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Discovering Singapore O&G Dividend: Maximizing Returns on Your Investment

Singapore O&G Dividend

Learn about Singapore O&G Dividend - a leading healthcare provider offering a range of specialized medical services for women and children.

Are you an investor looking for a lucrative opportunity? Have you considered the Singapore O&G dividend?

Singapore O&G Ltd is a medical group that specializes in providing women’s health and pediatric services. With a market capitalization of over $200 million, it is one of the leading healthcare companies in Singapore.

But what makes the Singapore O&G dividend so attractive?

Firstly, the company has a history of consistent dividend payouts. In 2019, it paid out a total dividend of $0.025 per share, representing a yield of 3.6%. This year, it has already announced a dividend of $0.0125 per share for the first half of 2020.

Secondly, the company’s financials are strong. Its revenue has grown steadily over the years, reaching $91.7 million in 2019. Its net profit after tax was $10.8 million in the same year.

But don’t just take our word for it. According to a report by The Motley Fool, Singapore O&G is one of the top dividend stocks in Singapore, with a dividend yield higher than the market average.

Furthermore, Singapore O&G has a diverse range of services, making it less dependent on any one area of healthcare. Its specialties include obstetrics and gynecology, fertility, cancer care, and pediatrics.

This diversification has helped the company weather the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected many healthcare providers around the world. In fact, Singapore O&G reported a net profit of $3.7 million for the first half of 2020, despite the challenging economic conditions.

Investors can also take comfort in the fact that Singapore O&G is led by an experienced and well-respected management team. The company’s founder and chairman, Dr. Lee Keen Whye, has over 20 years of experience in the medical field.

So, what’s the catch?

Like any investment, there are risks involved. The healthcare industry is highly regulated, with changes to government policies and insurance schemes able to have a significant impact on revenue streams.

Furthermore, Singapore O&G operates in a competitive industry, with other healthcare providers vying for market share. There is also the risk of unforeseen events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, which can disrupt business operations.

But for investors looking for a strong dividend stock in a stable industry, Singapore O&G could be the solution they are looking for.

In conclusion, the Singapore O&G dividend is an attractive option for investors seeking a stable, consistent income stream. With strong financials, a diverse range of services, and a respected management team, it is one of the top dividend stocks in Singapore.

Singapore O&G is a healthcare provider in Singapore that specializes in obstetrics and gynaecology. It was founded in 2011 and has since expanded to include pediatrics and dermatology services. The company is listed on the Singapore Exchange and has been paying dividends regularly.

Dividend history

Singapore O&G has been paying dividends since 2016. The company paid an interim dividend of 0.5 cents per share in August 2016, followed by a final dividend of 1 cent per share in March 2017. In 2018, the company paid a total dividend of 1.5 cents per share, with an interim dividend of 0.5 cents per share paid in August 2018 and a final dividend of 1 cent per share paid in March 2019. The dividend payout ratio has been around 50% in recent years.

Financial performance

Singapore O&G has been growing its revenue and profits over the past few years. Revenue increased from $23.8 million in 2016 to $31.7 million in 2018, while net profit grew from $4.3 million to $7.3 million over the same period. The company’s ROE has been above 10% in recent years, indicating good profitability.

Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Singapore O&G's obstetrics and gynaecology segment has been the main contributor to its revenue and profits. The segment provides services such as fertility treatment, prenatal care, delivery and postnatal care. The demand for these services is expected to grow in Singapore, driven by an aging population and rising affluence. Singapore O&G has been expanding its network of clinics to capture this growth, with a total of 14 clinics as of June 2019.

Pediatrics and Dermatology

Singapore O&G's pediatrics and dermatology segments are newer businesses that were launched in 2017 and 2018 respectively. These segments provide services such as general pediatric care, vaccination, allergy testing and treatment, as well as medical and surgical dermatology services. While these segments have yet to contribute much to the company’s revenue and profits, they have growth potential in the long run.


Singapore O&G faces competition from other private healthcare providers in Singapore, such as Thomson Medical Group and Raffles Medical Group. These providers may offer similar services at comparable prices, which could affect Singapore O&G's ability to retain or attract patients. However, Singapore O&G has been differentiating itself by focusing on women’s and children’s healthcare, and by building its reputation through quality and personalized care.


