessing their contact information. They have dedicated staff who are available to answer any queries or provide further assistance regarding membership, events, or other inquiries you may have.

10. Are there any similar organizations to the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore?

Yes, there are similar organizations to the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore, such as the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce (SICC) and various bilateral business associations representing different countries. These organizations serve as platforms for business networking, advocacy, and promoting international trade and investment.