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Top Part-Time Internship Opportunities in Singapore 2021 | Boost Your Career withFlexible Work Hours

Part Time Internship Singapore 2021

Looking for a part-time internship in Singapore? Explore exciting opportunities for 2021 and gain valuable experience in your desired field. Apply now!

Are you a student looking for valuable work experience while still pursuing your studies? Are you interested in finding part-time internships in Singapore? Look no further as we bring you the latest Part-Time Internship Singapore 2021!

According to recent statistics, more and more students are choosing part-time internships to gain practical knowledge and skills in their field of study while still attending classes. In fact, over 60% of Singaporean students have participated in at least one internship program before they graduate.

Not only do internships offer valuable work experience, but they also provide networking opportunities with professionals in the industry. By taking advantage of these connections, students can gain an edge when it comes to job applications after graduation.

However, finding a suitable internship program can be challenging, leaving many students feeling overwhelmed and lost. This is where Part-Time Internship Singapore 2021 comes in.

With a wide range of industries and positions available, this platform offers students the opportunity to find an internship that fits their individual needs and interests. From business to engineering, and even social services, there is something for everyone.

Transitioning from classroom learning to real-world experience can be daunting, but rest assured, many flexible part-time internships are available to fit within your schedule.

Participating in a well-organized internship can not only assist students in their current academic endeavors but also equip them for their future careers. Especially for those who aspire to be entrepreneurs, an internship can offer valuable insights and critical skills in areas such as finance and marketing.

Part-Time Internship Singapore 2021 connects students with employers who are committed to providing meaningful experiences that will help students grow and succeed. In addition, students can expect guidance, feedback, and mentorship from industry experts.

If you are still unsure about whether a part-time internship is right for you, consider the benefits it could potentially provide. By participating in an internship, you can expand your network beyond what is available in the academic setting, build more advanced skill sets and refine your career goals.

With no downside and numerous advantages, there is no reason not to take advantage of the valuable opportunities that Part-Time Internship Singapore 2021 has to offer. Do not miss out on this chance to enhance your academic and career prospects.

In conclusion, Part-Time Internship Singapore 2021 is an excellent opportunity for students to gain practical experience in their respective fields, connect with industry professionals and improve their employability after graduation. What are you waiting for? Register with Part-Time Internship Singapore 2021 today and start your journey towards success!

Getting a part-time internship in Singapore in 2021 can be an excellent way to gain some valuable work experience, especially for students or fresh graduates who do not have any prior experience. It is a great opportunity to get practical exposure, develop professional skills, and build a network of contacts that could help you in your future career.

What is a Part-Time Internship?

A part-time internship is a work-based learning experience that allows students or workers to gain hands-on experience in their respective fields while still completing their studies or working other jobs. Unlike full-time internships, part-time internships usually require fewer weekly hours, ranging from 10-30 hours per week, depending on the job's nature and availability.

Benefits of a Part-Time Internship in Singapore

Enrolling in a part-time internship in Singapore has several benefits that could set you up for success. One of the biggest benefits is gaining real-life work experience, which could enhance your resume and make you stand out among other job applicants. You also get to learn new skills, work on exciting projects, and gain industry insights that could accelerate your professional growth.

Additionally, you improve your chances of securing a full-time position with the company you are interning for or another firm in the same industry, especially if you exceed expectations. You also get to expand your professional network by interacting with different people in your chosen field, including mentors, supervisors, colleagues, and potential employers.

How to Find a Part-Time Internship in Singapore 2021

Finding a part-time internship in Singapore is no easy task, especially during these challenging times. Nevertheless, several platforms and resources could help you secure your dream internship, including:

  • Career offices at your school or university
  • Online job portals such as LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor
  • Professional organizations/associations in your field
  • Networking events, career fairs, and industry conferences
  • Referrals from friends, family members, or professors
  • Directly contacting companies you are interested in

Requirements for a Part-Time Internship in Singapore 2021

Most part-time internships in Singapore require applicants to have some basic qualifications and skills, including:

  • Being enrolled in a tertiary institution or having graduated recently
  • Having good communication and interpersonal skills
  • Possessing knowledge or interest in the industry or role you are applying for
  • Familiarity with basic computer and software skills
  • A strong work ethic, willingness to learn, and ability to work in a team

Types of Part-Time Internships Available in Singapore

There are several types of part-time internships available in Singapore, depending on the industry or company you are interested in. Some of the most popular include:

  • Marketing and Communications Internships
  • Finance and Accounting Internships
  • Human Resources Internships
  • IT and Computer Science Internships
  • Engineering Internships
  • Consulting Internships
  • Journalism and Media Internships