The outlook for Singapore O&G is positive, as the company continues to grow its revenue and profits. The demand for its obstetrics and gynaecology services is expected to grow, driven by demographic trends and rising affluence. Its pediatrics and dermatology segments have also shown promise, and could become significant contributors over time. Singapore O&G's financial position is strong, with no debt and healthy cash reserves. The company should be able to continue paying dividends, although investors should note that dividends are not guaranteed and may fluctuate depending on business conditions and regulatory requirements.


Singapore O&G is a healthcare provider in Singapore that specializes in obstetrics and gynaecology, with newer businesses in pediatrics and dermatology. The company has a history of paying dividends, and its financial performance has been strong. Singapore O&G faces competition from other private healthcare providers in Singapore, but has been differentiating itself through quality and personalized care. The outlook for Singapore O&G is positive, as it continues to grow its revenue and profits. Investors should do their own research and consider their own risk tolerance before investing in this stock.


Singapore O&G is a leading healthcare provider, focusing on Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics and Dermatology. This article compares Singapore O&G's dividend history with its peers in the industry. Dividend payments are important for investors, as they represent tangible returns on their investment. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the dividend policies and practices of companies before investing in them.

Dividend History

Singapore O&G has consistently paid dividends since its listing in 2015. The company's dividend yield has been healthy, hovering between 3% to 4% in the past few years. However, the dividend payout ratio has been relatively low, ranging from 10% to 30%. This suggests that the company has been retaining most of its earnings for reinvestment purposes.

Peer Comparison - Raffles Medical Group

Raffles Medical Group is one of Singapore O&G's closest competitors, with a similar focus on healthcare services. Raffles Medical Group has also paid dividends consistently over the years, with a higher dividend yield of around 4% to 5%. However, the dividend payout ratio has also been low, ranging from 20% to 40%. It is worth noting that Raffles Medical Group has a track record of increasing its dividends over the years, which could be a positive sign for investors.

Peer Comparison - Q&M Dental Group

Q&M Dental Group is another healthcare provider in Singapore, specializing in dental services. Q&M Dental Group has a lower dividend yield compared to Singapore O&G and Raffles Medical Group, at around 2% to 3%. However, the dividend payout ratio has been higher, ranging from 50% to 80%. This suggests that Q&M Dental Group has been paying out a larger portion of its earnings as dividends, which could be attractive to income-seeking investors.

Dividend Policy

Singapore O&G's dividend policy is to pay out at least 30% of its net profit as dividends. The company also considers factors such as cash flow, capital expenditure requirements and future growth plans when determining the dividend payout. This suggests that Singapore O&G prioritizes reinvestment for future growth over immediate dividends, but still aims to provide regular and sustainable dividends to shareholders.

Peer Comparison - Parkway Life REIT

Parkway Life REIT is a real estate investment trust that owns healthcare-related properties, including hospitals and nursing homes. Parkway Life REIT has a high dividend yield of around 4% to 5%, and a relatively low dividend payout ratio of around 70%. This suggests that Parkway Life REIT prioritizes dividend payments over reinvestment for future growth, which could be attractive to income-seeking investors.

Peer Comparison - First REIT

First REIT is another real estate investment trust that owns healthcare-related properties, with a focus on medical facilities in Indonesia. First REIT has a higher dividend yield compared to Parkway Life REIT, at around 6% to 7%. However, the dividend payout ratio has been relatively high, ranging from 90% to 100%. This suggests that First REIT pays out almost all of its earnings as dividends, which could be risky if the company experiences a downturn in its business.


Based on the comparisons with its peers in the industry, it can be seen that Singapore O&G's dividend policy and practices are similar to those of Raffles Medical Group. Both companies prioritize reinvestment for future growth over immediate dividends, while still aiming to provide regular and sustainable dividends to shareholders. Investors who are more focused on capital gains over income may prefer these companies.

On the other hand, Q&M Dental Group, Parkway Life REIT and First REIT have different dividend policies and practices that may appeal to income-seeking investors. Q&M Dental Group pays a higher portion of its earnings as dividends, while Parkway Life REIT and First REIT prioritize dividend payments over reinvestment for future growth. Investors who are more focused on steady and reliable income may prefer these companies.


In conclusion, Singapore O&G has a healthy dividend history and policy, but it may not be the most attractive option for income-seeking investors. Investors should consider their own investment goals and risk tolerance, as well as the dividend policies and practices of various healthcare providers, before making any investment decisions.

Company Dividend Yield Dividend Payout Ratio
Singapore O&G 3-4% 10-30%
Raffles Medical Group 4-5% 20-40%
Q&M Dental Group 2-3% 50-80%
Parkway Life REIT 4-5% 70%
First REIT 6-7% 90-100%

Singapore O&G Dividend: Tips and Tutorial

Investors looking to invest in Singapore’s healthcare sector have several options. One attractive option is the Singapore O&G (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) Limited. This company, which was listed on the SGX Catalist board in 2015, has a robust dividend policy and has paid dividends consistently. In this tutorial article, we will examine everything you need to know about Singapore O&G Dividend.

Understanding Singapore O&G

One of the first things to know about Singapore O&G is that it is a healthcare provider that specializes in obstetrics and gynaecology services. The company was established in 2011 and currently has eight clinics in Singapore. It provides a range of services including pre-natal care, antenatal screening, gynaecological cancer screening, and fertility treatments.

Singapore O&G Dividend Policy

One of the primary reasons to invest in Singapore O&G shares is its dividend policy. The company has consistently paid dividends since 2017. According to its most recent annual report, the company paid out a total of 2.8 Singapore cents per share in dividends for the financial year ended December 31, 2020.

Determinants of Singapore O&G Dividend

Several factors determine the dividend payout for Singapore O&G. These include the company’s earnings, cash flows, and financial position. The board of directors also considers other factors, such as the company’s growth prospects and capital expenditure requirements, before determining the dividend payout.

How to Calculate Singapore O&G Dividend Yield

Dividend yield is an important metric for investors because it measures how much a company pays in dividends relative to its share price. To calculate Singapore O&G’s dividend yield, divide the company’s dividend per share by its share price and multiply by 100.

Risks Associated with Investing in Singapore O&G

As with any investment, there are risks associated with investing in Singapore O&G. These risks include regulatory risks, operational risks, and risks relating to the company’s financial position. It is important to conduct thorough research before investing in the company.

How to Invest in Singapore O&G Shares

Investors can buy Singapore O&G shares through a stockbroker. They can also use online trading platforms such as POEMS or DBS Vickers. Before investing, investors should consider their investment objectives, risk tolerance, and investment horizon.

The Benefits of Investing in Singapore O&G

Investing in Singapore O&G can provide investors with several benefits. The company’s dividend policy makes it an attractive option for income investors. Additionally, the company operates in a growing market, which could provide capital appreciation for investors.


In conclusion, Singapore O&G is an attractive option for investors looking to invest in the healthcare sector. The company’s dividend policy, combined with its growth prospects, makes it an ideal choice for income and growth investors alike. As with any investment, it is important to conduct thorough research before investing in the company.

Greetings to all our esteemed blog visitors! We hope that you found our take on Singapore O&G Dividend insightful and informative. In conclusion, we want to reiterate some of the crucial highlights that will leave you with a better understanding of the subject.

As we previously stated, Singapore O&G Dividend is one of the largest women's and children's health care provider in Singapore specializing mostly in obstetrics and gynecology. The company has shown remarkable growth over the years, a factor that has inspired many investors locally and globally to consider investing in it.

Since the company's initial public offering (IPO) back in June 2015, it has grown tremendously both in size and market value, thus enabling it to offer great dividends to shareholders. Over the last five years, Singapore O&G Dividend has experienced an impressive average growth rate of just over 23% per annum. Consequently, it has become a top pick for dividend-seeking investors.

The most popular investments come in the form of shares, bonds, or units of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that track the dividend index. It's important to note that a dividend constitutes a portion of a company's profit that a shareholder receives. It is given out to investors as a way of sharing profits of a successful company and also to encourage them to keep holding on to their investment.