The Challenges of a Part-Time Internship in Singapore

While a part-time internship in Singapore has many benefits, it also comes with several challenges that could affect your performance and overall experience. Some of these challenges include:

  • Managing your time effectively between your studies/work and your internship
  • Adjusting to the demands and pace of a working environment, which could be different from your school or university
  • Meeting the expectations and deadlines set by your supervisor or mentor
  • Learning new skills and tools related to your role or industry
  • Working with people who have different backgrounds, beliefs, and working styles

Tips for Succeeding in a Part-Time Internship in Singapore

To maximize your chances of success in a part-time internship, you may want to consider the following tips:

  • Set clear goals and expectations with your supervisor or mentor
  • Be proactive and take initiative in your work
  • Ask questions and seek feedback to improve your performance
  • Keep track of your progress and accomplishments
  • Network and build relationships with colleagues and superiors
  • Communicate effectively and maintain a positive attitude


A part-time internship in Singapore 2021 could be an excellent way to gain practical experience, develop professional skills, and build your network of contacts. While it may come with some challenges, with the right mindset and approach, you can make the most out of this opportunity and set yourself up for success in your future career.

Comparison of Part Time Internship Opportunities in Singapore 2021

Internships are an essential part of any student's career. They provide students with the opportunity to gain experience in a chosen field while working alongside industry professionals. Moreover, it helps develop important skills like teamwork, time management, communication, and problem-solving. In Singapore, many companies offer part-time internships for students to work on during their studies. In this article, we will compare various part-time internship opportunities available in Singapore and give our opinion on each.

Duration of Internship

The duration of internships in Singapore varies depending on the company's policies. Some companies offer full-time internships that last for several months, while others provide students with a part-time internship programme that runs alongside their studies. The benefits of having a part-time internship while studying are that students can hone their skills gradually, without interfering with their academic responsibilities. On the flip side, a full-time internship allows the student to gain more experience within a short period.


While some companies offer unpaid internships, most part-time internships in Singapore come with a stipend or allowance. The amount of compensation varies from company to company. Some companies such as Zalora offer internships with a competitive salary package. Others offer an allowance between $500- $1500 per month. Therefore, it is essential for students to research the stipend provided by different companies. This ensures that they get fair compensation for their time and effort spent working part-time.


The availability of part-time internships in Singapore varies across industries. However, some sectors have more opportunities than others. For instance, the technology sector offers numerous part-time internship opportunities for students in various fields. Companies such as Google and Microsoft are examples of firms that offer internships in software engineering, design, and marketing. Additionally, the finance sector has numerous part-time internship opportunities for students pursuing courses in accounting, banking, and finance.

Training and Mentorship

Another critical factor to consider when selecting a part-time internship is the type of training and mentorship program provided by the company. A good training program ensures that students acquire skills related to their field of study. This helps to enhance the student’s employment chances after graduation. Additionally, an effective mentorship program can help the student develop a network within the industry, which could later lead to potential job offers. Companies like KPMG offer comprehensive on-the-job training and mentorship programs bolstering its credibility among potential candidates.

Mode of Work

The mode of work is another essential aspect to explore when choosing a part-time internship. Different companies have different modes of work, depending on the nature of the job. Students should choose a mode of work that aligns with their availability and schedule. For instance, some companies offer flexible working hours that allow students to work remotely or adjust their work schedules to fit their academic commitments. On the other hand, others offer fixed work hours at the office.

Work environment

The work environment is another vital aspect to consider. Not all students can work effectively in every setting. Some prefer a more casual work environment while others prefer a more formal setup. It is up to the individual to select a work environment where they feel most comfortable and can excel. Students should read about the work environment of various companies before making any decisions to ensure that the work environment suits them.

Networking and Career Advancement

The main reason students undertake part-time internships is to gain experience and jumpstart their careers. A key advantage of completing a part-time internship in Singapore is the opportunity to network. Networking with professionals can help the student learn about potential future job openings, gain insights on industry trends, and develop valuable connections for future referrals. Furthermore, some companies offer advancement opportunities to interns who perform exceptionally well during their internship. For instance, companies like DBS have a graduate associate programme which they leverage to fill their entry-level positions with competent candidates.

Company Reputation

Another important aspect to consider when choosing where to undertake a part-time internship is the reputation of the company. Students should aim to work with reputable companies with good track records. This will enable them to attain quality skills and bolster their resume. Additionally, it will help them stand out from other candidates in a competitive job market.