Singapore O&G Dividend has over the years developed a culture of rewarding its shareholders. The business financial strength alone allows it to distribute yearly dividends at a rate of 80-100% of earnings per share. As an investor in Singapore O&G Dividend, it means that you can consistently expect high dividend yields year in, year out.

Additionally, the company has invested in innovative tools and systems that have enabled doctors to perform complex medical procedures with more precision and speed. This unique selling point has enabled Singapore O&G Dividend to offer better customer service while expanding its market share.

As a socially responsible corporate entity, the company has developed strong corporate governance practices that have translated into consistently high rankings by independent rating agencies. These ratings are always available to interested parties and can help investors to make better financial decisions.

In summary, it's safe to say that Singapore O&G Dividend is an interesting investment option for both new and seasoned investors in search of dividends. The company has a great track record of rewarding shareholders consistently, hence making it a stable income-generating investment opportunity.

Thank you for taking your time to read our blog! We hope that you found it insightful and helpful in making sound investment decisions. We look forward to engaging with you more in the future.

People Also Ask About Singapore O&G Dividend:

  1. What is Singapore O&G dividend?
    • Singapore O&G Dividend is the portion of profits distributed to shareholders.
  2. How often does Singapore O&G pay dividends?
    • Singapore O&G pays dividends twice a year, usually in June and December.
  3. What is the dividend yield for Singapore O&G?
    • The dividend yield for Singapore O&G varies depending on the share price and dividend payout. As of August 2021, the dividend yield is 3.27%.
  4. How is the dividend payout calculated for Singapore O&G?
    • The dividend payout for Singapore O&G is calculated based on the company's profits and the number of shares outstanding.
  5. What factors can affect the dividend payout for Singapore O&G?
    • Factors that can affect the dividend payout for Singapore O&G include the company's profitability, cash flow, financial obligations, and future growth plans.

People Also Ask About Singapore O&G Dividend

1. What is the dividend payout policy of Singapore O&G?

Singapore O&G follows a consistent dividend payout policy, aiming to distribute at least 50% of its net profits as dividends to shareholders. This policy ensures that investors can participate in the company's success and enjoy regular income from their investment.

2. How often does Singapore O&G pay dividends?

Singapore O&G pays dividends on a semi-annual basis. Shareholders can expect to receive dividend payouts twice a year, providing them with a regular stream of income from their investment in the company.

3. What is the dividend yield of Singapore O&G?

The dividend yield of Singapore O&G is calculated by dividing the annual dividend per share by the current share price and expressing it as a percentage. As dividend amounts may vary each year, it is recommended to refer to the company's annual reports or financial statements for the most accurate dividend yield information.

4. How are dividend payments determined by Singapore O&G?

The dividend payments of Singapore O&G are determined based on the company's net profits, financial performance, cash flow, and growth prospects. The board of directors assesses these factors and decides on the dividend amount to be distributed to shareholders. It is important to note that dividend payments may fluctuate based on the company's performance and market conditions.

5. Can dividends from Singapore O&G be reinvested?

Yes, shareholders have the option to reinvest their dividends from Singapore O&G through a dividend reinvestment plan (DRP). The DRP allows shareholders to use their dividend payouts to purchase additional shares of the company, thus increasing their ownership in Singapore O&G without incurring additional transaction costs.

6. Are dividends from Singapore O&G taxable?

Dividends received from Singapore O&G are generally subject to taxation. However, the tax treatment of dividends may vary depending on the individual's tax residency and jurisdiction. It is advisable to consult with a tax professional or refer to the local tax regulations for accurate information regarding the taxation of dividends.

In conclusion,

Singapore O&G follows a consistent dividend payout policy, paying dividends semi-annually and aiming to distribute at least 50% of its net profits to shareholders. The dividend payments are determined based on various factors such as financial performance and growth prospects. Shareholders also have the option to reinvest their dividends through a DRP. However, it is important to consider the tax implications of receiving dividends, which may vary depending on individual circumstances and local tax regulations.