Internship Content

Finally, students should consider the nature of the work assigned to them during their internship. Some companies may assign menial tasks that do not provide enough hands-on experience while others could have complex tasks that challenge the student to enhance their skills. Students should aim to select an internship program that provides them with a comprehensive skill set related to their chosen field


Part-time internships are an excellent way for students to gain experience in their chosen field while studying. In this comparison of part-time internships in Singapore, we have covered key aspects such as duration, stipend, industry, training & mentorship, mode of work, work environment, networking, career advancement, company reputation, and internship content. It is essential for students to conduct thorough research before applying for a part-time internship to ensure that it aligns with their career goals and aspirations.

Duration of Internshippart-time, full-time
Stipendallowance, salary package
Industrytechnology, finance, accounting, marketing, banking
Training & Mentorshipon-the-job training, mentorship program
Mode of Workremote, fixed hours
Work Environmentcasual, formal
Networking and Career Advancementprofessional network, graduate associate programme
Company Reputationgood track record
Internship Contentskill-set development, hands-on experience

Overall, students should take their time to select a part-time internship that aligns with their interests, skillset, availability, and career aspirations. A well-structured part-time internship program provides students with an opportunity to apply the skills learned in the classroom to real-life situations while gaining valuable on-the-job experience. We hope this comparison of part-time internships in Singapore will help students make informed decisions about which company to join for their part-time internship.


Internships are an essential part of gaining experience and knowledge in any field, especially for undergraduates or fresh graduates. With the growth of the gig economy and the need for work-life balance among employees, part-time internships have become increasingly popular in Singapore. In this article, we will share some tips and guidelines on how to find and succeed in a part-time internship in Singapore in 2021.

Know Your Objectives and Goals

Before starting your search for a part-time internship in Singapore in 2021, it is essential to understand your objectives and goals. Ask yourself, in which industry would you like to work, what specific skills would you like to develop within your time as an intern, and what kind of experience would you like to gain? The answers will help you to evaluate the type of opportunities to apply for and help narrow down your search.

Research Different Opportunities

When searching for a part-time internship, ensure that you research different opportunities and organizations. Check out the company's website, read about its culture and values, and evaluate if it aligns with your objectives or not. Also, consider the location, work hours, and the type of work you will be doing.

Prepare Tightly Written Resumes and Cover Letters

Your resume and cover letter should be straightforward and tightly written, highlighting your relevant skills, past experiences and emphasizing what sets you apart from others. Tailor your resume and cover letter to the position and the organization where you are applying for a part-time internship in Singapore in 2021.

Network with People

Networking can help you access potential opportunities. Build relationships with people in your industry of interest, attend conferences, and seminars, join LinkedIn groups, and participate in online discussions. Also, ask your professors or university's career center if they have any part-time internship leads.

Ace the Interview

Once you receive an interview offer, prepare yourself to ace it. Research about the company, practice common questions, bring a list of questions that you would like to ask and dress appropriately. Be confident, articulate, and concise during the interview, and do not hesitate to follow up after the interview.

Manage Your Time and Expectations

Part-time internships require excellent time management skills. They allow you to gain valuable experience while also fulfilling other commitments, such as schoolwork, family obligations, or part-time jobs. However, remember that your time as an intern is limited, so be realistic about your expectations, set goals, and strive to achieve them.

Be Open to Learning and Feedback

Apart from gaining work experience, learning and getting feedback is one of the primary reasons for joining a part-time internship in Singapore. Being open to learning, asking questions, and accepting feedback from your mentors and supervisors can help you improve your skills and knowledge, boost your performance, and enhance your employability.

Build Meaningful Relationships with Colleagues and Superiors

Establishing positive relationships with colleagues and superiors can help you build a strong professional network and secure future job opportunities. You could attend social events or organize after-work activities, show interest in people's work, and ask for advice or mentorship when needed.

Learn to Adapt and Improvise

A part-time internship in Singapore can offer unique experiences and challenges. Being adaptable and being able to improvise can help you overcome unexpected situations, learn new things, and showcase your ability to handle pressure and ambiguity.


Part-time internships are an excellent way to gain practical skills, network with professionals, and enhance your employability. In Singapore, part-time internships opportunities are abundant and varied, so make sure you do research for a job that aligns with your objectives and goals. Follow the tips mentioned above, be proactive in your search for part-time internships, and be prepared to embrace new experiences and challenges that come with it.

Thank you for visiting our blog about Part Time Internship Singapore 2021. We hope that this article has been informative and beneficial to you in your search for a part-time internship opportunity in Singapore. As the job market continues to evolve, an internship is one way to gain hands-on experience and advance your career prospects.

We have explored various aspects of part-time internships in Singapore, from understanding the benefits of a part-time internship to the eligibility and application requirements for international students. We also discussed the different industries that offer such opportunities, ranging from healthcare to finance to technology and more.

With the insights gleaned from our research and discussions, we hope that you are better prepared to approach your search process in a more informed and focused manner. Remember to tailor your applications to each employer's needs and align them with your interests and career goals. Be proactive in networking and seeking out opportunities to enhance your skills and knowledge.

It is worth mentioning that the pandemic has significantly impacted the job market, and many companies are looking for ways to adapt and thrive. Therefore, it might also be helpful to be open-minded about the type of internship you wish to pursue and consider expanding your options beyond your initial preferences.

Finally, if you are seeking further guidance or resources on part-time internships in Singapore, we recommend that you visit the websites of some of the organisations and associations mentioned in this article. They have a wealth of information and offer valuable insights into the specific industries and roles that you may be interested in pursuing.

We wish you all the best as you embark on your job search journey and hope that you will find a fulfilling and worthwhile part-time internship in Singapore in 2021. Don't give up on your dreams, and continue to hone your skills, develop your talents, and build your network. Your perseverance will pay off in due time.

  • What are the benefits of doing a part-time internship in Singapore?
    • Gain valuable work experience without disrupting studies or work schedule.
    • Opportunity to acquire new skills and enhance existing ones.
    • Networking opportunities and exposure to the industry.
    • Possible conversion to full-time position upon completion.
  • What industries offer part-time internships in Singapore?
    • Marketing and advertising
    • Human resources
    • Finance and accounting
    • IT and technology
    • Engineering
  • How long does a part-time internship in Singapore usually last?
    • Part-time internships can range from 3 to 6 months depending on the industry and company.
  • Is it mandatory for companies in Singapore to pay part-time interns?
    • No, there is no legal requirement for companies to pay part-time interns in Singapore. However, some companies do offer a stipend or allowance to cover expenses.
  • What is the eligibility criteria for a part-time internship in Singapore?
    • Minimum age of 17 years old
    • Enrolled in a tertiary institution or a recent graduate within the past 3 years
    • Valid work pass (for non-Singaporean students)
  • How do I apply for a part-time internship in Singapore?
    • Search for suitable internship opportunities on job portals, company websites, or through networking.
    • Prepare a resume and cover letter highlighting relevant skills and experiences.
    • Submit applications online or via email.
    • Attend interviews and follow-up with thank-you notes.

People Also Ask About Part Time Internship Singapore 2021

What are the benefits of doing a part-time internship in Singapore?

1. Flexibility: A part-time internship allows you to balance your work and personal commitments more effectively, as you can choose the number of hours you work per week.

2. Enhanced skills: By participating in a part-time internship, you can gain practical experience and develop valuable skills that will boost your resume and improve your future career prospects.

3. Networking opportunities: Working in a professional environment enables you to connect with industry professionals, expand your professional network, and potentially open doors for future employment.

4. Industry exposure: A part-time internship exposes you to the real-world challenges and dynamics of your chosen industry, providing you with insights that can't be gained solely through academic study.

5. Personal growth: The experience gained during a part-time internship helps you build confidence, adaptability, and resilience, which are essential qualities in today's competitive job market.

How can I find part-time internship opportunities in Singapore?

1. Online job portals: Explore popular job portals like Indeed, LinkedIn, and InternSG, where companies often post part-time internship opportunities.

2. University career centers: Check with your university's career center, as they often have information on part-time internships available within their network.

3. Company websites: Visit the websites of companies you're interested in interning with, as many organizations advertise their internship programs directly on their websites.

4. Networking: Tap into your personal and professional networks to inquire about part-time internship opportunities. Attend career fairs, industry events, or join relevant professional groups to connect with potential employers.

5. Social media: Follow companies or organizations on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, as they often post internship opportunities there.

What are the eligibility criteria for a part-time internship in Singapore?

The eligibility criteria for a part-time internship in Singapore may vary depending on the company and industry. Generally, some common requirements include:

1. Enrolled in a recognized educational institution in Singapore or abroad.

2. Valid student pass or work permit, if applicable.

3. Specific academic qualifications or skills related to the internship position.

4. Good communication and interpersonal skills.

5. Ability to commit to the required number of working hours per week.

Can I do a part-time internship while studying full-time in Singapore?

Yes, it is possible to do a part-time internship while studying full-time in Singapore. However, it requires effective time management and balancing priorities between your studies and internship commitments. It's essential to ensure that the workload from both your studies and internship does not negatively impact your academic performance.

Do part-time internships in Singapore typically offer financial compensation?

While some part-time internships in Singapore may offer financial compensation, particularly in industries like finance and technology, it is not guaranteed. Many part-time internships focus on providing valuable learning experiences and skill development rather than monetary compensation. It's important to research and inquire about the compensation policies of specific internships before applying.